Behaviour ; Family ; Feminism ; Household ; Ideology ; Societal relations ; Urban practice ; Woman
The AA. filter this report on recent geographical writing through the metaphor of home, to explore attempts to dissolve conventional analytical categories and rethink gendered urban spaces.
Home, work, and locality: the case of Thorold, Ontario
The study seeks to connect current interpretations of the home-work nexus with locality research. It explores the proposition that relations between home and work, conceptualized as the outcome of broad social and economic processes, are modified
by local structures to produce diverse and locally specific outcomes. Thorold has four distinctive neighborhoods. Some important differences between home and work patterns are described among them.
Second home mobility in Finland : patterns, practices and relations of leisure oriented mobile lifestyle
, societal and social reasons as well. Second homerelated social mobility practices are dependent on cottage owners’ and users’ life phase and standard of second homes. Retiring baby boom generation is the largest and most active cottager group and after
The paper focuses on leisure oriented mobile lifestyle between urban home and rural second home Finland. Helsinki metropolitan dwellers have the longest trips to second homes which is explained not merely by environ-mental but by historical
retirement the use of second homes in¬creases remarkably. The vast majority of second home owners and users travel the cottage trips by private cars and wish to spend at least as much time at rural second home as present.
Single people’s geographies of home : intimacy and friendship beyond ‘the family’
) related. It concludes by asking how we might help foster, build, and create new forms of dwelling that might better match single people’s imaginings and desires for a home outside of heteronormative coupledom. Ultimately the paper argues that the exclusion
This paper explores some of the contested meanings of ‘home’ for those who are single; and examine how single people have created new forms of home and new spaces of at-homeness with those with whom they are not biologically (or romantically
Of nomads and vagrants : single homelessness and narratives of home as place
the understandings of each respondent within the context of the mobility which has characterised that respondent's homeless career. Four countrasting narratives of home as place are outlined, relating to the experiences of the displaced, the homesick, those whose
The A. examines understandings of home as place articulated by single homeless men living in night shelter and hostel accommodation in a large town of the south coast of England. Drawing upon a reconstructive life-history approach, the A. sets
Industrial change, the domestic economy and home life in Redundant spaces in cities and regions? Studies in industrial decline and social change.
The AA. show how the main activities that go on in the home are related to those in the workplace. The domestic economy and home life developed in relation to the development of specifically capitalist ways of organizing production
. It is not possible to adequately understand one without the other, and the chapter situates these historical processes within the developing geography of the city. It is women who most obviously bridge home and workplace and the changing relations between the two
Evolution du capitalisme et de la structure des classes sociales au Canada depuis 1931. Disparités ville-campagne. Evolution du mode d'occupation du logement, de 1871 à 1981. Relation positive entre les deux phénomènes.
Anthropologie sociale ; Concept ; Home ; Identité régionale ; Interaction sociale ; Lieu ; Relation homme-environnement ; Région ; Sentiment d'appartenance ; Symbolique de l'espace
Concept ; Man-environment relations ; Place ; Region ; Regional identity ; Semiotics of space ; Sense of belonging ; Social anthropology ; Social interaction
Etude des processus par lesquels le lieu devient le chez soi (le home) et les caractéristiques qui en découlent, le distinguant des autres lieux et par extension des autres régions. Dans les sociétés occidentales, l'affaiblissement de sentiment
d'appartenance au lieu et aux groupes sociaux semblent réduire le home à une simple accumulation d'habitudes de mode de vie. Les effets de la mondialisation entraînent un repli sur soi et un attachement à un système de valeurs basé sur l'intimité. Il y a donc
Housing ; Poland ; Rural area ; Rural development ; Second home ; Spatial distribution ; Tourism
The paper analyzes the factors which affect the distribution of second homes in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship and the spatial relations between second homes and the formal tourist accommodation. Primary quantitative data were used to describe
the distribution of second homes in Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship and to validate the observation that second homes are an important component of tourist infrastructure in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region and that their distribution differs from the distribution
A visceral approach : cooking at home with migrant women in Hamilton, New Zealand
The AA. illustrate how the visceral can shape and be shaped by a range of socio-political relations. They concentrate on food and eating as a central political issue and illustrate how a visceral approach can push understandings of migrants
' experiences. They focus on a group of 11 migrant women. They are comfortable in their domestic spaces and experience cooking not as a burden but as an important way of staying connected with their old home.
particularité au chez-soi, même si les logements subissent des démolitions. Complexité des géographies palestiniennes, qui sont en relation avec l'occupation israélienne, sans être entièrement déterminées par elle.
Contesting domestic ideals : queering the Australian home
La maison idéale australienne va plutôt de pair avec l'hétérosexualité. Toutefois, ce discours est défié par les pratiques domestiques des homosexuels, qui utilisent leurs domiciles pour consolider leurs identités, leurs relations et leurs
Feeling at home away from home : the pioneering role of Al-Jazeera and other arab transnational satellite channels in the maintenance and change of Arab diasporic enclaves
(LBC) et Al-Arabiya pour mettre en relation les communautés diasporiques arabes situées hors du monde arabe d'une part avec leur pays d'origine et d'autre part avec le monde arabe en général.
Les concepts de logis et de sans-logis sont des constructions idéologiques complexes, comportant de multiples dimensions pas toujours bien connues. Ces significations doivent être situées dans leur contexte immédiat de relations sociales et dans le
Boom and bust : the effects of home price inflation on homeownership patterns in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver
Pour la période 1974-1982, la relation entre l'accession à la propriété individuelle et l'inflation des prix immobiliers diffère pour les trois plus grandes villes canadiennes. De façon particulière, on souligne une variation au sein-même de la
relation accession à la propriété - niveau social. - (YC)
Infrastructure ; Local development ; Man-environment relations ; Owner-occupier ; Prekmurje ; Rural area ; Second home ; Slovenia ; Spatial distribution ; Tourism ; Upper Carniola
Cerklje na Gorenjskem ; Distribution spatiale ; Développement local ; Espace rural ; Gorenjska ; Infrastructure ; Komen ; Prekmurje ; Propriétaire-occupant ; Relation homme-environnement ; Résidence secondaire ; Slovénie ; Tourisme
The A. presents the function of second homes in the Municipalities of Cerklje na Gorenjskem and Komen. It outlines the main pull factors that caused the phenomenon of second homes, their spatial distribution and the regional origin of their owners
Local strategies in resale home financing in the Toronto housing market
A typology of home finance is developed and the incidence and spatial patterning of home finance types are evaluated for Toronto in 1976-77. The evidence suggests a clear spatial differentiation of home finance types and confirmation