Gedächtnis - Kultur - Raum. Zur Indentitätskonstruktion der Roma (Gitanos) in Spanien
Mémoire-Culture-Espace. Sur la construction identitaire des Roms (Gitans) en Espagne
Géographie culturelle
Auteur(s) et Affiliation(s)
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, Allemagne
Description :
The concept of cultural turn in some scienes may be understood as a turn to the processes of construction of social reality from culture and society. The question What is culture ? is not longer focused on but rather the process How is culture evolving ?. In this context knowledge, memorization and memory are the basics for the construction and the characteristic of a cultural identity, which is built from a me - and a we - identity and which is fixed in the collective memory. The collective memory is composed of the communicative and cultural memory, the operation modes of which depend on the level of orality and literality of a society. The importance of the different types of memory for formation and change of culture and cultural identity is analysed for the Gitanos in Spain. - (IfL)
Type de document :
Article de monographie
Source :
Geographische Rundschau, issn : 0016-7460, 2007, vol. 59, n°. 7-8, p. 44-52, nombre de pages : 9, Références bibliographiques : 14 ref.
Date :
Editeur :
Pays édition : Allemagne, Braunschweig, Westermann
Langue :
Droits :
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)
Tous droits réservés © Prodig - Bibliographie Géographique Internationale (BGI)