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Résultats de la recherche (114 résultats)

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  • Grain size variations in ignimbrites and implications for the transport of pyroclastic flows
  • Violence in pyroclastic flow eruptions in Tephra studies.
  • Violence reflects the vigour with which a pyroclastic flow is emplaced. It is described quantitatively by the height of hills climbed by the flow (yielding flow-velocity estimates), the overall morphology of the deposit and by the proportion
  • distribution of a pyroclastic flow deposit.
  • Appennino ; Campania ; Geomorphology ; Italy ; Mountain ; Pedogenesis ; Pyroclastic ; Volcanic soil ; Volcanism
  • Volcanic ejecta largely contributed to landscape building also very far from volcanic areas, providing substratum for soil genesis. The AA. studied the role of pyroclastics as soil forming factor on the carbonate relieves in the Partenio Mountain
  • . The study area was interested by numerous depositions of pyroclastics mainly from Somma-Vesuvius eruptions. Pyroclastics formed a unique pedological environment, without contribution of carbonate materials. - (NF)
  • A terminology for pyroclastic deposits in Tephra studies.
  • Pyroclastic sulphur eruption at Posas volcano, Costa Rica
  • Volcanological applications of pyroclastic studies in Tephra studies.
  • Pyroclastic studies can help determine the internal plumbing systems and magma release mechanisms of volcanoes, for example where they yield the magma output rate and provide evidence for magma mixing, and fall deposits supply the best means
  • Geologic factors contributing to landslide generation in a pyroclastic area : August 1998 Nishigo Village, Japan
  • Catastrophe ; Heavy rain ; Hokkaido ; Hydrogeology ; Japan ; Landslide ; Permeability ; Precipitation ; Pyroclastic ; Slope ; Soil properties ; Tufa ; Weathering
  • that are triggered by intense rainfall. Just such a hydrogeological structure is present with the pyroclastics in Nishigo Village in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, where intense rainfall of 1200 mm in 6 days generated more than 1000 landslides in August 1998. Three
  • Clay mineral ; Indonesia ; Island ; Pedogenesis ; Pyroclastic ; Soil ; Soil properties ; Taxonomy ; Volcanic eruption ; Volcanism
  • Comparison of the properties and development of soils mainly derived from the re-deposited 1883 pyroclastic flows on Rakata, Sertung and Panjang (Krakatau islands).
  • Pyroclastic flows and surges: examples from the Lesser Antilles in Tephra studies.
  • The pyroclastic deposits of the 1875 eruption of Askja, Iceland
  • Basalt ; Cave ; Coastal environment ; Marine erosion ; Pyroclastic ; Volcanic rock ; Volcanism
  • Also influenced by marine erosion, the dimensions and morphology of sea caves principally depend on the structural behaviour of the enclosing basaltic lavas and pyroclastics. In basalt volcanic areas sea caves can form in columnar and irregularly
  • ; in basaltic dyke; along the border of a basaltic dyke and thick hydrovolcanic tuff and in basaltic tuff. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that how and in which form sea caves develop in structurally different basaltic lavas and pyroclastics. - (AM)
  • Late Pleistocene eolian sediments related to pyroclastic eruptions of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
  • Aeolian features ; Atmospheric circulation ; C 14 dating ; Dune ; Geochronology ; Glaciation ; Hawaii ; K/Ar dating ; Loess ; Pleistocene ; Pyroclastic ; Sand ; Stratigraphy ; Volcanic eruption ; Volcanism
  • Experimental study of post-eruption overland flow and sediment load from slopes overlain by pyroclastic-flow deposits, Unzen volcano, Japan
  • Experimentation ; Japan ; Kyushu ; Permeability ; Plant canopy ; Pyroclastic ; Rill wash ; Sediment load ; Sediment transport ; Volcanism ; Volcano
  • Erosion rate ; Fluvial erosion ; Honshu ; Japan ; Pyroclastic ; Sediment transport ; Stream ; Volcanism ; Volcano
  • This study examines the rate of recession of Shomyo Falls, which consists of Pleistocene welded pyroclastic flows deposits in Toyama Prefecture. The discrepancy between the geology-based and equation-based recession rates indicates that some factors
  • Campania ; Coastal environment ; Coastal geomorphology ; Geomorphogenesis ; Holocene ; Italy ; Lagoon ; Pyroclastic ; Quaternary ; Regional geology ; Sediment filling ; Volcanism
  • a wide marine bay bunded by Monte di Cuma and Torregaveta volcanoes. This shallow bay was gradually filled with Phlegrean pyroclastics and Volturno and Clanis river sediments, thus creating an open lagoon. - (NF)
  • Andes ; Cendre volcanique ; Coulée boueuse ; Equateur ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Géomorphogenèse ; Géomorphologie structurale ; Montagne ; Pyroclaste ; Roche volcanique ; Volcanisme
  • Les Andes équatoriennes présentent une certaine variété de reliefs de pyroclastes: du saupoudrement simple cachant à peine le relief sous-jacent, des couches de cendre pliées et fracturées, des coulées de boue volcanique de différents types. Toutes
  • Particular features of the physical and mechanical characteristics of certain Phlegraean pyroclastic soils
  • Campania ; Experimentation ; Geotechnics ; Italy ; Naples ; Pyroclastic ; Soil ; Soil properties ; Volcanic soil
  • This paper deals with the mechanical properties of a number of pyroclastic soils derived from volcanic eruptions (pozzolan and pumice) in the Campanian region of central Italy. The behavior of this kind of material is somewhat peculiar and indicates
  • The consequences of pyroclastic fallout on the dynamics of mountain catchments : geomorphic events in the Rivo d'Arco bassin (Sorrento Peninsula, Italy) after the plinian eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD
  • Fluvial terrace ; Geoarchaeology ; Italy ; Mountain ; Natural hazards ; Pyroclastic ; Slope dynamics ; Southern Italy ; Volcanic eruption ; Volcanism ; Watershed
  • downwasting of the pyroclastic mantles. - (NF)
  • Antarctica ; Carrying capacity ; Channel geometry ; Cold area ; Fluvial processes ; Hydrological regime ; Pyroclastic ; Rill wash ; Sediment budget ; Sediment transport ; Snow ; Temperature ; Watershed
  • The hydraulic geometry, runoff and sediment transport processes were studied during the 1991 summer season in two small pyroclastic drainage basins on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. This study addresses three questions regarding: 1
  • Catena ; Chronosequence ; Moraine ; Oregon ; Pedogenesis ; Pleistocene ; Pyroclastic ; Quaternary ; Slope gradient ; Soil ; Soil properties ; United States of America
  • The AA. compare pedogenesis with slope position on 2 different aged moraines. Major differences in soil properties between the 2 moraines are associated with texture. Pyroclastic parent material is much coarser, with textures of sand and gravel