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Résultats de la recherche (709 résultats)

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  • Chronological problems of the Szemlak fossil soil profile
  • En Transylvanie les séries de paléosols fossiles peuvent être trouvées sur les terrasses des principaux cours d'eau, le Samos, le Mures, l'Olt. La série de Szemlak convient pour une corrélation stratigraphique. La coupe étudiée se trouve dans des
  • Chronologie ; Dune ; Désert ; Evolution du relief ; Géomorphogenèse ; Holocène ; Lac ; Quaternaire ; Sable ; Sahara ; Série chronologique ; Terrasse ; Tunisie ; Variation climatique
  • Chronology ; Climatic variation ; Desert ; Dune ; Geomorphogenesis ; Holocene ; Lake ; Landforms evolution ; Quaternary ; Sahara ; Sand ; Terrace ; Time series ; Tunisia
  • série sont exposées.
  • The Swedish varve chronology - a review
  • This review aims to examine the latest investigations in relation to the recent linking of the Swedish Varve Chronology to the present. It is concluded that the Chronology would benefit from a more detailed study of the processes of formation
  • Problems of loess chronology in Distribution and chronological problems of loess.
  • The geomorphology of Morecambe Bay karst and its implications for landscape chronology
  • L'aspect général de la géomorphologie du karst dans la région de Morecambe bay provient, selon l'interprétation de Parry, de l'aplanissement par une série de baisses du niveau de la mer. Une étude des restes de ces surfaces d'érosion reconnues
  • Summer climate and conifer growth in mid-Norway : chronologies from ancient construction timber compared with historical data
  • Chronology ; Climate ; Conifer ; Dendroclimatology ; Norway ; Pine ; Spruce ; Summer
  • Evaluation des signaux climatiques contenus dans les chronologies des pins sylvestres et des épicéas de Norvège centrale (Trondelag) en comparant les chronologies avec d'autres travaux dendroclimatologiques sur des cônifères scandinaviens
  • . Détermination de savoir s'il ya concordance entre les notes historiques pour des années données et les années de signature dans les chronologies.
  • Development and chronology of the lower Vistula River valley, North Poland
  • Quaternary glacial stratigraphy and chronology of Mexico in Quaternary glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Chronology, migration and drought interlacustrine Africa
  • Depositional environment and luminescence chronology of the Hoarusib River Clay Castles sediments, northern Namib Desert, Namibia
  • The AA. present the initial results of sedimentological and chronological studies at Clay Castles : 3 lithofacies associations. A chronology has been established using Optically Stimulated Luminescence : the results indicate formation between 44
  • Analyse d'image ; Chine ; Dynamique du paysage ; Hainandao ; Méthodologie ; Sanya ; Série chronologique ; Urbanisation
  • The purpose of the study is to identify and describe land-cover change, the result of rapid urbanisation, across a 12-year chronology of satellite images. Using semivariograms, the change in spatial extent of land-cover type is determined
  • Late Pleistocene marine chronology of the Gippsland Lakes region, Australia
  • The aim of this paper is to assess, using mainly thermoluminescence dating, the chronology of the Gippsland Lakes barriers between Lake Tyers in the east and Wilson Promontory in the west, and to present a revised model for the coastal evolution
  • Morpho-chronology of coastal dunes in Médoc. A new interpretation of Holocene dunes in Southwestern France
  • The coastal dune field of Aquitaine is one of the most extensive in Europe, which was fixed during the 19th century. This paper proposes a new chronology and a morphological classification for the dune systems found in Médoc.
  • Reversed-polarity glacial sediments and revised glacial chronology, West Branch Susquehana River Valley, central Pennsylvania
  • The reversed remanent magnetic polarity of glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments at Antes Fort allows for revision of the chronology of pre-Wisconsinan glaciation in central Pennsylvania.
  • Glacial geomorphology of the White Mountains, California and Nevada : establishment of a glacial chronology
  • It is hypothesized that the White Mountains have a similar glacial chronology to the adjacent Sierra Nevada, but that with the intensification of the Sierran rainshadow during the Quaternary, the extent of glaciation in the White Mountains
  • On the stratigraphy and chronology of the last glaciation (Vistulian) in Poland
  • The A. reviews currently reported opinions on stratigraphy and chronology of the Vistulian in Poland. There are stressed several problems on which only scarce information is available and which call for future explanation. To them belong
  • Alpine structure and deformation chronology at the Southern Alps-Po Plain boder in Lombardy
  • A review of the structural grain of Southern Alps in Lombardy is integrated in this paper with new subsurface data, in order to contribute to detailed reconstruction of the chronology of Alpine deformation of the South Alpine chain and foreland
  • The chronology and stratigraphy of the alluvial terraces of the River Dane Valley, Cheshire, N. W. England
  • The aim of this paper is to elucidate the chronology of development of a series of fluvial terraces within the valley of the River Dane, Cheshire. Using morphological, sedimentological, and stratigraphic evidence, phases of river activity
  • are identified and 14C dates are used to help fix the chronology.
  • Timing of the late-glacial climate reversal in the Southern Hemisphere using high-resolution radiocarbon chronology for Kaipo bog, New Zealand
  • The AA. report a new high-resolution AMS C 14 chronology for the Kaipo record that confirms the original chronology and provides further evidence for a mid-latitude Southern Ocean cooling event dated between 13,800 and 12,400 cal yr B.P., roughly
  • Holocene alluvial chronology of One Tree Creek, southern Alberta, Canada
  • An alluvial chronology for the One Tree Creek basin, a southern tributary of the Red Deer River in the vicinity of the Dinosaur Provincial Park badlands, is reconstructed using terrace and paleochannel remnants and associated radiocarbon dated bones
  • . The chronology suggests that rapid incision by One Tree Creek took place during the late Holocene, probably in response to climatic changes rather than an adjustment to the postglacial downcutting of the main river.