Stadt und Text. Interdisziplinäre Analyse symbolischer Strukturen einer nordamerikanischen Vorstadt
Ville et texte. Un analyse interdisciplinaire des structures symboliques d'une banlieue nord-américaine
Géographie culturelle
Auteur(s) et Affiliation(s)
Doktor, Geographisches Institut, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Allemagne
Description :
In Cultural Studies, cities and texts have been looked upon from very different perspectives: the city in the text, texts in the city, and texts about the city. A range of approaches can also be observed in Cultural Geography: literature as a source for geographic information, the symbolic meaning of places described in the text, as well as the geography of the text itself. All these approaches are based upon a general distinction between the text and the city: texts are semiotic structures, where as cities are structured spaces beyond textual reality. In this interdisciplinary perspective, the autor´s try to combine city and text : cities are related to the mental concepts of language. Therefore, language is not only semiotic but it determines reality ; it structures urban space. In order to understand the relationship between city and text, is developed a textgeographic methodology. - (IfL)
Type de document :
Article de monographie
Source :
Geographische Rundschau, issn : 0016-7460, 2007, vol. 59, n°. 7-8, p. 36-42, nombre de pages : 7, Références bibliographiques : 29 ref.
Date :
Editeur :
Pays édition : Allemagne, Braunschweig, Westermann
Langue :
Droits :
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)