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  • Political geography around the world VI : Swedish contributions to political geography
  • Political geography without politics
  • Political Geography as a mirror of political geography
  • Géographie politique ; Political geography ; Publication scientifique ; Recherche ; Revue géographique
  • Geographical periodical ; Political geography ; Research ; Scientific publication
  • Noncontiguity and political architecture: the parliaments of small island states
  • Archipelago ; Federalism ; Island ; Microstate ; Political geography ; Political life ; Political regime
  • For a population of 31 small island states, this paper explores to what extent geography is reflected in the political architecture of legislatures that these political units choose to apply. It searches for possible effects of territorial
  • noncontiguity on federalism and bicameralism as well as the extent to which parliaments are recruited by means of apportionment and appointment. Although geography does not explain the totality of politics, it does affect the calculations and behaviour
  • [b1] Dept. of Political Science, Åbo Academy University, Åbo, Finlande
  • Into the 1990s : a gendered agenda for political geography in Gender and political geography.
  • The objective of this paper is to show how gender perspectives challenge traditional models and analyses in political geography.
  • A review of political ecology. Issues, epistemology and analytical narratives
  • The paper includes the following chapters : 1. Political ecology : all things to all people ? 2. Issues, narratives and epistemologies. 3. Disjunctures. 4. Cartography of political ecology. 5. Analytical narratives for political ecology. 6. Post
  • -structural political ecology. - (MT)
  • The political geography of presidential speeches, 1946-87
  • Foreign policy ; Geopolitics ; International relations ; Political geography ; United States ; View of the world
  • A political communication-based view of the American presidency combined with a spatial-temporal framework of global politics provides the methodology for the analysis of presidential speeches. An environmental model, relating presidential behavior
  • as a function of the domestic, political and international conditions is used to explain variations in the foreign policy.
  • Class, politics, and planning : from reductionism to pluralism in Marxist class analysis in Space and analytical political economy.
  • What does the theory tell planners tell to do? This question can only be answered by conceiving of planning as a political activity, and by examining Marxian political theory which deals with its subject through the perspective of class conflict.
  • The rise and fall of Afrikaner ethnic political mobilisation 1943-1999
  • Election ; Ethnic community ; Political geography ; Political party ; South Africa
  • The dominance of the National Party in South African white politics for nearly five decades represents a highly successful example of ethnic political mobilisation. The paper examines the patterns of consolidation and later fragmentation
  • A new political geography : on what basis ?
  • Political geography
  • Postmodernism and the politics of social theory
  • Fiji Indians and the politics of disparity
  • The International politics of natural resources
  • The politics of the Yemen Arab Republic.
  • The State, development and politics in Ghana
  • Development ; Ghana ; Political geography ; Political life ; State
  • Political geographers of the past V : The political career of Sir Halford Mackinder
  • The state of analytical political economy in geography in Space and analytical political economy.
  • The urban agglomeration as a political arena : an introduction in The urban agglomeration as a political arena.
  • A geographical political economy of evolution in economic geography
  • Economic geography ; Institution ; Political economy ; Political geography