A statistical method for the detection of geographic clustering
Methodology ; Probability ; Spatial analysis ; Spatial autocorrelation ; Statistics ; Test
local statistics. Local statistics for data on a regular grid of cells are first defined by using a Gaussian kernel. Results from integral geometry are used to find the probability that the maximum local statistic exceeds a given critical value.
Chinese statistics : classification systems and data sources
Agriculture ; China ; Classification ; Data ; Data base ; Economy ; Industrial sector ; Industry ; Service ; Statistics
China researchers make frequent use of official Chinese statistics, but these statistics are often not well understood. A second part of the article provides an overview of the wealth of Chinese statistics now available. It points out
the limitations of some of these sources and provides references to a secondary literature that discusses the meaning and quality of particular Chinese statistics.
To offer a more formal approach in line with classical statistical framework, the AA. develop an exact method for computing the p-values of the local Moran's Ii, local Geary's ci, and the modified Ord and Getis G statistics based
, but also puts the tests of several local statistics within a unified statistical framework.
This paper assesses the utility of statistical models by examining methodological issues associated with empirical analysis of hydraulic and channel geometry relationships. It also describes and presents examples of advanced statistical models
A distribution-free statistical method for the spatial characterization of dune granulometry : an example from the Strzelecki Desert, South Australia
Aeolian features ; Australia ; Barchan ; Desert ; Dune ; Grain size distribution ; Sedimentology ; South Australia ; Statistical distribution ; Statistics
This technical communication discusses the manner in which spatial granulometric differences for barchan dunes can be confidently and accurately identified using non-parametric statistical methods.
Geographical information system ; Historical geography ; Honshu ; Internet ; Japan ; Regional analysis ; Spatial statistics ; Statistics
This paper introduces an internet GIS for historical regional statistics developed by the Laboratory of Spatial Information Science, Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba. The paper discusses the objectives
of this project, the available data, its scope and features, and some of the prospects and challenges as an online geospatial database facility of historical statistics of Japan since the Meiji period.