Résultats de la recherche (5991 résultats)
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Par Collection Par Auteur- MORIN, S., (Editeur scientifique) (43)
- SALOMON, J.-N., (Editeur scientifique) (43)
- BART, F., (Editeur scientifique) (42)
- PFEFFER, K.-H., (Editeur scientifique) (29)
- IVES, J. D., (Auteur des parties liminaires) (26)
- KAUR, J., (Editeur scientifique) (26)
- SINGH, T. V., (Auteur des parties liminaires) (26)
- SINGH, T. V., (Editeur scientifique) (26)
- HARRIS, C., (Editeur scientifique) (18)
- DEVENNE, F., (Directeur de publication) (17)
- BART, F., (Directeur de publication) (16)
- MBONILE, M.J., (Directeur de publication) (15)
- UFIMCEV, G.F. (15)
- STARKEL, L. (14)
- POESEN, J. (11)
- STARKEL, L. (11)
- ANDRÉ, M. F., (Editeur scientifique) (10)
- BOBO, J.-P., (Editeur scientifique) (10)
- KOUTANIEMI, L., (Editeur scientifique) (10)
- 1999 (274)
- 1992 (263)
- 1996 (262)
- 2001 (256)
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- 2002 (232)
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- 2012 (211)
- 1997 (204)
- 1991 (201)
- 2008 (199)
- 2006 (192)
- 2005 (185)
- 2011 (185)
- 2007 (184)
- 2013 (168)
- Physical geography (308)
- Geography of Europe (205)
- Geography of America (137)
- Geography of Asia (100)
- General points on geography (40)
- Geography of Africa (39)
- Human geography (26)
- Geography of polar regions (16)
- History of geography (8)
- Geography of Oceania (5)
- Asia ; Cenozoic ; Former USSR ; Geomorphic cycle ; Geomorphogenesis ; Mountain ; Pamir ; Soviet Central Asia ; Tien Shan ; Valley ; Valley floor evolution (2)
- Asie ; Cycle géomorphologique ; Cénozoïque ; Evolution de vallée ; Ex-URSS ; Géomorphogenèse ; Montagne ; Pamir ; Srednjaja Azija ; Tjan'-Šan' ; Vallée (2)
- Doline ; Geomorphometry ; Hungary ; Karst ; Karstic landform ; Mountain (2)
- Doline ; Géomorphométrie ; Hongrie ; Karst ; Modelé karstique ; Montagne (2)
- Multiregional geography (2)
- (1840-1979) ; Aménagement régional ; Black Mountains ; Campagne ; Dépeuplement ; Economie rurale ; Exode rural ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Habitat abandonné ; Habitat rural ; Histoire rurale ; Parc national ; Repeuplement ; Royaume-Uni ; Résidence secondaire ; Wales (1)
- (1900) ; Arizona ; Colorado ; Délimitation ; Etats-Unis ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Hispano ; Minorité ; Minorité culturelle ; Mountain States ; New Mexico ; Pays natal ; Population (1)
- (1921-1970) ; Altitude ; Climatologie ; Durée d'enneigement ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Hiver ; Manteau nival ; Neige ; Slovensko ; Tchécoslovaquie (1)
- (1930-1970) ; Aménagement ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Makedonija ; Potentiel touristique ; Tourisme ; Yougoslavie (1)
- (1933-1983) ; Aménagement hydraulique ; Aménagement régional ; Appalachian Mountains ; Consommation ; Cours d'eau ; Economie régionale ; Energie ; Etats-Unis ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Hydro-électricité ; Lutte contre les inondations ; Législation ; Régularisation de l'écoulement ; Tennessee, vallée ; Voie navigable (1)
- Les Montagnes tropicales. Identités, mutations, développement (43)
- Tropical/subtropical geomorphology. Research studies from coastal areas to high mountains (22)
- Géomorphologie et aménagement de la montagne. Mélanges en hommage à Pierre Gabert (19)
- Kilimandjaro. Montagne, Mémoire, Modernité (17)
- Glaciation and periglacial in asian high mountains. (15)
- Bergen i fokus (11)
- High mountain geomorphology (11)
- Hochgebirge. (11)
- Les hautes montagnes. (11)
- Special issue : Methods of mass balance measurements and modeling (11)
- Le Canigou 1896-1996 : un siècle d'aménagements (10)
- Modelling of high-mountain relief (10)
- Mountain geoecology of the Andes (10)
- Research in deserts and mountains of Africa and central Asia. (10)
- Rythmes d'évolution morphologique depuis l'Holocène en milieux tempérés et froids (10)
- La montagne marocaine : développement et protection (9)
- La montagne méditerranéenne : paléoenvironnements, morphogenèse, aménagements. Actes du colloque (9)
- Late Quaternary history of the White Mountains, New Hampshire and adjacent southeastern Québec (9)
- Les géographes inventent les Alpes (9)
- Life in mid-altitude mountain areas. A way of life or a way of survival? (9)
- Mountain ordering : a method for classifying mountains based on their morphometry
- Classification ; Fractal geometry ; Geomorphometry ; Hokkaido ; Japan ; Methodology ; Mountain ; Relief
- A new method for defining the extent of a mountain, mountain ordering, is proposed, and is used to examine the morphological characteristics of a set of ordered mountains in northern Japan. As an example of geomorphometry based on the method
- of mountain ordering, mountain order and the number, area and height for mountains of each order were determined for these mountains.
- The Mountain Institute
- Andes ; Appalachian Mountains ; Communauté rurale ; Himalaya ; Monde ; Montagne ; Organisation internationale ; Protection de l'environnement
- Andes ; Appalachian Mountains ; Environmental conservation ; Himalaya ; International organization ; Mountain ; Rural community ; World
- Discussion of the philosophy, goals, work, and future plans of The Mountain Institute (TMI), founded in 1973 and still the only international organization dedicated exclusively to environmental conservation and economic development in mountain
- communities worldwide. TMI works with local mountain organizations on 3 continents and a global network of people and organizations called the Mountain Forum. - (SLD)
- The Knockmealdown Mountains, a glacial nunatak
- Glaciaire ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géomorphologie climatique ; Irlande ; Knockmealdown Mountains ; Nunatak
- The life history of a mountain range The Appalachians in Mountain building processes.
- Mountain climatology and past and potential future climatic changes in mountain regions : a review
- Climate ; Climatic variation ; Forecast;Prediction ; Glacier fluctuation ; Mountain ; Paleoclimatology ; Scale ; Snow ; Temperature
- Using mountain regions from around the world, the A. discusses controls of mountain climate and scales of climate features, and evaluates evidence of past climatic conditions.―(DWG)
Vertical distance, releif energy and altitudinal limits as distinguishing features of high mountains
- Vertical distance, releif energy and altitudinal limits as distinguishing features of high mountains
- Altitude ; Classification ; High mountain ; Mountain ; Relief
- Mountain constitute the Earth's third pole, because they hypsometrically repeat the climate zones as far as the Arctic within smallest space. For this reason, the vertical distance and relief energy are characteristic and distinguishing features
- of any classification of mountains. But when taking such basic features into consideration, geomorphologists, glaciologists and geobotanists have to define mountain-typological threshold values in a new way. - (IfL)
- The European Mountain Forum : a growing network
- Europe ; International organization ; Mountain ; Resource management ; Sustainable development
- Discussion of the European section of the Mountain Forum, a global network committed to sustainable development in mountain regions. The european section promotes sustainable development and management of Europe's mountains, facilitates exchange
- between interested parties, and encourages education, public awareness, and technical assistance related to the first goal. In 1998, the European Mountain forum had over 460 members and local nodes in the Carpathians, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean
- Mountains (including North Africa), and the Middle Mountains of Central and Western Europe. See WWW.europe.mtnforum.org. - (SLD)
- Late Pleistocene glaciation of the Hulifang massif of Gongwang mountains in Yunnan Province
- China ; Dating ; Glacial features ; Glaciation ; Mountain ; Palaeogeography ; Pleistocene ; Stratigraphy ; Thermoluminescence ; Yunnan
- Geomorphic mapping of the Hulifang Massif and the TL dating provides evidence for at least 4 distinct glaciations. Correlated with the other mountains in eastern China, these glacial advances in the Gongwang mountains just like the advances
- in the western part such as Diancang mountains, Yulong mountains of Yunnan Province and the glacier series are more complete than the adjacent mid-latitude regions such as Taibai mountain and Taiwan mountains and are roughly representative of climate changes
- Outdoor recreation in mountains
- Accessibility ; Customers ; Environment ; Impact ; Mountain ; Outdoor recreation ; Tourism
- The theories of accessibility, highland-lowland interaction, and population migration in mountains are used to illustrate the linkages between the supply of recreation landscape and the attractions, demands and impacts of recreation in mountain
- Concept ; Geomorphology ; High mountain ; Mountain ; Terminology
- A contribution to the discussion of the term « high mountains » and the differentiation of high-mountains landscape from other types. The existing misleading terminological shortage could be eliminated by substituting the adjective « high
- » by « cold » (relative « cold mountains », « cold landscape ». - (MS)
- The utility of models in the study of mountain development and transformation in Transformation of mountain environments.
- Conceptualizations relating to the alpine geosystem, forests, hydrology, arctic tundra and the so-called Obergurgl model are analyzed for their usefulness in study processes of significance to mountain environments. - (DWG)
- Utilization and management of resources in mountain regions of the (former) Federal Republic of Germany
- Environment ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Germany ; Mountain ; Natural resources ; Regional planning ; Resource management
- Delineation of mountain regions of Western Germany and how people have evaluated the use of their mountain space. Discussion of the assistance programs of five states to develop tourism and preserve nature. In former East Germany, the mountain zones
- Regularities of mountain geosystems
- Altitudinal zonation ; Europe ; Geosystem ; Holocene ; Mountain ; Pleistocene ; Precipitation ; Quaternary ; Temperature
- The main features of the mountains are considered and relation with the vertical zonality of temperature and precipitations are observed. Taking into account the mesoclimatic belts in mountain valleys, the diversity of vertical belts and the slope
- assymetry in various climatic zones are discussed. Reconstruction of changes of vertical zones in European mountains during the Pleistocene and early Holocene is proposed. - (DG)
- Mountain cloud forest conservation and research: a synopsis
- Geoecology and sustainable development in middle mountains and high mountains
- Biodiversity ; Biogeography ; Environmental management ; Forest ; Hydrology ; Mountain ; Nature conservation ; Water resources
- Cogent article on an inclusive definition for mountain clouds forests, their importance in hydrology and biodiversity and a discussion of eight kinds of threats to their survival. Discussion of actions and research needs required to meet those
- Chapter 13 : Sustainable mountain development : a word from the task manager (FAO)
- International organization ; Mountain ; Resource management ; Sustainable development
- Reviews the role the FAO is playing to help in the implementation of Agenda 21. Resources for watershed management and sustainable mountain development have been doubled within FAO since 1994. At the same time, the FAO is cooperating with UN sister
- agencies involved in mountain issues. There is a discussion of the creation and preparation for the International Year of the Mountain (2002). - (SLD)
- Are there geomorphic indicators of permafrost in the Tatra Mountains ?
- Modelling of high-mountain relief
- Indicator ; Mountain ; Patterned ground ; Periglacial features ; Permafrost ; Poland ; Slope deposit ; Slope dynamics ; Tatra Mountains
- The aim of this paper has been to discuss, by reference to the Tatra Mountains, the relationship between landform development and the presence of permafrost in mountains in which the latter is only present in isolated patches. Thus the slope
- [b1] Inst. of Geography and Spatial Organisation, PAS, Dep. of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands, Kraków, Pologne
- Mountain agrobiodiversity in Peru : seed fairs, seed banks, and mountain-to-mountain exchange
- Agriculture ; Agroecosystem ; Andes ; Biodiversity ; Mountain ; Peru ; Project ; Rural development ; Soil conservation ; South America ; Sustainable development
- of local seed banks managed by campesino associations. The latter promotes technical cooperation in support of the exchange of seeds and local knowledge mountain agriculture ecosystems. Tables list native Andean crops. - (SLD)
- Mountain gorilla mortality and climatic factors in the Parc national des Volcans, Ruhengeri Prefecture, Rwanda, 1988
- Biogeography ; Climate ; Mammals ; Mortality ; Mountain ; Precipitation ; Rwanda
- The AA. see a connection between the high mortality of mountain gorillas in 1988 and a period of heavy precipitation and cooler weather. - (DWG)
- Carpathian Mountains ; Lithology ; Mountain ; Romania ; Sedimentology ; Structural geomorphology
- Author investigates the geomorphological characteristics of the Apuseni mountains (Romania). Among others the types of relief structures and the petrological characteristics of the different ranges of the mountains are examined. - (JS)
- Behavioural considerations in the management of mountain-dwelling ungulates
- Dégradation de l'environnement ; Etats-Unis ; Ethologie ; Faune ; Géographie physique ; Montagne ; Ongulé ; Rocky Mountains
- Territorial and offspring retention and other behavioral traits must be taken into consideration in ungulate management in fragile mountain zones. - (D. W. Gade).