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  • Ordovician paleosols at Arisaig, Nova Scotia, and the evolution of the atmosphere
  • Paleopedology. Nature and application of paleosols
  • Atmosphère ; Canada ; Nova Scotia ; Ordovicien ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Pédogenèse
  • Atmosphere ; Canada ; Nova Scotia ; Paleo-environment ; Paleosols ; Pedogenesis
  • This paper discusses three late Ordovician paleosols developed on andesite flows near Arisaig, Nova Scotia. These paleosols provide additional data for the Holland-Pinto model of soil development, and serve as a check on the model's validity.
  • Paleosols : problems of definition, recognition and interpretation
  • Paleopedology. Nature and application of paleosols
  • Concept ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Pédogenèse ; Terminologie
  • Concept ; Paleo-environment ; Paleosols ; Pedogenesis ; Terminology
  • A loess-paleosol dating method
  • Loess-paleosol and paleoclimatic investigations. Principles, methods and criteria
  • Bassin-versant ; Chine ; Datation ; Huanghe ; Loess ; Méthodologie ; Paléogéographie ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Variation climatique
  • Based on the non-diachronic nature of loess-paleosol sequences, a paleosol dating method is suggested. The origin of the modern Yellow River drainage system is studied. Correlation of loess, paleosol, and aquatic sediment sequences of China
  • Soil geomorphic research and the importance of paleosol stratigraphy to Quaternary investigations, Midwestern USA
  • Paleopedology. Nature and application of paleosols
  • Etats-Unis ; Indiana ; Iowa ; Paléosol ; Propriété du sol ; Pédologie ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie
  • Indiana ; Iowa ; Paleosols ; Quaternary ; Soil property ; Soil sciences ; Stratigraphy ; United States
  • This review emphasizes the stratigraphic and spatial implications of paleosols to Quaternary research. A brief history of the evolution of soil geomorphology is presented. Details from two earlier investigations in the state of Iowa and one from
  • a recent study in Indiana are presented to demonstrate the importance of understanding paleosols in a soil-geomorphic framework.
  • Stratigraphy and paleosols in the sale terrace loess section, north western China
  • Argile minéral ; Chine ; Chine du Nord-Ouest ; Datation C 14 ; Granulométrie ; Géographie physique ; Holocène ; Loess ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléoclimat ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie
  • The results of this study suggest that detailed analyses of episodic alluvial and aeolian loess deposits and paleosols may yield important information on age of paleosols and paleoclimates that persisted during the time of their development.
  • Granulometric and mineral composition of the loess-paleosol formation in Moldova in Distribution and chronological problems of loess.
  • Granulométrie ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Loess ; Minéralogie ; Moldavskaja SSR ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie ; URSS d'Europe
  • The granulometric composition and sorting of loesses and interbedded soils are studied for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the loess-paleosol sequence in Moldova. Distinctive features of loess and paleosol horizons of different age
  • Quaternary paleosol stratigraphy and paleomagnetic record near Dreihausen, central Germany
  • Allemagne ; Argile minéral ; Hessen ; Paléoclimat ; Paléomagnétisme ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie
  • A succession of sediments and paleosols near Dreihausen records a normal magnetic remanence throughout and appears to have formed during the Bruhnes Chron. The paleosols contain argillic horizons which formed largely during interglacial periods when
  • climate was wetter and warmer than today. The paleosol data support a strong (i.e. Wetter-Warmer) paleoclimate during the Eemian with a vegetation similar to today, but perhaps acting over a longer period of time.
  • Weathering and geochronology of a quaternary paleosol sequence in lower Teleki Valley, Mount Kenya
  • Datation ; Géochronologie ; Interglaciaire ; Kenya ; Kenya mont ; Paléoclimatologie ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Sédimentaire ; Vallée ; Variation climatique
  • Climatic variation ; Dating ; Geochronology ; Interglacial ; Kenya ; Mount Kenya ; Paleoclimatology ; Paleosols ; Quaternary ; Sedimentary ; Valley
  • A sequence of paleosols investigated to reconstruct the weathering effects and climatic intensities that occurred during three interglacial periods on Mount Kenya. Scanning electron microscopy of the sand fractions in these paleosols reveals
  • Genesis and diagenesis of paleosols from Pliocene volcanics on the Golan Heights
  • Argile minéral ; Basalte ; Carbonate ; Datation C 14 ; Diagenèse ; Géochimie ; Israël ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Paléosol ; Pliocène ; Précipitation ; Pédogenèse ; Roche volcanique ; Vertisol
  • 3 buried calcareous paleosols are examined by chemical, physical, mineralogical and micromorphological methods. The study focuses on pedogenic features and processes. The purpose of this study is to determine environmental conditions under which
  • the paleosols formed, the impacts of burial by volcanic flows and the nature of post-burial diagenetic processes on the paleosols.
  • Pleistocene paleosols in Norway : implications for past climate and glacial erosion
  • Special issue. Reconstruction and climatic implications of paleosols
  • Erosion glaciaire ; Glaciaire ; Géochimie ; Norvège ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Paléosol ; Pléistocène ; Propriétés du sol ; Stratigraphie ; Susceptibilité magnétique
  • As recently as 7 years ago Quaternary geologists believed that there were no Pleistocene paleosols represented by non-peaty soil horizons (A, B, etc.) in Norway. However, several buried soils of this type have recently been reported and studied
  • by stratigraphic, magnetic and chemical methods. The presence of these buried Pleistocene paleosols in the interior of Norway (central part of the Fennoscandian glaciations) indicates that glacial erosion was locally less during several glacial cycles than
  • Composition, properties and radiocarbon age of humus in paleosols
  • Loess-paleosol and paleoclimatic investigations. Principles, methods and criteria
  • Datation C 14 ; Humus ; Matière organique ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Propriétés du sol ; Quaternaire ; Russie ; Sibir' Zapadnaâ
  • Paleosols of various age from the Russian Plain and Western Siberia were studied for their humus composition and physico-chemical properties. The permanent features of humus in paleosols useful for paleogeographical reconstruction and geoecological
  • Identification of paleosol types and their applicability for paleoclimatic reconstructions
  • Loess-paleosol and paleoclimatic investigations. Principles, methods and criteria
  • Argile minéral ; Europe ; Europe de l'Est ; Holocène ; Microstructure ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléoclimat ; Paléosol ; Propriétés du sol
  • Genetic diagnostics of paleosols are based on the morphology of soil profiles, on the combination of the stable properties of microstructure and on the mineral composition of soils. A significant contribution to this knowledge has been made
  • by investigations into loess-paleosol sequences of Eastern Europe and these data can be used for paleoclimatic reconstructions.
  • Paleosol sequences as witnesses of Pleistocene climatic history
  • Paleopedology. Nature and application of paleosols
  • Chine ; Chine centrale ; Europe ; Europe centrale ; Microstructure ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléoclimat ; Paléosol ; Pléistocène ; Pédogenèse ; Quaternaire
  • Central Europe ; China ; Europe ; Microstructure ; Paleo-environment ; Paleoclimate ; Paleosols ; Pedogenesis ; Pleistocene ; Quaternary
  • Based on a recently revised chronology the loess-paleosol sequences especially from F5 to F2 in the Carpathian Basin, southeast Central Europe and for comparison the section of Luochuan, Central China give a reliable climatic history for the upper
  • Paleogeography, stratigraphy and genesis of the loess-paleosol formation of Northern Eurasia (palynological data) in Distribution and chronological problems of loess.
  • Eurasie ; Géographie physique ; Loess ; Palynologie ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire ; Stratigraphie
  • The palynological data collected by the A. in the course of a detailed study of the loess-paleosol sections in the Russian Plain and Central Asia and the yedoma loess like sediments of Northern Asia as well as data published by others concerning
  • the pollen-and-spore studies on the loss-paleosol formations of Northern Eurasia revealed a discrepancy between the boundaries of the loess-paleosol horizons and the borders of the chronostratigraphic subdivisions and the course of the reconstructed
  • Extractable Fe and Al in late Pleistocene and Holocene paleosols on Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range
  • Colorado ; Etats-Unis ; Front Range ; Géochimie ; Géographie physique ; Lessivage ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Quaternaire
  • Extractable Fe and Al distributions in surface and buried paleosols suggest that leaching is more pronounced in the older paleosols with a considerable difference in soil-forming environment between Pleistocene interstadial, later Pleistocene
  • , and postglacial paleosols. There is no evidence that the Na-pyrophosphate extractable Fe and Al were affected by degradation of organic matter following burial| however, the data suggest that some amorphous Fe and Al might have been affected by soil water movement
  • Paleosol classification : problems and solutions
  • Argile minéral ; Classification ; Micromorphologie ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Propriétés du sol ; Taxonomie
  • The AA. suggest a property-based classification system linked to genetic processes. They use enduring micromorphological properties, and also proxy criteria (total chemical analyses) to help classify paleosols that have changed markedly or have been
  • lithified during or after burial. Their system clearly separates paleosol taxon names from those of all ground soils. They use the prescript paleo- at the order level, and kryptic to designate the buried, enduric to designate the relict, lithic to designate
  • the lithified, and emergent to designate the exhumed paleosol suborders. They use prescript modifiers to describe the physical characteristics of the paleosols and postcripts for parent material origin and the extensiveness of the paleosol landscape.
  • Paleoenvironmental changes and geochemistry of loesses and paleosols in SE-Transdanubia, Hungary
  • Dunántúl ; Granulométrie ; Géochimie ; Hongrie ; Loess ; Météorisation ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléoclimat ; Paléosol
  • This paper discusses the relation between geochemical properties of loess-paleosol sequences and paleoclimate in SE-Transdanubia. Geochemical properties of the sediments reflect the intensity of weathering and soil formation and five sediment types
  • Extractable Al and Fe in early to middle Quaternary paleosols in Gorges valley, Mount Kenya, East Africa
  • Géochimie ; Géographie physique ; Kenya ; Montagne ; Mount Kenya ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Propriété physico-chimique ; Pédogenèse ; Quaternaire ; Zone intertropicale
  • Two of the oldest paleosols on Mount Kenya are studied to determine if extractable Fe and Al might prove useful in the interpretation of present and past soil-forming environments.
  • Determining paleosol topography using seismic refraction
  • Chine ; Gansu ; Interglaciaire ; Loess ; Paléosol ; Plateau ; Quaternaire ; Sismique ; Stratigraphie ; Technique de recherche ; Topographie
  • The seismic refraction reversed profiling technique has been used to investigate the topography of the last interglacial soil (paléosol S1) within the central Chinese Loess Plateau near Xifeng: variations in the depth. Discussion about the results
  • A Pinedale/Bull lake interglacial paleosol and its implications, Central Lemhi Mountains, Idaho
  • Analyse pollinique ; Etats-Unis ; Géographie physique ; Idaho ; Interglaciaire ; Lemhi Mountains ; Paléo-environnement ; Paléosol ; Pléistocène supérieur ; Quaternaire zones moyennes
  • Présentation des caractéristiques stratigraphiques et pédologiques d'un paléosol de l'Interglaciaire Pinedale/Bull Lake. Reconstitution du paléoenvironnement à partir des données polliniques : limite inférieure des arbres.