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Résultats de la recherche (129 résultats)

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  • L'Escaut. La Scarpe du XVIIe siècle jusqu'à nos jours
  • Fleuves et rivières II. L'Escaut et la Scarpe
  • Belgique ; Cours d'eau ; Escaut ; France ; Géographie historique ; Paysage urbain ; Scarpe
  • En première partie, l'Escaut est étudié de la source à Mortagne-du-Nord, en deuxième partie, de Bléharies à la frontière néerlandaise. La Scarpe du XVIIe siècle à nos jours comprend : la Scarpe supérieure, l'agglomération d'Arras, la Scarpe moyenne
  • d'Arras à Douai, l'agglomération de Douai, la plaine de la Scarpe. - (RS)
  • Evolution of the Bonneville shoreline scarp in west-central Utah : comparison of scarp-analysis methods and implications for the diffusion model of hillslope evolution
  • The purpose of this study was to further examine the influence of scarp height, texture and microclimate in an attempt to calibrate a nonlinear model of scarp evolution. To do this, over 150 profiles of the Bonneville shoreline in the adjacent Snake
  • and Tule Valleys, west-central Utah were collected and analysed by fitting the entire scarp profile to diffusion-equation solutions, taking into account uncertainty in the initial scarp angle. In contrast to previous studies, this analysis revealed
  • Morphological properties of the slope profiles of the western plateau scarps, Ranchi
  • A krioplanacios meredek lejto kialakulasa és morfologiaja. (Evolution and morphology of the frost-riven scarp)
  • The most common varieties of forms on frost-riven scarps are erosional rills, dells/derasion valleys, frost cracks and frost seams. The grain composition of the blanket layer of scarps is controlled by slope exposure. The primary governing agent
  • in the evolution of the scarps is frost action disintegrating bedrock. (DLO).
  • Dating Quaternary fault scarps formed in alluvium using morphologic parameters
  • Ages of fault scarps, as well as those other types of transport-limited slopes, can be estimated by comparing their morphology with the morphology of scarps of known age. Age estimates are derived by fitting the scarp profiles to synthetic profiles
  • than 200 scarp profiles demonstrate that morphologic variation not related to scarp age can introduce significant uncertainties into morphology-derived age estimates.
  • Physical modelling of fault scarp degradation under freeze-thaw cycles
  • Basse-Normandie ; Creep ; Debris flow ; Erosion ; Fault scarp ; France ; Freeze-thaw cycle ; Gelifluction ; Model ; Periglacial features ; Quaternary
  • Physical modelling has been developed in order to simulate the effects of periglacial erosion processes on the degradation of slopes and scarps. Data from 41 experimental freeze-thaw cycles are presented. They attest to the efficiency of periglacial
  • processes that control both erosion and changes in scarp morphology. The experimental results are consistent with field data acquired along the La Hague fault scarp (Normandy, France). These results show that moist periglacial erosion processes could lead
  • Scarp retreat, slope stability, and the evolution of piedmont assemblages
  • of Australia and southern Africa. An assessment is offered of rates of scarp retreat and stability under differing conditions. - (AJC)
  • A comparison of bunter sandstone scarps in the Black Forest and the Vosges in Landforms and landform evolution in West Germany.
  • This paper concentrates on a description of scarps in two structurally and lithologically comparable areas : the Kniebis area of the Black Forest and the Donon area of the Vosges. Differences in the geomorphodynamics can be attributed to differences
  • Nearly horizontal sedimentary sequences are typically eroded into escarpments capped by resistant rock layers. These escarpments record in planform the spatial variation in erosional processes. Simulation models have been constructed of scarp
  • development by three processes, scarp backwasting, fluvial erosion, and groundwater sapping, acting singly or in combination. The simulated scarps are statistically compared with natural scarps using a multivariate suite of variables measuring planform shape.
  • The significance of scarp retreat for cenozoic landform evolution on the Colorado Plateau, U.S.A.
  • In examining whether the denudational efficiency of scarp retreat was sufficient to account for the wide erosional gaps in the sedimentary cover, rates of scarp retreat were determined by using the information of dated volcanic material
  • Parc naturel régional Nord - Pas-de-Calais - Boulonnais, Plaine de la Scarpe et de l'Escaut-Audomarois
  • Rampenstufen und Fussflächenrampen. (Ramp scarps and ramps of pediplains)
  • Soil catenas to estimate ages of movements on normal fault scarps, with an example from the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, USA
  • Catena ; Dating ; Earthquake ; Fault ; Fault scarp ; Geochronology ; Palaeogeography ; Pedogenesis ; Semi-arid area ; Soil ; Stratigraphy ; United States of America ; Utah
  • Trenches excavated across fault scarps on a 13 ka delta surface at Brigham City, Utah, document 4 types of soil-catena phenomena. 2 soil catenas were used to evaluate the applicability of a continuity approach to paleoearthquake dating, by which
  • percentages of total development time represented by each soil at a fault scarp footslope could be estimated.
  • Scarp retreat rates in semiarid environments from talus flatirons (Ebro Basin, NE Spain)
  • Arid area ; C 14 dating ; Ebro ; Fault scarp ; Methodology ; Palaeoclimate ; Slope ; Spain ; Structural geomorphology ; Watershed ; Weathering ; Zaragoza
  • Triangular slope facets or talus flatirons are presented as a useful tool for the calculation of scarp retreat rates in arid regions. In the central sector of the Ebro Basin, sequences of talus flatirons have been developed around mesas capped
  • by Miocene limestone. These talus flatirons are grouped in 4 stages of slope evolution. The scarp retreat rate is related to the lithological and structural features of both the caprock and the underlying clay sediments and to the paleoclimatic evolution
  • Données nouvelles sur les formations superficielles de la plaine de la Scarpe et de ses bordures (Nord de la France)
  • Interprétation d'environ 400 sondages, réalisés dans la Plaine de la Scarpe et sur ses bordures, afin de caractériser 19 séquences sédimentaires qui rendent compte de la grande complexité des formations superficielles.
  • Talus and pediment flatirons erosional and depositional features on dryland cuesta scarps in Arid and semi-arid environments. Geomorphological and pedological aspects.
  • of the cuesta scarps.
  • Late Quaternary episodic displacement on a sackung scarp in the central Spanish Pyrenees. Second paleoseismic evidence ?
  • Earthquake ; Fault ; Fault scarp ; Glacial features ; Glacial valley ; Neotectonics ; Pyrénées ; Quaternary ; Seismicity ; Spain ; Stratigraphy
  • Geomorphology and geochronology of sackung features (uphill-facing scarps) in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
  • scarps and their kinematics by means of the study of trough fills exposed in artificial trenches; and the temporal and causal relationships between the deglaciation of the valleys and the gravitational spreading phenomena.
  • High-magnitude landslide events on a limestone-scarp in central Germany : morphometric characteristics and climatic controls
  • This paper explores which external climatic variables of difference temporal scales influence the occurrence of high-magnitude landslide events. The investigations were focused on the Wellenkalk-cuesta scarp in the Thuringia Basin. Rainfall
  • Study at Lasne (Brabant) and in the Haine and Scarpe valleys.