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  • Geographical terminology of the rural cultural landscape (report on the progress of the international working group for the terminology of the agricultural landscape)
  • Stream power terminology
  • Permafrost terminology
  • The terminology, definition and classification of development axes
  • The wide variety of terminology used in geographical, economic and planning literature to describe what is generally known as a development axis is examined and a basic classification devised. - (AJC)
  • Aspects of the genesis, geomorphology and terminology of palsas : perennial cryogenic mounds
  • Geomorphology ; Palsa ; Periglacial features ; Permafrost ; Pingo ; Snow cover ; Terminology ; Vegetation
  • In this study modern is the landscape typological terminology, which is applied instead of the earlier geomorphological denominations. This new complex terminology, taking into consideration the Hungarian landscape terminology (Pécsi, Jukucs 1972
  • Geographical terminology concerning rural landscape. (Report on the progress of the International Working Group for the terminology of the agricultural landscape)
  • A matter of terminology-Beispiele ans der Kulturlandschaft des arabisch-islamischen Nordafrika A matter of terminology-exemples du paysage agraire au Maghreb
  • Concept ; Geomorphology ; High mountain ; Mountain ; Terminology
  • A contribution to the discussion of the term « high mountains » and the differentiation of high-mountains landscape from other types. The existing misleading terminological shortage could be eliminated by substituting the adjective « high
  • A terminology for pyroclastic deposits in Tephra studies.
  • Tourism terminology and standard definitions
  • Klasifikace a terminologie skrapu. (Classification and Terminology of Karren)
  • The Main and Lateral ranges and the water parting of the Greater Caucasus (terminological problems)
  • Deglaciation ; Fluvioglacial features ; Glacial features ; Glacial tectonics ; Microstructure ; Moraine ; Petrology ; Poland ; Terminology
  • Based on research results obtained in west central Poland, the aim of this paper is to discuss in brief the existing terms and to propose a new terminology. It is oriented towards genetic and petrologic criteria, adapted for unconsolidated deposits
  • , instead of the desciptive and heterogeneous criteria used in current terminological discussions.
  • Geographical information system ; Multidimensional scaling ; Remote sensing ; Scale ; Space time ; Terminology
  • The A. elaborates some terminologies of accepted scaling terms that include : characteristic scale, scale dependance, multiple scale, image spatial resolution, effective resolution element, absolute scale and relative scale. - (DWG)
  • Terminology and lithostratigraphic division of (surficial) sandy eolian deposits in the Netherlands: an evaluation
  • Terminology of long-term geomorphology : a Scandinavian perspective
  • Base level ; Cenozoic ; Erosion surface ; Europe ; Geomorphogenesis ; Geomorphology ; Inheritated geomorphological features ; Mesozoic ; Norway ; Palaeosurface ; Palaeozoic ; Peneplain ; Scandinavia ; Sweden ; Terminology
  • In this paper the terminology used in long-term geomorphology is evaluated. Long-term geomorphology is the study of landforms that are mostly pre-Quaternary, Cenozoic, Mesozoic or even Palaeozoic age. Many terms have been introduced to name the long
  • level surfaces here. Other terms dicussed here relate to relict and preglacial landforms and regional terms for stepped surfaces. Terminology is discussed with particular reference to examples from and its use in Scandinavia. Scandinavia is unique
  • Earth sciences ; Geography ; Geology ; Hungary ; Terminology
  • , terminology should be Hungarianized. - (ZK)
  • Classification ; Creep ; Earth surface processes ; Glacier ; Glacier dynamics ; Glaciology ; Ice ; Mountain ; Permafrost ; Rock glacier ; Talus;Slope scree;Slide rocks ; Terminology
  • This second part of a review deals with the mechanisms of rock glacier formation and flow. The AA. first discuss terminological and classification problems associated with rock glaciers and dynamic nature of rock glaciers. The third part concludes
  • Landscape ; Slovenia ; Terminology ; Typology
  • In general good and after long time of preparation printed Geographical terminological gazetteer (2005) explaines in same manner the three terms of landscape types, two of them are different only in Slovene language (pokrajina and krajina