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Résultats de la recherche (1334 résultats)

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  • Regulating land development in the United Kingdom
  • Growth machines and regulation theory: the institutional dimension of the regulation of space in Australia
  • Acquiring property ; Australia ; Capitalism ; Investment ; Land ; Market regulation ; Market segmentation ; Real estate market ; Real estate property ; Regulation theory ; Suburbanization ; Urban area
  • (théorie de la régulation) sont considérés. L'A. propose de remanier cette théorie en distinguant la manière de réguler l'accumulation et celle de réguler la distribution.
  • Planning in the face of conflict : negociation and mediation strategies in local land use regulation
  • Cyclical instability in the US dairy industry without government regulations
  • Capacity and route regulation in international scheduled air transportation : a case study of Singapore
  • Géographie de l'Asie ; Singapour ; Système régulateur ; Transport ; Transport aérien
  • Evolution du système régulateur du transport aérien tarifé des marchandises et position de Singapour vis-à-vis de ce système et implications pour les transports aériens de Singapour. - (OC)
  • Price regulation in a spatial duopoly with possible non-buyers
  • Minimum differentiation is never total-surplus-maximizing nor desired by firms. In most cases the regulator sets a price below that maximizing industry profits. For a substantial range of market configurations the regulated (first-best) price
  • L acces a l eau des citadins pauvres : entre regulations marchandes et regulations communautaires (Kenya, Tanzanie, Zambie)
  • The regulated and periodic markets and rural development in India
  • Commercialisation des produits agricoles à travers les marchés régulés et les marchés périodiques. Kalmeshwar Panchagat Samiti, Nagpur, Maharahstra. Les deux systèmes sont complémentaires| privilégier les marchés régulés n'amène pas l'intégration
  • An assessment of new coastal zone regulations
  • This article examines administrative and legal implications of new coastal zone regulations aimed at incorporating environmental considerations into planning decisions affecting SA coastlines.
  • Structural constraints and pluralist contradictions in hazardous waste regulation
  • Special issue on « Real » regulation
  • Environmental management ; Legislation ; Location ; Location choice ; Nuisance ; Regulation theory ; State control ; Toxic waste ; United States ; Waste treatment
  • The AA. assert that the basic assumptions of hazardous waste regulation define the problem as a locational problem confronting the state, rather than an investment problem for the capital. Local opposition to facility siting is explained in terms
  • Flexible theory and flexible regulation: collaboration and competition in the McLaren Vale wine industry in South Australia
  • Australia ; Capital accumulation ; Capitalism ; Drink ; Flexibility ; Industrial organization ; Industrial restructuring ; Industry ; Post-Fordism ; Regulation theory ; South Australia ; Wine
  • This case study is used to challenge four areas of the regulation debate. The uniqueness of some of the key features underpinning the periodisation of accumulation regimes and their associated modes of social regulation is questioned. Concern
  • Recent attempts at regulating the harvesting of Norwegian Arctic cod
  • Fishery ; Fishing ; Norway ; Organization ; Regulation
  • The paper compares alternative regulating systems: dualism or the currently practised 35/65 percentage share between offshore trawlers and coastal fishing boats, boat quotas, group quotas, company quotas, individual quotas, tradable quotas and area
  • regulations. The A. supports the idea of quotas for individual fishermen and argues against any system that may lead to tradable quotas, as this will lead to marginalization of the coastal population.
  • Re-scaling, scale fragmentation and the regulation of antagonistic relationships
  • Capitalism ; Governance ; Netherlands (The) ; Post-Fordism ; Power ; Regulation theory ; Scale ; Social relations
  • Recent years have seen the emergence of a re-scaling literature. The A. combines this literature with insights from regulation theory in order to identify the ways in which antagonistic relationships are regulated in the after-Fordist period. Re
  • Urban infrastructure dynamics : market regulation and the shaping of district energy in UK cities
  • District ; Economic efficiency ; Electricity ; Energy ; Infrastructure ; Liberalisation ; Market regulation ; Regulation ; United Kingdom ; Urban area
  • Using the example of district energy in a number of UK cities, the article outlines the ways in which the structure of national electricity markets and the activities of the energy regulator influence and shape the development of low-carbon
  • scale. It proposes that regulation needs to evolve from its traditional emphasis on promoting competition and short-term efficiencies towards a more dynamic model which is open to alternative logics and low-carbon transition pathways.
  • Plural regulation of shebeens (informal drinking places)
  • Alcoholism ; Cape Town ; Decision making process ; Governance ; Informal settlement ; Regulation ; Shebeen ; South Africa ; Town ; Western Cape
  • In South Africa, the regulation of shebeens has long been considered a means for state regulation of behaviour, controlling crime and disorder and generating state income. The post-apartheid state has sought to distance itself from old patterns
  • , but struggles to respond to the problems associated with alcohol consumption. Non-state actors have sought to intervene in this gap. The paper examines how diverse actors contribute to the regulation of drinking and drinking spaces within informal settlements
  • Discourses of alcohol : reflections on key issues influencing the regulation of shebeens in Cape Town
  • Alcoholism ; Cape Town ; Government policy ; Health ; Regulation ; Shebeen ; South Africa ; Urban policy ; Western Cape
  • Alcohol abuse is linked to a range of negative impacts, and, as a result, government bodies almost always try to restrict access to alcohol, through regulating where and when it can be sold. Cape Town has a large number of unregulated alcohol
  • outlets, which have been the target of regulation attempts in past decade, resulting in incoherent policy-making and policies. More flexible regulations that can be negotiated at the local scale are required, recognising the social, cultural and economic
  • Channel regulation of Torna stream to improve environmental conditions in the vicinity of red sludge reservoirs at Ajka, Hungary
  • The aim of the paper is to describe the geomorphologic situation in the environment of the red sludge reservoirs at Ajka and to make a proposal for the regulation of the hydrographical system over the surrounding territories. - (AM)
  • Constrained game approaches to the systematic regulation of land use variability
  • The paper develops an intertemporal goal programming approach to the modelling of policy induced variations in production methods and types and quantities of resources under conditions of regulation and weather related risk and market related risk
  • Environmental regulations and new plant location decisions : evidence from a meta-analysis
  • Decision ; Economic flow ; Environment ; Location ; Location choice ; Model ; Regulation ; United States of America
  • Une épidémie de choléra et ses répercussions démographiques: un mécanisme auto-régulateur suite à une crise de mortalité
  • Belgique ; Choléra ; Châtelet ; Démographie historique ; Géographie historique ; Hainaut ; Histoire de la géographie ; Mortalité ; Mécanisme auto-régulateur ; Population ; Santé ; Siècle XIX