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Résultats de la recherche (5522 résultats)

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  • Arid geomorphology
  • Thirty years of detailed geomorphological mapping
  • Geomorphological survey and mapping
  • Cartography;Mapping ; Concept ; Geomorphology ; Methodology ; Photointerpretation ; Remote sensing ; Topography
  • The method of geomorphological mapping was adopted in many European and non-European countries, especially over the 1956-1986 period. Yet, mapping methods, especially of compilation of detailed geomorphological maps, still need to be made uniform
  • . Such maps are intended to determine the development of geomorphology and, simultaneously, are of considerable value for rational economic planning purposes.
  • Studies on the geomorphological features of the fluvial plains in Japan focusing the distribution on the geomorphological land classification and its application
  • The geomorphology of the fluvial plain based on the landform order, especially the distribution of intermontane depressions and gorges in the upper reaches. Geomorphological land classification and its application especially for geomorphological
  • Tectonic geomorphology
  • In this review, the A. examines the important developments in tectonic geomorphology at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales and the growing interest of geologists in geomorphology in general, and tectonic geomorphology in particular
  • Coastal geomorphology in The geomorphology of Southern Africa.
  • The littoral zone is one of the most complex geomorphic systems subject to many geomorphological factors, including waves, sediment supply, climate sea levels and tectonics.
  • On the problem of geomorphological prediction in Geomorphological models. Theoretical and empirical aspects.
  • A new approach to forecasting is introduced, based on the concept of process development, i.e. a functional geomorphological forecast which presents in essence a search and analysis of combinations of geographic situations and their evaluation
  • Geomorphological analysis of the Stožecká hornatina (Mountains)
  • Czech Republic ; Geomorphology ; Mountain
  • A complex geomorphological analysis of the relief of Stožecká hornatina Mts (Šumava). The structural relief features and a high number of cryogenous forms give to that territory an original geomorphological character, which is only seldom
  • Perspectives on studies of badland geomorphology in Badland geomorphology and piping.
  • Introduction aux textes rassemblés par R. Bryan et A. Yair dans Geomorphology and piping Résumé des concepts et des résultats récents dans la recherche.
  • Environmental geomorphology in Hungary in Environmental and dynamic geomorphology.
  • The double aim of geomorphology in Hungary (its impact on the main factors of the physical environment and on land use and economy on the one hand and the effects of relief instability and dynamic disequilibria on human activity on the other
  • Perspectives in geomorphology. Papers from the first British-German symposium on geomorphology, University of Würzburg 24 th-29 th september 1979
  • Congrès ; Géographie physique ; Géomorphologie ; Méthodologie ; Symposium on geomorphology, Würzburg, 1979 ; Technique de recherche
  • The 21th anniversary conference of the British Geomorphological Research Group on the problem of large scale geomorphology, London 26-30th March, 1981
  • (Londres, 26-30 mars 1981) ; British Geomorphological Research Group ; Congrès ; Echelle ; Géographie physique ; Géomorphologie ; Royaume-Uni
  • Methodology in geomorphology : traditions and hypocrisy
  • Concept ; Geomorphology ; Methodology ; Research
  • Cartographic aspects of geomorphological maps of polar areas
  • Cold area ; Geomorphology ; Spitsbergen ; Thematic mapping;Thematic cartography
  • Basiese geomorfologie. Basic geomorphology
  • An introduction to the basics of modern systematic geomorphology according to the systems approach.
  • Introduction in Applied geomorphology.
  • Selection of papers presented at the British Geomorphological Research Group's meeting in Birmingham in September 1982.
  • Soil geomorphology―Present dilemmas and future challenges
  • Geomorphology : the research frontier and beyond
  • Chronosequence ; Concept ; Geomorphology ; Model ; Slope ; Soil ; Soil erosion ; Soil properties ; Soil science
  • This paper outlines some of the challenges facing geomorphology and suggests ways in which these problems may be tackled by an approach that integrates pedology and geomorphology.
  • Geomorphology as science : the role of theory
  • Concept ; Geomorphology ; Sciences ; Theory
  • The most useful view of geomorphology as a science is one in which theory is seen as central, but fragile, and in which theory and observation are viewed symbiotically with theory providing the generative force and observation providing a vital
  • policing role. Much of the current debate in geomorphology centers around differences in characteristics of theory, type of scientific arguments, and metaphysical perspectives among investigators working at different temporal scales. Full recognition
  • and understanding of these differences are essential for developing a unified approach to the science of geomorphology.
  • Geomatics ; Geomorphology ; Numerical model
  • The paper presents the concept of digital geomorphology, situated on the boundary between geomorphology and geomatics. The digital geomorphology is characterized by: utilization of digital terrain data, use of modern measurement technologies
  • in the fieldwork, utilization of the main GIS functions in the analysis of geographical data and geostatistical methods in the construction of the digital geomorphological model (DGM). The digital geomorphology opens new investigative research fields, which
  • Arid geomorphology
  • Aeolian features ; Aerosol ; Alluvial cone ; Arid area ; Dune ; Duricrust ; Dust ; Geochronology ; Geomorphology ; Remote sensing
  • 1997 has seen further evidence of the wide variety of issues and approaches impacting studies of the geomorphology of drylands. The dynamic nature of this field of geomorphology is also indicated by the number of special or theme sessions devoted
  • to this speciality at major meetings in 1997, including annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers and the Geological Society of America, as well as the 4th International Conference on Geomorphology in Bologna, Italy.
  • Environmental and dynamic geomorphology.
  • The collection is dedicated to the First International Congress on geomorphology, Manchester, Sept. 1985. Case studies are drawn from Hungary that illustrate the interactions between landforms and other environmental factors, long-term relief
  • evolution, landform typologies and geomorphological mapping. Papers on geomorphological concepts underline the increasing role played by geomorphology in regional and physical planning. (DLO).