Résultats de la recherche (1176 résultats)
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Par Collection Par Auteur- EHLERS, J., (Editeur scientifique) (8)
- Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Pays-Bas (8)
- FELIX (R.) ed. (7)
- RIETVELD, P. (7)
- VAN DEN BERG (M. W.) ed. (7)
- MULDER, C.H. (6)
- MUSTERD, S. (6)
- DIJST, M. (5)
- NIJKAMP, P. (5)
- TERWINDT (J. H. J.) ed. (5)
- VAN STEIJN (H.) ed. (5)
- VAN WEESEP (J.) ed. (5)
- VAN WEESEP, J. (5)
- ASHWORTH (G. J.) ed. (4)
- Comité National Français de Géologie, France (4)
- DE SMIDT, M. (4)
- DIJST, M. (4)
- 2011 (51)
- 1992 (49)
- 1983 (48)
- 1996 (48)
- 2012 (48)
- 1994 (45)
- 1993 (44)
- 1984 (41)
- 2013 (39)
- 1998 (35)
- 2014 (34)
- 2010 (33)
- 1980 (32)
- 1981 (32)
- 2006 (32)
- 1997 (31)
- 1991 (30)
- 1995 (30)
- 1999 (30)
- 2001 (30)
- Geography of Europe (272)
- Human geography (43)
- Physical geography (40)
- General points on geography (12)
- History of geography (7)
- Geography of America (2)
- Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie régionale ; Pays-Bas (2)
- 's-Hertogenbosch West ; Carte ; Carte pédologique au 1:50 000 ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Noord-Brabant ; Pays-Bas ; Réseau de drainage ; Sol (1)
- 's-Hertogenbosch, région ; Carte ; Carte géomorphologique au 1:50 000 ; Fluviatile ; Formation superficielle ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géomorphologie ; Noord-Brabant ; Pays-Bas (1)
- (1634-1977) ; Analyse spectrale ; Climat historique ; De Bilt ; Géographie physique ; Hollande ; Paléoclimatologie ; Série chronologique ; Variation climatique (1)
- (1847-1871) ; Agriculture de subsistance ; Agriculture familiale ; Campagne ; Catholique ; Cohorte ; Emigrant ; Exode rural ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie historique ; Industrie rurale ; Migration ; Noord-Brabant ; Pays-Bas ; Petite exploitation ; Siècle XIX (1)
- (1850-1970) ; Action anthropique ; Dune ; Ecologie ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géomorphologie ; Hydrologie ; Littoral ; Milieu naturel ; Pays-Bas ; Système dunaire ; Végétation (1)
- (1951-1980) ; Climatologie ; Donnée ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Insolation ; Pays-Bas ; Précipitation (1)
- (1954-1980) ; Accession à la propriété ; Amsterdam ; Condominium ; Copropriété ; Coût du logement ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Logement ; Logement locatif ; Marché du logement ; Pays-Bas ; Politique du logement ; Rotterdam ; Réglementation ; Ville (1)
- (1956-1977) ; Aide internationale ; Coopération internationale ; Domination ; Dépendance ; Développement ; Géographie de l'Afrique ; Maroc ; Pays-Bas ; Politique économique ; Projet REMPLOD ; Rif ; Région ; Région périphérique ; Sous-développement (1)
- (1960-1973) ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Migration ; Migration intérieure ; Pays-Bas ; Taux migratoire (1)
- (1960-1974) ; Aménagement régional ; Analyse spatiale ; Banlieue industrielle ; Banlieue résidentielle ; Commerce de gros ; Conurbation ; Croissance urbaine ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Localisation industrielle ; Migration alternante ; Modèle conceptuel ; Pays-Bas ; Randstad Holland ; Structure urbaine (1)
- (1960-1978) ; Emploi ; Emploi industriel ; Entreprise multinationale ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Pays-Bas (1)
- (1960-1980) ; Analyse spatiale ; Croissance urbaine ; Cycle de vie ; Exurbanisation ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Mobilité résidentielle ; Pays-Bas ; Randstad Holland ; Résidence ; Système urbain ; Zone résidentielle (1)
- (1962-1982) ; Aménagement régional ; Démographie ; Géographie humaine ; Histoire des sciences ; Pays-Bas ; Siècle XX (1)
- Pays-Bas : dynamique des villes et des campagnes (7)
- Urban networks research program (7)
- Cultural economy : an opportunity to boost employment and regional development? (3)
- Les Pays-bas et les pays bordant la mer du Nord (3)
- Niederlande und Nordseeanrainer (3)
- Special issue dedicaced to the memory of Jean Gottmann. Governing urban regional networks in Europe (3)
- Europäische metropolitane Peripherien (2)
- Geomorphology and geoecology. Fluvial geomorphology (2)
- L'extrême droite en Europe (2)
- Late Vistulian (= Weichselian) and Holocene aeolian phenomena in central and northern Europe (2)
- Les littoraux, espaces de vies (2)
- Problems of lithostratigraphic classification of Holocene deposits in the perimarine area of the Netherlands (2)
- Périphéries métropolitaines en Europe (2)
- Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change (2)
- Special issue on landscape ecological impacts of climatic change on fluvial systems in Europe (2)
- Special issue: European ports (2)
- The transformation of the European rural landscape : methodological issues and agrarian change 1770-1914. Papers from the 1990 meeting of the standing European Conference for the study of the rural landscape (2)
- 'Breaking out' and 'breaking in' : changing firm strategies in the Dutch audiovisual industry (1)
- 's-Gravenhage in archeologisch perspectief. (The Hague, The Netherlands as seen in an archaeological perspective) (1)
- (RE) deposition of loess in southern Limbourg, The Netherlands. 1. Field evidence for conditions of deposition of the lower silt loam complex (1)
- Geological bibliography of the Netherlands and adjacent countries of importance to the geology of the Netherlands
- The Netherlands
- Nuclear energy in the Netherlands
- Late Holocene eolian drift sands in Drenthe (The Netherlands)
- Drenthe ; Eolian features ; Holocene ; Netherlands (The) ; Palaeogeography ; Quaternary ; Sand ; Wind
- This thesis presents the results of an investigation of the geomorphology, the origin and the age of the drift sands in Drenthe, a province in the northern part of The Netherlands. - (AGD)
- Window on the Netherlands. Regional policy in The Netherlands
- Rural areas in the Netherlands
- Cognitive space ; Countryside ; Enquiry ; Espace vécu ; Netherlands (The) ; Perception ; Rural area
- According to the OECD standard, there are no rural areas in the Netherlands. In order to explore how Dutch inhabitants think about rural areas a survey was conducted, focusing on the kind of associations respondents to the survey have with respect
- to rural areas, and where they think rural areas are located in the Netherlands.
- The Bos Atlas and geography teaching in the Netherlands
- Window on The Netherlands : A new physical planning act
- New firm formation and regional policy in the Netherlands
- Academic urban geography in the Netherlands
- A garden in Europe : the case of the Ijsselmeer district of the Netherlands
- The changing institutions of academic human geography in the Netherlands
- Changing patterns of population growth in the Netherlands
- Bibliography of selected literature on the Netherlands in foreign languages, 1976-1980
- Between tradition and change. Hindustani associations in the Netherlands
- Acculturation ; Community life ; Cultural studies ; Netherlands (The) ; Social anthropology ; Social integration
- Hindustanis from Suriname occupy a special place in the Netherlands. In this study the author tries to explain why some associations are more oriented towards acculturation than others. Case studies were performed in four municipalities of different
- size in the Netherlands. - (AGD)
- Mapping groundwater quality in the Netherlands
- Cartography ; Estimation ; Groundwater ; Netherlands (The) ; Observation network ; Pollution ; Water quality
- The author maps groundwater quality in the Netherlands, using available measurements from the national and provincial monitoring networks. The study shows the effects of monitoring network density and gives possibilities to improve groundwater
- Window on the Netherlands. Immigrants in the Netherlands
- The Netherlands in Geology of the european countries. Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
- Window on the Netherlands. A new urban policy report for the Netherlands in Dutch geography in the 1980s. A selection of contribucions to the I.G.U. 1984.
- Initial and subsequent location choices of immigrants to the Netherlands
- Choice ; Ethnic segregation ; Immigrants ; Location ; Mobility ; Netherlands (The) ; Residential segregation