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  • Racial segregation in Peninsular Malaysian towns
  • 1970 ; Géographie de l'Asie ; Malaisie ; Population urbaine ; Race ; Répartition ; Ségrégation ; Ségrégation raciale ; Ville
  • Recent racial segregation in U.S. SMSAs
  • Agglomération urbaine ; Années 1960-1980 ; Etats-Unis ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Indice de dissimilitude ; SMSA ; Ségrégation ; Ségrégation raciale
  • Sex, color, and geography : racialized relations in Brazil and its predicaments
  • Brésil ; Couleur ; Distribution spatiale ; Etats-Unis ; Etude comparée ; Géographie sociale ; Identité ; Population ; Population indigène ; Race ; Recensement de la population ; Relations raciales ; Sexe
  • Sex and race have significantly affected the trajectories of Brazil's historical geographies and its contemporary racialized relations. Interpretations of gender, race, and color in Brazil have produced distinct racialized relations and diverse
  • color categories in contrast to the rigid binary racial categories (i.e., black–white) traditionally used in the United States. In Brazil, racialized relations have traditionally remained cordial, giving life to the so-called myth of racial democracy
  • , and were not shaped by formal legal boundaries as in the United States; however, racialized relations in Brazil were forged by deeply embedded informal borders—physical and sociocultural—coupled with historical processes, which continue to appear in today's
  • Using a formal model, a data set on Texas high school students, and admission figures from Texas AandM University, the A. demonstrates that under such plans, racial diversity at the university level is dependent on racial segregation at the high
  • school level. Despite the effort to use geographic criteria to achieve racial diversity, there may simply be no adequate proxy for racial identity other than racial identity. Such plans hide the political and social activities that maintain racial
  • Reporting oppression : mapping racial prejudice in Anti-Caste and Fraternity, 1888-1895
  • The paper presents a close reading of the reports of racial oppression that appeared in issues of two periodicals between 1888 and 1895. They created an extensive political geographical imagination by mapping international cases of racial prejudice
  • . The focus upon racial inequality across the United States as well as the British empire enabled it to create a distinctive critique of racial prejudice across the English-speaking world. A framework is developed for debates on racial prejudice that drew
  • together criticisms of labour laws in India, the removal of people from their lands in Southern Africa, the racial segregation of public transport in the USA and the restriction of Chinese labour in Australia.
  • Racial discrimination as a determinant of home improvement loans
  • Amélioration de l'habitat ; Discrimination raciale ; Etats-Unis ; Ghum ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Memphis ; Minorité ethnique ; Noirs ; Prêt ; Quartier noir ; Ségrégation ; Tennessee
  • Une étude des corrélations indique l'existence d'une discrimination raciale à l'égard des populations noires à Memphis, Tennessee, pour l'obtention de prêts destinés à l'amélioration de l'habitat, tout comme il a été prouvé pour l'obtention de prêts
  • Racial residential integration in Bertrams, Johannesburg
  • Examines the degree of racial residential integration in a small area of Johannesburg, as a result of a relaxation of the Group Areas Act. - (AJC)
  • Racial and ethnic price differentials in an urban housing market
  • Boston ; Economie urbaine ; Etats-Unis ; Ethnie ; Ghetto ; Géographie humaine ; Marché du logement ; Massachussetts ; Minorité ; Population urbaine ; Prix ; Structure urbaine ; Ségrégation ; Ségrégation raciale ; Ville
  • Political interpretations of racial segregation in Britain
  • Géographie humaine ; Géographie sociale ; Inégalité raciale ; Minorité ethnique ; Noirs ; Politique du logement ; Politique sociale ; Royaume-Uni ; Ségrégation
  • La réponse des politiques britanniques à la ségrégation n'a pas été depuis la guerre de nature à améliorer les inégalités raciales dans la structure de l'espace résidentiel. Des politiques de ségrégation raciale ont joué un rôle clé dans la non
  • Racial violence and the cosmopolitan city
  • The A. argues that racisms are an immanent and organizing logic manifest in the production of racial heterogeneities and differentiations upon which cosmopolitical visions depend. To develop these claims, the A. opens with a 1907 sketch which
  • depicts Vancouver both as the most cosmopolitan city in the world and as a site of anti-Asian violence. in racially charged colonial Vancouver, the indifference that Europeans expressed in their encounters with Asian migrants erupted into racial enmity
  • Residential Segregation in urbanized areas of the United States in 1970: an analysis of social class and racial differences
  • 1970 ; Banlieue ; Centre-ville ; Classe sociale ; Communauté raciale ; Education ; Etats-Unis ; Ghetto ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Habitat ; Population urbaine ; Profession ; Quartier ; Revenu ; Société urbaine ; Ségrégation ; Ségrégation raciale
  • We found moderate levels of residential segregation of socioeconomic groups. Levels of social class segregation varied little from one urbanized area to another and were about the same in central cities and subsurban rings. Racial residential
  • segregation was much greater than the segregation of social classes within either the black or white communities. The extent of racial residential segregation does not vary by educational attainment, occupation or income.
  • Racial segregation in East London, 1836-1948
  • Racial segregation was instituted at the foundation of East London and modified thereafter. Thus prior to the enactment of the Group Areas Act the city was highly segregated. - (AJC)
  • Racial and ethnic inequality
  • Aux Etats-Unis. Les inégalités raciales dans la population active chez les Américains adultes. La baisse de la ségrégation entre Blancs et Noirs dans un contexte multi-ethnique. La perception de l'aide publique chez les immigrants et les autochtones
  • Industrialization and racial inequality within the American South, 1950-1970 in Metropolitan and regional change in the United States.
  • Causal models are employed to demonstrate how separate threads of southern modernization, such as agricultural consolidation and the expansion of manufacturing, influenced the geography of racial inequality. The differential effects observed suggest
  • The identification and evaluation of racial jerrymandering
  • Administration ; Circonscription électorale ; Cour suprême ; Discrimination raciale ; Découpage ; Election ; Elections législatives ; Etats-Unis ; Gerrymandering ; Géographie humaine ; Géographie politique ; Jurisprudence ; Optimisation
  • The elimination of racially identifiable schools
  • Modèle linéaire pour l'optimisation du ramassage scolaire, afin d'éliminer la ségrégation raciale dans les établissements d'enseignement aux Etats-Unis. Etude des implications sur le district scolaire de Columbus City (Ohio).
  • Canada ; Enquête ; Ethnie ; Femme ; Identité raciale ; Ontario ; Pratique sociale ; Société urbaine ; Théorie sociale ; Toronto
  • The A. examines aspects of the notion of performativity as related to race. She proposes that the experience of mixed race identity can offer opportunities for the performance of racialized identities. Drawing from qualitative interviews, she
  • suggests that some mixed race women put into play racialized performances, demonstrating a desire to create new meanings out of imposed hierarchical and dualistic racial orders.
  • Racial segregation in Johannesburg : the Slums Act 1934-1939
  • Who's to blame for racial segregation