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  • The recreational business district: a component of the East London urban morphology
  • Urbanization in a border region: a case study of India's border districts adjoining Pakistan
  • Automotive traffic region types and their distribution in the Kanto District
  • Car ; Honshu ; Japan ; Kanto ; Methodology ; Transport ; Urban area ; Urban traffic
  • This paper aims to consider the type of automotive traffic region centering around each of the cities in the Kanto district and also to examine the distribution of each type in order to clarify the nodal regions of this district. He examined
  • the factors of the change of the distribution of automotive traffic region of this district.―(KA)
  • Creating a personality for downtown : Business Improvement Districts in Milwaukee
  • Entrepreneurship ; Inner city ; Redevelopment ; United States of America ; Urban district ; Urban regeneration ; Urbanism ; Wisconsin
  • Centre-ville ; District économique ; Esprit d'entreprise ; Etats-Unis ; Milwaukee ; Quartier ; Redéploiement ; Régénération urbaine ; Urbanisme ; Wisconsin
  • Etude de cas sur les Districts d'impulsion économique dans le le centre-ville de Milwaukee. Deux tendances sont à noter en matière de revitalisation urbaine : une nouvelle configuration de la relation public-privé dans la gouvernance urbaine
  • , l'impact des Districts pour rendre les villes plus détendues et plus vivables. Rôle central dans la restructuration contemporaine de l'espace urbain.
  • Recent evolution of the Central Business District in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture
  • Business district ; Japan ; Ryukyu ; Urban development ; Urban morphology
  • This paper aims to consider the relationship between recent changes in the central business district of Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, and major socio-economic developments in Okinawa during the post war period. - (KA)
  • Stemming the tide : revitalizing the Central Business District of Cape Town
  • Cape Town ; Centrality ; Inner city ; Redevelopment ; South Africa ; Urban development ; Urban planning ; Urban renewal ; Urban structure
  • Current trends in the Central Business Districts of South African cities are deemed to be problematic by city managers and the business community. A variety of physical planning and policy initiatives instituted to counter current trends
  • and to shore up the Central Business District of Cape Town are explored. Although premature to judge their efficacy, a tentative prognosis is advanced. - (AJC)
  • District Six, Cape Town : an apartheid landscape
  • Apartheid ; Cape Province ; Cape Town ; Ethnic group ; Inner city ; Segregation ; South Africa ; Urban district
  • Les quartiers de plaisirs de nuit construits comme espace social : une étude de cas du district EKIMAE dans la ville de Toyama
  • Cognitive space ; District ; Honshu ; Japan ; Leisure ; Social space ; Town ; Urban area ; Urban district
  • Chûbu ; District ; Espace perçu ; Espace social ; Espace urbain ; Honshū ; Japon ; Loisir ; Quartier ; Toyama ; Ville
  • Cultural landscape ; Historic centre ; Singapore ; Tourism ; Urban development ; Urban district ; Urban geography ; Urban planning ; Urban renewal
  • Exploration du développement thématique du district historique de la Petite Inde de Singapour et des effets socio-spatiaux de ce plan de mise en valeur thématique pour le tourisme.
  • Budapest ; Hungary ; Social geography ; Town ; Urban construction ; Urban district ; Urban geography ; Urban population ; Urban society
  • The paper gives a social geographical analysis of the historical development of Erzsébetváros, an inner-city quarter of Budapest. Erzsébetváros is the smallets and most densely populated districts of the Hungarian capital, where the process of slum
  • Urban infrastructure dynamics : market regulation and the shaping of district energy in UK cities
  • District ; Economic efficiency ; Electricity ; Energy ; Infrastructure ; Liberalisation ; Market regulation ; Regulation ; United Kingdom ; Urban area
  • Chauffage urbain ; District ; Efficacité économique ; Electricité ; Energie ; Espace urbain ; Infrastructure ; Libéralisation ; Royaume-Uni ; Réglementation ; Régulation du marché
  • infrastructure in cities. This study points to significant tensions and misalignments between a regulatory regime designed to promote economic efficiencies in incumbent national infrastructure sectors and the development of district energy systems at the urban
  • Using the example of district energy in a number of UK cities, the article outlines the ways in which the structure of national electricity markets and the activities of the energy regulator influence and shape the development of low-carbon
  • Sustainable forest management and urban pressure in the National Park of Banco (District of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)
  • Afrique - Côte d'Ivoire - Abidjan district - Parc national - Développement durable - Forêt - Gestion de l'environnement
  • The inter-regional migration since the 1970s. A case study of the Chugoku District
  • Employment ; Honshu ; Internal migration ; Japan ; Urban system
  • The pattern of this inter-regional migration is analyzed from the standpoint of the urban system and the spatial scale under the prefecture level. 6 points are indicated as results. - (KA)
  • Central business district or shopping center an American dilemma in Urban development in the USA and Hungary.
  • Managing politics and consumption in business improvement districts : the geographies of political activism on Burlington, Vermont's Church Street Marketplace
  • Consumption ; Organization ; Public space ; United States of America ; Urban administration ; Urban area ; Urban district ; Urban policy ; Urban regeneration ; Vermont
  • Ces districts, qui se forment quand des espaces légalement publics sont placés sous des formes privées et semi-privées d'administration, sont devenus de plus en plus émergents dans les grandes villes. Examen détaillé des pratiques d'activisme
  • politique dans un quartier de Burlington, Vermont, dans un contexte de néolibéralisme : des formes variées de pratiques sont régulées et ordonnées pour maintenir l'environnement thématique propre au district. Cette réorganisation permet de mieux assumer le
  • Urban theory: reworking the division of labor
  • Division of labour ; Social structure ; Social theory ; Town ; Urban district ; Urban policy ; Urban structure ; Urban theory
  • Réflexions de l'A. centrées sur un article de K. Cox publié en 1991 dans la revue Journal of Urban Affairs: questions of abstraction in studies in the new urban politics.
  • Seeking closure : conflict resolution, land restitution, and the inner city redevelopments in District Six, Cape Town
  • Cape Province ; Cape Town ; Conflict ; Inner city ; Land ; Redevelopment ; Segregation ; Societal relations ; South Africa ; Urban district ; Urban planning
  • District Six, an early inner city electoral ward of Cape Town, is an examplar of the history of planning theory and praxis in South Africa. It reflects changes in social and political relations, public and private values, planning policies
  • Espace métis, espace détruit, espace exemplaire : District Six, Cape Town
  • Cape Province ; Cape Town ; Ethnic composition ; Mentality ; South Africa ; Territorial identity ; Urban area ; Urban district ; Urban life ; Urban practice ; Urban society ; Urbanism
  • -apartheid : il est à la fois victime et antithèse de la politique urbaine du Group Areas Act. Aujourd'hui, ce district entretient son souvenir, dans une volonté de purification, de réconciliation et de participation typique de la nouvelle Afrique du Sud.
  • Block, neighbourhood or district ? the importance of geographical scale for area effects on educational attainment
  • District ; Education ; Neighbourhood ; Norway ; Oslo ; Primary education ; School system ; Secondary education ; Urban area ; Young people
  • District ; Education ; Enseignement primaire ; Enseignement secondaire ; Espace urbain ; Jeunes ; Norvège ; Oslo ; Pâté de maisons ; Quartier ; Réussite scolaire ; Système scolaire
  • This study examines adolescent development, with educational attainment as the dependent variable. It further addresses contextual effects that emerge at different intra-urban geographical scales by exploring spatial effects at block, neighbourhood
  • and district level in Oslo, Norway. The results reveal significant effects on the youth's future educational attainment at all geographical levels and for all tested measures of social and demographic area composition. They also show that the highest
  • geographical level (district) has the strongest effect. This surprising result is tentatively interpreted to emerge from a combination of three interwoven mechanisms: the youths' extended activity spaces and social interactions, the institutional aspects
  • The poverty of transition : from industrial district to poor neighbourhood in the city of Nanjing, China
  • China ; Deindustrialization ; Industrial district ; Jiangsu ; Living standard ; Poverty ; Privatisation ; Rural outmigration ; Spatial concentration ; Urban area ; Urban district
  • Chine ; Concentration spatiale ; District industriel ; Désindustrialisation ; Espace urbain ; Exode rural ; Jiangsu ; Nanjing ; Niveau de vie ; Pauvreté ; Privatisation ; Quartier
  • La formation de quartiers pauvres est explicitée sur l'exemple d'un district industriel de banlieue à Nankin (Xiaoshi ou Little Market). L'A. développe la notion d'une pauvreté de transition à la suite d'une industrialisation impulsée par l'Etat. Un