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Résultats de la recherche (624 résultats)

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  • Pedogenesis and diagnosis of peaty soils of marsh ecosystems
  • Bog ; Ecosystem ; Geochemistry ; Humid environment ; Humus ; Pedogenesis
  • The essence of pedogenesis on an organogenic substrate under different conditions of marsh formation appears most fully in the features of humus formation. The composition of the organic matter is used to establish indicators for diagnosing peat
  • Nature of an overlapped paleosol and its significance in pedogenesis and paleogeography in North Huai region, China
  • . For this study, an awareness of landscape evolution during the Quaternary is essential for understanding the pedogenesis of soils with complex profiles.
  • Progressive and regressive pedogenesis and complex soil evolution
  • Chaos ; Model ; North Carolina ; Numerical model ; Pedogenesis ; Quaternary ; Soil ; United States
  • Pedogenesis by clay dissolution on acid, low-grade metamorphic rocks under mediterranean forests in southern Tuscany (Italy)
  • Arid area ; Clay mineral ; Forest soil ; Grain size distribution ; Italy ; Mediterranean area ; Pedogenesis ; Soil properties ; Toscana
  • is the dominant proton source for the hydrolysis of clay minerals will be discussed. The results will be evaluated with reference to the current theory on pedogenesis.
  • Establishing the role of pedogenesis in changing soil hydraulic properties
  • Chronosequence ; Pedogenesis ; Podzol ; Rill wash ; Scotland ; Slope dynamics ; Soil properties ; Soil water ; United Kingdom
  • Chronosequences provide suitable sources for the study of changes in soil hydraulic behaviour as a result of long-term pedogenesis. For a podsol chronosequence in the Scottish Highlands, data are presented to indicate the changes that have occurred
  • Soil characteristics related to weathering and pedogenesis across a geomorphic surface of uniform age in Michigan
  • Chronosequence ; Geographical information system ; Michigan ; Microstructure ; Pedogenesis ; Soil ; Soil properties ; United States of America ; Weathering
  • The AA. examined 4 soils that span the range of the development on a relatively young, sandy, upland geomorphic surface in Michigan. The purpose was to examine the degree of variation in pedogenesis and weathering on this surface, as indicated by 4
  • Beispiele für jungholozäne Bodenerosion und Bodenbildung im Untereichfeld und Randgebieten. (Examples of young Holocene soil erosion and pedogenesis in Southern Lower Saxonia)
  • Il clima della Valle del Po e la sua influenza sulla pedogenesi
  • Controversial problems of tropical pedogenesis and weathering
  • Ferralsol ; Laterite ; Pedogenesis ; Tropical zone ; Weathering
  • Modelling the role of climate, vegetation and pedogenesis in shallow translational hillslope failure
  • Climate ; Climatic variation ; Holocene ; Model ; Pedogenesis ; Podsol ; Slope ; Soil erosion ; Soil properties ; Vegetation
  • Dynamic pedogenesis : new views on some key soil concepts, and a model for interpreting Quaternary soils
  • A model of pedogenesis is presented in an evolutional paradigm that emphasizes the integrated effects of dynamic and passive pedogenic vectors in directing pathways and in controlling rates of soil genesis through time. This model helps explain
  • Pedogenesis of plinthite during early Pliocene in the Mediterranean environment. Case study of a burried paleosol at Podere Renieri, central Italy
  • Central Italy ; Illite ; Italy ; Mediterranean area ; Palaeoclimate ; Palaeosol ; Pedogenesis ; Pliocene
  • Chronology of the Holocene loess-paleosol section and its deposition and pedogenesis on the south of Chinese Loess Plateau
  • China ; Dating ; Gansu ; Geochronology ; Holocene ; Loess ; Palaeo-environment ; Palaeosol ; Pedogenesis ; Plateau ; Shaanxi ; Stratigraphy
  • investigated the evolutional history of aeolian loess deposition and pedogenesis and potential forcing mechanism during the Holocene in this area.
  • Interrelations of vegetal cover, silicophytolith content and pedogenesis of typical argiudolls of the Pampean Plain, Argentina
  • Argentina ; Buenos Aires ; Forest ; Grassland ; Pampa ; Pedogenesis ; Plain ; Silica ; Soil ; Soil properties ; Vegetation
  • The aim of this work is to determine the silicophytolith content in Typical Argiudolls of the Pampean Plain, its relation with vegetal cover and its effect on pedogenesis. The AA. worked in 3 plots with different vegetal cover : grasses and shelter
  • Erosion, sedimentation and pedogenesis in a polygenetic oxisol sequence in Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Recent and paleo-pedogenesis as tools for modelling past and future global change
  • Biogenic process ; Brazil ; Cenozoic ; Clay mineral ; Ferralsol ; Graben ; Micromorphology ; Minas Gerais ; Palaeosol ; Pedogenesis ; Weathering
  • Weathering and pedogenesis in the Sila Grande Massif (Calabria, South Italy) : from field scale to micromorphology
  • Calabria ; Clay mineral ; Climatic variation ; Granite ; Italy ; Micromorphology ; Pedogenesis ; Quartz ; Quaternary ; Regolith ; Weathering
  • Six soil profiles in the area around the Cecita Lake, representative of different geomorphological units, were characterised by field work, optical microscopy and SEM-EDS analysis. A strong influence on weathering and pedogenesis by micro-scale
  • Brazil ; Catena ; Pedogenesis ; Slope ; Soil ; Soil properties
  • This paper reports on properties of soils on two contiguous hillslopes, spanning over 1000 m from upper to lower slope positions. The objective was to determine catenary related variation in soil properties and to interpret pedogenesis on the two
  • Pedogenesis on the basalt and associated deposits of Canna, western Scotland
  • Stratigraphy vs. pedogenesis; problems of their correlation within coastal sedimentary facies
  • Australia ; Dating ; Geochronology ; New South Wales ; Palaeo-environment ; Pedogenesis ; Podsol ; Quaternary ; Stratigraphic correlation ; Thermoluminescence