Bilan du trafic sur 65aérodromes d'Afrique Noire en 1975 (rapport ASECNA)
1970-1975 ; Afrique ; Aéroport ; Géographie de l'Afrique ; Trafic aérien ; Transport
Trafic d'ensemble des 65aérodromes et son évolution entre 1970 et 1975, trafic d'ensemble par Etat, trafic local passager, classement des principaux aérodromes pour le trafic global en U. T. (sans le transit), trafic frêt. (OC).
Geograficka struktura dopravy a dopravni strediskovost v CSR. (The geographical structure of traffic and the traffic centrality in the Czech Socialist Republic)
Centralité ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Morava ; Tchécoslovaquie ; Trafic ; Transport ; Transport en commun
An analyse on the basis of mass personal traffic in the CSR using the concept of traffic centre. Four types of local traffic centres were distinguished on the territory of both Moravian administrative regions. (MS).
An approach to dynamic traffic assignment including solution methods
Allocation ; Coût de transport ; Modèle ; Modèle dynamique ; Optimisation ; Trafic ; Transport
Allocation ; Dynamic model ; Model ; Optimization ; Traffic ; Transport ; Transport cost
In the paper, the constraint set of the dynamic traffic assignment problem is qualified first. The qualified constraint set can be applied to any dynamic traffic assignment problem. Then a continuous dynamic system optimum model and a discrete
dynamic system optimum are presented. The model can be applied to dynamic traffic assignment for multiple destination networks.
Automotive traffic region types and their distribution in the Kanto District
Automobile ; Calcul des probabilités ; Espace urbain ; Honshu ; Japon ; Kanto ; Méthodologie ; Répartition du trafic ; Trafic urbain ; Transport
Car ; Honshu ; Japan ; Kanto ; Methodology ; Transport ; Urban area ; Urban traffic
This paper aims to consider the type of automotive traffic region centering around each of the cities in the Kanto district and also to examine the distribution of each type in order to clarify the nodal regions of this district. He examined
the factors of the change of the distribution of automotive traffic region of this district.―(KA)
Regional accessibility of land traffic network in the Yangtze River Delta
Accessibilité ; Chine ; Delta ; Région ; Réseau de transports ; Trafic ferroviaire ; Trafic routier ; Yangtze
Accessibility ; China ; Delta ; Railway traffic ; Region ; Road traffic ; Transport network
Basé sur le réseau de trafic terrestre, les AA. évaluent l'accessibilité régionale présente et future de 16 villes majeures dans le delta du fleuve Yangtze.
Allemagne de l'Ouest ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie des transports ; Trafic ; Transport
Synthèse de la structure du transport et du trafic en Allemagne fédérale. Représentation des conditions structurelles constantes et des changements actuels dans la problématique des transports et du trafic. (HSC).
The deficiency of facilities is the primary cause of traffic congestion, but planning errors, the behaviour of drivers and of the general public, inefficient traffic police and other human factors need also to be considered. (EMS).
Antwerpen ; Belgique ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Port ; Trafic portuaire
Le trafic global se compose de 40% de vracs secs, 22% d'hydrocarbures et 38% de marchandises diverses. Trafic conteneurisé et transit maritime international (e.a. français) restent importants. (MED).
Atmospheric pollution ; Germany ; Planning ; Urban area ; Urban development ; Urban traffic ; Urbanism
Calming down of traffic is a town- and traffic- planning concept which shall serve and conserve the qualities of towns. It must also be an integral component of the concepts to reform the town-traffic as well as to improve the town-space in function
Spatial differentiation of passenger traffic and its determinants in China
Chine ; Disparités régionales ; Environnement économique ; Flux migratoire ; Géographie de l'Asie ; Passagers ; Réseau de transports ; Trafic ; Transport
This paper studies spatial variation of passenger traffic in relation to six factors of population aspect, migration, urbanization, density of transport network, economic environment and socio-political environment.
Vztah sidelni struktury a silnicni dopravy. (The relationship between the settlement structure and the road traffic)
Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie des transports ; Influence ; Peuplement ; Peuplement urbain ; Réseau routier ; Tchécoslovaquie ; Trafic routier ; Transport
Dependence of the road traffic on the settlement in the relationship to the road pattern and on the number of inhabitants living in the town, in the Czech Socialist Republic. (MS).