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  • A strategic atlas. Comparative geopolitics of the World's powers.
  • Strategic territory and territorial strategy: the geopolitics of Walvis Bay's reintegration into Namibia
  • Administration ; Colonization ; Conflict ; Enclave ; Geopolitics ; History ; Namibia ; Political geography
  • Discussion of the focus and concerns of critical geopolitical analysis, with reference to the contested enclave of Walvis Bay. The eventual reintegration of Walvis Bay into Namibia in 1994 represents the final episode in a long and bitter liberation
  • Concept ; Geopolitics ; Globalisation ; Oceania ; Pacific Region ; Perception ; Political geography ; View of the world
  • representations. The alternative conceptualisations reveal that those promoted by the major powers were influenced by aspects of geopolitical reasoning. The analysis highlights the strategic nature of spatial representation.
  • The ending of the Cold War and the demise of realism as the dominant discourse of international geopolitics have precipitated new and alternative conceptualisations of space. New images of Oceania have emerged, challenging more orthodox
  • Middle East geopolitical transformation : the disappearance of a shatterbelt
  • Asia ; Conflict ; Geopolitics ; Geostrategy ; Middle East ; Political geography
  • Article suggesting that, as a result of the 1990 Gulf War, the Middle East is now strategically reoriented toward the West. Centrifugal forces that have torn the region apart are fading as a result of migration, capital flows, freshwater allocations
  • A strategic sign : the geopolitical significance of Bosnia in US foreign policy
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Communication ; Conflict ; Foreign policy ; Geopolitics ; Geostrategy ; International relations ; United States of America ; War
  • Concept ; Eurasia ; Geopolitics ; Political geography ; Russia ; Sphere of influence
  • at the same time involving himself in the geopolitical matters of Europe as a whole, most especially those concerning the states between the Baltic, the Adriatic and the Black Sea (Poland included). He is an advocate of the establishment of a strategic axis
  • Civilization ; Cultural studies ; Economic situation ; Energy resources ; Geopolitics ; Iran ; Political regime
  • About Iran we are ready to perceive the strategic role in the geopolitical chessmate of Persian Gulf, the other side in the global economy of the choice in the context of the energetic resource, the fundamentalism, the persistences of arcaic world
  • Architects of empire : the military–strategic studies complex and the Scripting of US national security
  • Activism ; Army ; Critical geography ; Geopolitical strategy ; Geopolitics ; Persian Gulf ; Political geography ; Terrorism ; United States of America
  • . Mais on assiste aussi à l'émergence de mouvements de résistance à la production d'un espace militaire tel qu'il est proposé actuellement par les stratèges militaires américains.
  • Burma ; China ; Foreign policy ; Geopolitics ; International cooperation ; International relations ; Sphere of influence
  • repositioned her relations with China to her best advantage. The juxtaposition of accommodating China’s regional strategic interest and resisting Chinese influence and interference in Myanmar internal affairs, has been a hallmark of Myanmar’s China policy
  • . As long as it recognizes the legitimate strategic interests of China in Myanmar, the Myanmar government will be left to conduct its foreign relations within the context of its non-aligned policy. - (GL)
  • Balkans ; Geopolitics ; Political geography ; Thematic map
  • of political borders and with two spatial-political units: large peripheral and small core areas. They are weak and vulnerable and present a high latent crisis potential. On the other hand, the transport, transit and strategic role of this area is increasing
  • Concept ; Geopolitics ; Social sciences ; Space ; State ; Territorial strategy ; War
  • This article highlights an understudied phenomenon : the relationship between space and war. The relationship between war and space is presented at two main levels, tactical and strategic. It is argued that despite many changes in relations between
  • Activism ; Army ; Colonialism ; Feminism ; Geopolitical strategy ; Geopolitics ; Human rights ; Military base ; Network ; Political geography ; Security ; Social geography ; Social movement ; United States of America
  • communautés vivant près des bases. A partir de l'exemple des îles de Guam, de Porto Rico, d'Okinawa, d'Hawai et de Diego Suarez, il explique que les stratèges militaires se servent de ces lieux hors de toute souveraineté pour mener à bien leurs activités
  • The history and status of geopolitics and the geopolitical strategies of China
  • China ; Concept ; Epistemology ; Geopolitical strategy ; Geopolitics ; Polarization ; Political geography ; Sphere of influence ; World
  • The paper reviews the history of the annihilation, revival and development in geopolitics since the 1970s. The ideas and propositions about the world geopolitical structure proposed by the Western geopolitical strategists, are introduced ans
  • assessed. The AA. propose framework ideas about the strategies of China in the future. Discussions and researches on the strategies are joined, and the subject construction of human geography including geopolitics and political geography is promoted.
  • The geopolitical aftermath of the Gulf War
  • Conflict ; Geopolitics ; Gulf War ; Political geography
  • China ; Cyberspace ; Decision making process ; Geopolitics ; Government policy ; Information ; International agreement ; International relations ; Private space ; Russia ; Security ; United States of America
  • [b1] Center for strategic and international studies, Washington, Etats-Unis
  • Japanese geopolitics and its background. What is the real legacy of the past ?
  • Economic system ; Foreign policy ; Geopolitics ; Ideology ; Imperialism ; Japan ; Political geography ; Sovereignty
  • Japanese geopolitics of the imperialistic era has been severely criticized in post-war Japan. Many intellectuals were closely linked to such questionable geopolitics. From the early part of the 1930s, some intellectuals began to refashion
  • their negative posture and geopolitical thought came to affect policy-making. From the latter half of the 1930s, geopolitics was linked to a traditional concept regarding land. As far as geographers were concerned, their lending of countenance to geopolitics
  • Gender and critical geopolitics: reading security discourse in the new world disorder
  • Feminism ; Geopolitics ; International relations ; Power ; Security ; Theory ; War
  • The A. argues that investigating the gendered assumptions in the study of international relations and forign policy-making, in addition to more explicitly geopolitical reasoning, shows how political spatialisations render women vulnerable.
  • Cold war geopolitics: ambassy locations
  • Geopolitics ; Location ; Political geography ; Teaching of geography
  • Diplomatic ties between countries during the Cold War, 1945-1991, are studied for the world, the USA, the Soviet Union, NATO and Warsaw Pact. With the collapse of the geopolitical arrangements of that era, embassy locations are also changing. - (DWG)
  • Politische Geographie. Handlungsorientierte Ansätze und Critical Geopolitics
  • Géographie politique. Essai axé sur l'action et la critical geopolitics
  • Geopolitics ; Political geography ; Territory ; Theory
  • Les 19 contributions s'intéressent à la géographie politique et à la géopolitique (critical geopolitics, écologie politique, théorie commerciale). Les débats concernant la méthode et la théorie scientifiques se trouvent au premier plan. - (HPB)
  • Geopolitics, cartography and the state in South America
  • Argentina ; Brazil ; Cartographical display ; Foreign policy ; Geopolitics ; International relations ; Political geography ; Power ; Security ; South America ; Sphere of influence
  • Some neglected elements about South American geopolitics are explored in terms of linking this geopolitical field to a critical discussion of cartography, geography and the development of the state of South America. The role and contribution
  • of « critical geopolitics » is discussed. As an intellectual project, it needs to broaden its existing Anglocentric base.