Afterword : a shoe for all occasions or shoes for every occasion : methodological diversity, normative fashions, and metaphysical unity in physical geography
Methodology ; Physical geography ; Scale
L'A. apporte une conclusion à ce forum de discussions sur les diverses méthodologies utilisées en géographie physique.
Theoretical and methodological promises of geomorphological forecasting
Concept ; Forecast;Prediction ; Geographical information system ; Geomorphology ; Geosystem ; Methodology ; Model ; Statistics
The purpose of this paper is to formally outline some fundamental theoretical and methodological promises of geomorphological forecasting. It is shown that there is a conceptual link between field studies of spatial structures and landscape
Methodological exercises in regional geography : France as an example
France ; Languedoc-Roussillon ; Methodology ; Poitou-Charentes ; Practical work ; Regional geography ; Research technique ; Theory
This book is a collection of exercises in modern regional geography. It's aim is to demonstrate how regional geographers now study regions. A methodological framework is presented. Included are case-studies of Poitou-Charentes and Languedoc
in managing environmental systems. In particular, this paper aims to : demonstrate the importance of assessing uncertainty within a realist research framework; consider the nature of scientific uncertainty as the basis for developing methodologies
that question belief; and explore some important aspects of a methodology for evaluating uncertainties in environmental research.
Economic geography ; Geographical information system ; Methodology ; Modelling ; Physical geography ; Regional geography ; Social geography ; Theory
The papers of the present volume discussed in a conference on theory and quantitative methodology in spring 1996 deal with the use of GIS, theoretical problems of modelling in physical and economic and social geography, methodology of evaluation
The theoretical outline of methodological procedure of selection of assisted regions
This paper is a contribution to the methodological aspects of selection and definition of declining regions in Slovakia which need regional assistance. Spatial disparities within the country and the possible methods of state intervention
A Critique of the methodology of Australian agriculture
In this article, attention is drawn to serious methodological weeknesses in Australian agricultural economics. The A. argues that Australian agricultural economists ought to be more critical of the assumptions on which current theory is based
Towards the planning of urban land development in New Zealand: a methodological inquiry
The paper outlines and applies to a specific development situation-the proposed AoKautere sub-division, Palmerston North City-a methodology embodying a location-referenced information system and evaluative technique, Development Potential Analysis.
This study compares several methodologies for conducting flow detachment tests. Particularly, differences in initial soil moisture conditions and soil surface characteristics due to the combined effects of various types of crops and applied raindrop