Conscience écologique ; Déchet ; Environnement ; Information ; Perception de l'environnement ; Protection de la nature ; Relation société-environnement ; Slovénie
the environment is a precondition for awareness, and it seems that in Slovenia in the last decade people’s informedness about environment and sustainable living has increased. People are expressing greater inclination toward environmental protection. - (IKR)
. By plotting a range of concepts of waste and dualist concepts of waste and society, she contextualizes scholarship on waste within the broader discussion about the ‘rematerialization’ of geography and social science.
effets, parfois favorables mais le plus souvent dramatiques, des variations climatiques sur les sociétés humaines. Alors qu'aujourd'hui l'action anthropique modifie radicalement l'environnement, la connaissance des climats du passé éclaire l'analyse des
Adaptation ; Climatic change ; Decision making process ; Environmental management ; Greenhouse effect ; Human impact ; Impact ; Narrative ; Perception ; Policy ; Public policy ; Society-environmentrelationship ; Vulnerability
Action anthropique ; Adaptation ; Changement climatique ; Effet de serre ; Gestion de l'environnement ; Impact ; Perception ; Politique ; Politique publique ; Relation société-environnement ; Récit ; Stratégie d'acteurs ; Vulnérabilité
The A. examines here the use of narratives about these causal relationships and explore why narratives with little basis in observation can persist in guiding policy. He examines 3 case studies, one concerning a narrative of climate impacts
(catastrophic flooding in Mozambique, in 2000), a second concerning the relationship between household wealth and vulnerability, and the third concerning the procedures and needs of policy-makers themselves. In each case, the A. finds that the narrative
Climatic change ; Economic crisis ; Historical geography ; Iron Age ; Palaeoclimatology ; Society-environmentrelationship ; Sweden ; Vulnerability
Age du fer ; Changement climatique ; Crise économique ; Géographie historique ; Paléoclimatologie ; Relation société-environnement ; Suède ; Vulnérabilité
natural science texts is criticized. Learning from recent approaches to climate change in the social sciences is crucial for understanding society–climate relationships in the past. The paper concludes that we are not yet in a position to fully evaluate
Economic development ; European part of Russia ; Historical geography ; Karelia ; Land development ; Regional development ; Society-environmentrelationship ; White Sea
Carélie ; Développement régional ; Développement économique ; Géographie historique ; Mer Blanche ; Mise en valeur ; Relation société-environnement ; Russie d'Europe
L’étude de l’histoire du développement économique permet de mieux comprendre le processus d’interaction entre la société et l’environnement dans l’espace et dans le temps. Il est important d’analyser le développement économique au niveau régional
adaptation plans, flood inquiries, building and planning codes, city plans, research literature and international policy reviews. They distinguish between the enabling environment for adaptation and specific implementing measures to manage flood risk. The AA
flooding, and ensuring equitable outcomes in terms of risk reduction for all. Adaptive management also raises questions about the wider preparedness of society to systematically monitor and respond to evolving flood risks and vulnerabilities.
Bibliography ; Biodiversity ; Biosphere ; Classification ; Concept ; Ecosystem ; Environmental management ; Land use ; Service ; Society-environmentrelationship
Bibliographie ; Biodiversité ; Biosphère ; Classification ; Concept ; Ecosystème ; Gestion de l'environnement ; Relation société-environnement ; Service ; Utilisation du sol
. The concept of ecosystem services is generally defined as a set of products and functions of ecosystems that benefit society. This paper contains definitions of the most common concepts found in the literature, i.e. ecosystem services, the drivers behind
In this paper, the A. presents two empirical cases from Icelandic history and current Greenlandic society. These cases shed light on the natural–social entanglements in a long-term historical perspective and in a highly charged present, respectively
Le dispositif des Observatoires Hommes-Milieux (OHM) existe depuis 2007. Début 2012, on dénombre sept observatoires et le réseau qui les réunit (ROHM). Outil de promotion de l’interdisciplinarité, il coordonne autour d’un objet partagé les
Adaptation ; Climatic change ; Cognitive process ; Delta ; Human impact ; Hydraulic works ; Land use ; Netherlands (The) ; Rhine ; Society-environmentrelationship ; Technology
Action anthropique ; Adaptation ; Aménagement hydraulique ; Changement climatique ; Delta ; Pays-Bas ; Processus cognitif ; Relation société-environnement ; Rhin ; Technologie ; Utilisation du sol
This paper uses a case study on the evolution of the Rhine river delta to illustrate the coevolution of the environment, the technology used to exploit it, and the institutions governing it. Three strands are interwoven : (1) Achieving equilibrium
between collective and individual action that accompanies these changes, individuals beget institutions and institutions beget individuals; (3) New technologies are invented, helping overcome challenges posed by the natural environment. Their unexpected
Baltic Sea ; Climatic variability ; Coastline ; Finland ; Holocene ; Palaeo-environment ; Population density ; Prehistory ; Sedentariness ; Social change ; Society-environmentrelationship
Baie de Botnie ; Baltique mer ; Changement social ; Densité de population ; Finlande ; Holocène ; Paléo-environnement ; Préhistoire ; Relation société-environnement ; Sédentarité ; Trait de côte ; Variabilité climatique
Brazil ; Humid environment ; Mobilisation ; Political ecology ; Rio de Janeiro ; Role of the State ; Society-environmentrelationship ; Urban growth ; Urban supply ; Water ; Water management
Approvisionnement urbain ; Baixada Fluminense ; Brésil ; Croissance urbaine ; Eau ; Ecologie politique ; Gestion de l'eau ; Milieu humide ; Mobilisation ; Relation société-environnement ; Rio de Janeiro ; Rôle de l'Etat
[b1] Geography and Environment, School of Geosciences, Univ., Aberdeen, Royaume-Uni
Concept ; Geomorphology ; Geosystem ; History of sciences ; Human impact ; Natural environment ; Relief ; Russia ; Russian school ; Society-environmentrelationship ; Twentieth Century