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  • Labour productivity
  • Labour productivity in the aggregate economy and in its socialized sector (indices of labour productivity, comparisons with other countries). Labour productivity in industry (comparisons with other countries). Labour productivity in agriculture
  • Labour relations
  • Sources of labour law, kinds of labour relationships, establishment of a labour relationship, the rights of workers, worker's responsability, labour relationships of workers employed by private employers.
  • Transitions on the Hungarian labour market : main trends and regional disparities
  • Employment ; Hungary ; Labour ; Labour market ; Labour mobility ; Regional disparities ; Unemployment
  • This paper gives a detailed analysis about the regional differentiation of the Hungarian labour market. First two concepts of regional labour markets and labour market mobility flows are clarified, then an overview about the main trends
  • of the Hungarian labour market as well as a description of the old and new disparities observed on the Hungarian regional labour markets are presented. - (Zoltán Kovács).
  • Subcontracting the accountant! Professional labour markets, migration, and organisational networks in the global accountancy industry
  • Expertise ; Firm strategy ; International migration ; Labour ; Labour market ; Labour migration ; Network ; Offices ; Skilled labour ; Sub-contracting
  • The notion of labour market is discussed within the context of international migration of skilled labour in the accountancy industry. The practices of large accountancy firms have restructured the demand for professional labour on a global scale
  • Labour migration in Cameroun Republic
  • Cameroon ; Labour migration ; Migration
  • Industrial dynamics and fragmented labour markets. Construction firms and labourers in India
  • Building materials ; Enterprise;Firm ; India ; Industrial production ; Industry ; Labour market ; Working class
  • This book deals with the factors responsible for the persistence and proliferation of « small-scale activities » and of certain labour arrangements from a theoretical perspective. - (AGD)
  • Labour underutilisation in metropolitan labour markets in Australia : individual characteristics, personal circumstances and local labour markets
  • Australia ; Labour ; Local labour market ; Model ; Socio-economic system ; Town ; Underemployment
  • Coming and going in Slovakia : international labour mobility in the Central European buffer zone
  • Central Europe ; Economic system ; Europe ; Human capital ; International migration ; Labour ; Labour market ; Labour migration ; Labour mobility ; Social inequality
  • -labour market, the Slovakians are found in both segments of the dual labour market. The overall effect is to contribute to the reproduction of economic inequalities in the buffer zone.
  • The Dutch labour market in Spatial labour markets.
  • Regionale forskjeller i yrkesdeltakingen 1970 Regional differences in labour force participation
  • The aim of the paper is to study how labour force participation is affected simultaneously by individual traits and municipality characteristics. The main emphasis is on the influence of regional background variables on labour force participation
  • Labour mobility and the changing housing market
  • Employment ; Financing ; Housing ; Housing market ; Labour market ; Labour mobility ; Neo-classical model
  • Labour mobility as a concept has different meanings in different contexts. It was often confined to a discussion of geographical movement between labour markets and the constraints imposed by the tenure position. But it captures only one aspect
  • of job movement. An alternative explanation of labour and housing market interactions is provided. After a review of the debates over the last 50 years, the involvement of employers in the housing market is examined. The interaction is studied
  • Labour flexibility: a tale of two mills
  • British Columbia ; Canada ; Economic restructuring ; Flexibility ; Industrial branch ; Industry ; Labour ; Labour market ; Labour productivity ; Wood industry
  • The paper focuses on in situ restructuring and the search for flexibility in a Fordist labour relations environment, notably the coastal lumber industry of British Columbia, by comparatively analyzing the recent experiences of the Chemainus
  • and Youbou sawmills. The differences in the introduction of new technology reflect the presence of an irreductible local component in labour control.
  • The state, skilled labour markets, and immigration : the case of doctors in England
  • Doctor of medicine ; England ; Health ; Immigration ; International migration ; Labour ; Labour market ; Skilled labour ; United Kingdom
  • The AA. seek to explore some of the complexities of shifting labour markets and immigration regulations and their influence on the geography of migration of doctors in England. State regulations have been altered to meet the specificities
  • of internal labour-market shortages and that the level of the state remains a useful analytical level for understanding the skilled migration of doctors.
  • Het regionaal arbeidsaanbod in Nederland| structuur en ontwikkeling. The regional supply of labour in the Netherlands| structure and development
  • This report analyses structure and development of the regional labour supply in the Netherlands. It concentrates on six labour market areas in this country. The emphasis is on the quantitative aspects of labour market areas. - (AGD)
  • Employability and labour under-utilization in non-metropolitan labour markets
  • Australia ; Employability ; Labour ; Labour market ; Logit model ; Marche (region) ; Underemployment
  • Urbanization in South Africa and the changing character of migrant labour
  • Enquiry ; Household behaviour ; Labour migration ; Migratory flow ; Post-apartheid ; South Africa ; Urban immigration ; Urbanization
  • In South Africa migrant labours is indelibly associated with apartheid and influx control. But even since the abolition of influx control, labour migration has continued on a considerable scale. The purpose of this paper is to identify some
  • of the features of migrant labour as it exists today and to draw out some its implications for urbanization. - (AJC)
  • Languages of labour : representational strategies in Singapore's labour control regime
  • Discourse ; Labour ; Labour market ; Management ; Manpower ; Power ; Singapore ; State control
  • Local labour markets and individual transitions into and out of poverty : evidence from the British Household Panel Study waves 1 to 8
  • Family income ; Labour ; Living standard ; Local labour market ; Poverty ; Probability ; United Kingdom
  • The paper examines the impact of changes in local-labour market conditions on individual poverty exits and entrances. Transitions out of poverty and transitions into poverty are estimated by using discrete duration models. The relative contribution
  • of labour market variables is smaller than individual and family characteristics in determining transitions out of and into poverty.
  • Labouring geography : negotiating scales, strategies and future directions. Themed issue
  • Labour ; Neo liberalism ; Scale ; Trade unionism ; Transnationalism ; Work organization
  • The contributions address some of the issues raised by those who have recently taken stock of labour geography's early years. First, there is the key question of labour as an active agent in the production of economic landscapes. Second
  • , there are debates surrounding the production of scale and the multiscalarity of organized labour. Third, labour geographers have yet to engage in any sustained fashion with unpacking the complex identities of workers and the way in which those identities are shaped
  • by and shape the economic and cultural landscape. Fourth, there is some debate on the costs and benefits of a normative labour geography which focuses on what could or even should be.
  • Guyana: the making of the labour force