Résultats de la recherche (1804 résultats)
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Par Collection Par Auteur- STARKEL, L., (Editeur scientifique) (24)
- BAŃSKI, J. (22)
- GWIAŹDZIŃSKA-GORAJ, M., (Editeur scientifique) (14)
- KUROWSKA, K., (Editeur scientifique) (14)
- STARKEL, L. (14)
- BŁAŻEJCZYK, K., (Editeur scientifique) (13)
- ADAMCZYK, A.B., (Editeur scientifique) (12)
- KOSTROWICKI, A.S, (Editeur scientifique) (12)
- WESOŁOWSKA, M., (Editeur scientifique) (12)
- BORZEDA, A. (12)
- DUNCAN, S. S., (Editeur scientifique) (11)
- TAYLOR, Z. (11)
- DOMANSKI, R., (Editeur scientifique) (10)
- TURNOCK, D., (Editeur scientifique) (10)
- KACZMAREK, Z., (Editeur scientifique) (9)
- KORCELLI, P. (9)
- GREGORY, K.J., (Editeur scientifique) (8)
- 1990 (126)
- 2008 (117)
- 2003 (91)
- 2002 (89)
- 1992 (82)
- 2012 (80)
- 1994 (79)
- 2004 (76)
- 2013 (75)
- 1991 (65)
- 2005 (62)
- 2006 (60)
- 2010 (58)
- 2011 (58)
- 1995 (57)
- 2001 (54)
- 2000 (52)
- 2007 (51)
- 1998 (49)
- 1999 (46)
- Geography of Europe (108)
- Human geography (15)
- Physical geography (11)
- General points on geography (10)
- History of geography (7)
- Action anthropique ; Cartographie thématique ; Evolution du relief ; Katowice ; Orographie ; Photo-interprétation ; Pologne ; Topographie (2)
- Conglomerate ; Inland ice ; Lithology ; Lower valley ; Poland ; Quaternary ; Rock ; Sandstone ; Sedimentary ; Sedimentary rock ; Wisła (2)
- Conglomérat ; Grès ; Inlandsis ; Lithologie ; Pologne ; Quaternaire ; Roche ; Roche sédimentaire ; Sédimentaire ; Vallée inférieure ; Wisła (2)
- Ensoleillement ; Pologne ; Radiation ; Rayonnement solaire (2)
- Human impact ; Katowice ; Landforms evolution ; Orography ; Photointerpretation ; Poland ; Thematic mapping ; Topography (2)
- Poland ; Radiation ; Solar radiation (2)
- (1842-1977) ; Chemin de fer ; Configuration spatiale ; Diffusion des innovations ; Disparités régionales ; Développement économique ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie des transports ; Géographie historique ; Pologne ; Processus de diffusion ; Réseau de transports ; Transport (1)
- (1870-1975) ; Agglomération urbaine ; Croissance urbaine ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Histoire du peuplement ; Pologne ; Population urbaine ; Règle rang-taille ; Système de peuplement ; Urbanisation (1)
- (1900-2000) ; (1949-1977) ; Analyse spatiale ; Croissance démographique ; Dynamique des populations ; Démographie ; Flux migratoire ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Migration intérieure ; Mortalité ; Natalité ; Pologne ; Population ; Population rurale ; Population urbaine ; Simulation ; Siècle XX ; Structure démographique ; Système multirégional (1)
- (1918-2000) ; Albanie ; Allemagne de l'Est ; Bulgarie ; Commerce ; Croissance économique ; Données ; Energie ; Europe ; Europe de l'Est ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Hongrie ; Industrie ; Planification ; Pologne ; Relations Est-Ouest ; Roumanie ; Tchécoslovaquie ; Transport ; Yougoslavie (1)
- (1919-1939) ; Belorusskaja SSR ; Colonisation agricole ; Conflit ; Coopérative agricole ; Domination ; Galicie ; Galicja ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Histoire rurale ; Minorité ; Minorité blanc-russe ; Minorité ukrainienne ; Mouvement paysan ; Politique agricole ; Pologne ; Réforme agraire ; Siècle XX ; Statistiques (1931-1938) ; Structure agraire ; Surface agricole utile ; Ukrainskaja SSR ; Utilisation du sol ; Volhynie ; Volynskaja oblast (1)
- (1945-1970) ; Agriculture collective ; Agriculture familiale ; Agriculture à temps partiel ; Exploitation agricole ; Ferme d'Etat ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Pologne ; Réforme agraire ; Structure agraire (1)
- (1945-1975) ; Action anthropique ; Environnement ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Industrialisation ; Pologne (1)
- (1945-1976) ; Concentration ; Développement ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Industrialisation ; Localisation ; Pologne (1)
- (1946-1975) ; Capacité de production ; Disparité régionale ; Emploi ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Industrialisation ; Industrie ; Localisation industrielle ; Politique industrielle ; Pologne (1)
- Miscellanea geographica (17)
- Planification du développement territorial dans les espaces ruraux (14)
- Planowanie rozwoju przestrzeni wiejskiej (14)
- Etude géobotanique et géosystémique de la région de Pinczów (13)
- Studium geobotaniczno-krajobrazowe okolic Pińczowa (13)
- Conference Papers, 4 (12)
- Languedoc-Mazowsze. Dix ans de campagnes polonaises (12)
- Les espaces périphériques ruraux dans les concepts géographiques (12)
- Les relations Climat-Homme-Climat (12)
- Transformations of rural areas in Poland and Bulgaria. A case study (12)
- Wielkie obszary peryferyjne – uwarunkowania i czynniki aktywizacji (12)
- Creating geographies : society and space in Britain and Poland (11)
- Hydrological processes and water resources in the face of global climate change (9)
- La Pologne (9)
- La question de l'environnement : naissance d'un débat en Pologne (9)
- Papers in global change IGBP, No.7 (9)
- Polen (9)
- Global change: polish perspectives (8)
- Late Vistulian (= Weichselian) and Holocene aeolian phenomena in central and northern Europe (8)
- Recherches de géographie humaine. Hommage au Professeur Charles Christians (8)
- Observations on the industrial system of Poland
- 1. The evolution of Poland's industrial system 1946-1976| 2. The processes of concentration and deglomeration of polish industry after 1945| 3. Factors shoping changes in industrial location in Poland| 4. On the spatial relationships of industry
- in south Poland.
- Human and social capital in Poland
- Correlation ; Human capital ; Human geography ; Large town ; Poland ; Social capital
- Composite indices were used to describe spatial diversity of humans and social capital. High quality of human capital in Poland is characteristic mainly for big cities and their surroundings. The difference between eastern and western Poland, where
- the quality is better, is also significant. Significantly high level of social capital is characteristic for some of big cities, prevailing part of the west of the country and in south-eastern Poland. Lower values are typical for central and north-esatern
- Poland. Spatial diversity of human and social capital in Poland is clearly seen. Correlation between social and human capital is positive and relatively strong. - (BJ)
- Rillenkarren on granite outcrops, SW Poland, age and significance
- Chemical alteration ; Granite ; Karren ; Mineralogy ; Palaeo-environment ; Poland ; Sudety ; Weathering
- Rillenkarren found in the Karkonosze granite massif in SW Poland are described, and their origin, age and significance are discussed.
- Counties or regions ? Some remarks to the question of regional development in Hungary and Poland
- Administrative reform ; Comparative study ; County ; Hungary ; Poland ; Region ; Regional development
- Poland and Hungary are two countries with strong connection in the past with similar experiences and historical background with a lot of similarities and differences. 1999 in Poland a great reform took place which described the administrative map
- of poland. The three-level administrative structure was introduced. In Poland, the regional consciousness is relatively strong in Hungary instead of historical regions the role of the counties is significant. Joining the European Union Hungary has to come
- Transformations in the functional structure of the rural areas in Poland. Selected problems
- Transformations of rural areas in Poland and Bulgaria. A case study
- Classification ; Comparative study ; Methodology ; Poland ; Rural area ; Spatial structure
- The paper characterises the most essential methodological issues pertaining to the comparative study of the changes in the spatial structure and the fonctional classification of the rural areas of Poland. Some of the cognitive results are also
- Attractiveness of Poland as a tourist destination in the eyes of Czech students of primary schools
- Children ; Enquiry ; Perception ; Poland ; Tourism ; Tourism potential
- This study summarizes the analysis of perception of Poland as a tourist destination in the eyes of students of primary schools located in Prague and was created as part of a larger survey of the attractiveness of Poland for the people of the czech
- that Poland is not perceived as an attractive tourist destination and the majority of the involved students have very little knowledge about the country. - (EN)
Transformations of the rural areas in Poland. The spatial processes and the regional differentiation
- Transformations of the rural areas in Poland. The spatial processes and the regional differentiation
- Transformations of rural areas in Poland and Bulgaria. A case study
- Agriculture ; Poland ; Regional disparities ; Rural area ; Spatial differentiation
- The changes in the political-economic system which have taken place since 1989 in Poland released the processes of economic transformation, which encompassed also rural areas. The paper presents the characterisation of the selected processes taking
- place on these areas in Poland in the period of transformation. The characteristics given are illustrated by the results of studies conducted in the framework of the Polish-Bulgarian research project concerning the transformations in agriculture
- On the efficiency of regional production in Poland : 1976-1982
- Development and chronology of the lower Vistula River valley, North Poland
- Crisis or recovery? Recent developments in the regional processes in Poland in Urban geography.
- Pleistocene till stratigraphy in Poland in Quaternary glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere.
- The food economy of Poland and planning policy
- The development of productive forces in people's Poland
- Political geography around the world V: Poland
- Regional consciousness in the Katowice region, Poland
- Climatic seasons of the year in North-West Poland
- Environmental quality and industrial development in Poland (1945-1975)
- Doomed to perdition. On the state of the Ukrainian minority in Poland. A personal statement
- Some typologies of lifestyles in Finland and Poland
- Recent bioclimatological studies in Poland
- Bioclimatology ; Classification ; Climatic chart ; Climatotherapy ; Heat balance ; Human bioclimatology ; Poland ; Silesia ; Weather type
- The aims of this research involve evaluation and regionalization of a bioclimate of Poland in different spatial scales from the point of view of climatotherapeutical and recreational potential as well as work under an open air. Bioclimatic weather