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  • The first domestications of plants and animals, which occurred between 10 K years and 5 K years BP, and which underpinned the inception of agricultural systems, represent a major turning point in cultural and environmental history. New methods
  • of age estimation, notably by radiocarbon, have necessitated a reappraisal of the origins of agriculture in Mesoamerica, whilst biomolecular techniques are contributing to the identification of the wild relatives of domesticated plants and animals
  • Grassland coverage inter-annual variation and its coupling relation with hydrothermal factors in China during 1982–2010
  • [b2] College of Animal Sciences, Agricultural Univ., Nanjing, Chine
  • Late Pleistocene vertebrate, plant and insect remains from the Innerkip site, southwestern Ontario in The Last? Interglaciation in Canada : Le dernier (?) interglaciaire au Canada.
  • relationships of the plants and animals recognised at the site.
  • This paper describes teeth and bone fragments recovered from the peaty deposit during a search for coleopterain remains. The paper also summarises some of the Coleoptera and plant remains previously described and comments on the ecological
  • Comment les peuplements de plantes et d'insectes phytophages se façonnent mutuellement: la théorie coévolutive de la structure des peuplements
  • Co-évolution ; Ecologie ; Géographie physique ; Insecte phytophage ; Interaction plante-herbivore ; Structure de peuplement ; Synécologie descriptive ; Végétation
  • subtances involved in the arms race between plant producers and animal consumers, the evolutionary mechanisms implied in coevolution, the costs and benefits of the alternative adaptive strategies adopted by insect consumers (with particular emphasis
  • Compared to English, Spanish exhibits a more subtle use of place-of-margins words. Spanish has a rich lexicon for elements of the natural lanscape, but is not well suited to naming plants and animals according to concrete semantic categories. - (DWG)
  • Alimentation ; Animal d'élevage ; Documentation ; Géographie humaine ; Indemnité alimentaire ; Plante cultivée ; Produit alimentaire ; Thesaurus
  • Constituant secondaire ; Dynamique des populations ; Ecologie ; Ecologie animale ; Géographie physique ; Phytochimie ; Plante ; Stratégie de survie ; Synécologie descriptive ; Tactique phytochimique ; Végétation
  • to discourage consumption by animal consumers. Two phytochemical tactics can be identified: (1) the T-tactic, based on the mass use of molecules (tannins and terpenoids) which influence the palatability and digestibility of plant material, and (2) the a-tactic
  • A negative correlation is shown to exist between the frequencies of occurrence of tannins and alkaloids among the major orders and families of Dicotyledons (and other Spermatophytes as well). Tannins and alkaloids are both used by plants
  • , based on the use of various toxic micromolecules, often nitrogenous, present at low concentrations in plant tissues, such as alkaloids, nonproteic amino-acids, cyanogenic glycosides, glycosinolates, etc. T-tacticians are generally found among K
  • -strategists, i.e. plant species growing in stable and predictable environments, mostly forests. On the other hand, a-tacticians are mostly found among r-strategists, i.e. plants living in unstable and marginal environments, more particularly those
  • Environmental themes in eco-fiction: In the center of the nation and Animal dreams
  • Culturel ; Environnement ; Perception de l'environnement ; Relation homme-environnement ; Relation société-environnement
  • Cultural studies ; Environment ; Environmental perception ; Man-environment relations ; Society-environment relationship
  • Interpretation of the human/nature relationhip in two recently published American novels in which place and land are important. One is Animal dreams by Barbara Kingsolver and the other is In the center of the nation by Dan O'Brien. - (DWG)
  • Geographers have begun to consider animals and the urban moral landscape, and assess competing rubrics of planning practice as they relate to animals in the city. Together, these efforts suggest a research agenda for urban geographers interested
  • in human-animal relations, that may help bridge gaps between human and physical geography, and propel the study of nature-society relations to the fore in urban geography.
  • Amélioration génétique ; Angiospermae ; Animal ruminant ; Culture tropicale ; Dicotyledones ; Ecophysiologie ; Elevage ; Exploitation herbage ; Fertilité sol ; Fourrage ; Gramineae ; Leguminosae ; Monocotyledones ; Plante fourragère ; Prairie
  • animal ; Seed production ; Soil fertility ; Spermatophyta ; Tropical crop ; Tropical zone
  • Angiospermae ; Animal rumiante ; Cría ; Cultivo tropical ; Dicotyledones ; Ecofisiología ; Enriquecimiento genético ; Fertilidad suelo ; Forraje ; Gramineae ; Leguminosae ; Manejo de praderas ; Monocotyledones ; Planta forrajera ; Pradera
  • Ecophysiologie des plantes fourragères tropicales. Amélioration génétique des graminées fourragères tropicales. Quelques aspects agronomiques des plantes fourragères. Valeur alimentaire des fourrages cultivés. Choix des plantes fourragères
  • . Production de semences fourragères tropicales. Etablissement et entretien des prairies. Exploitation des cultures fourragères. Plantes fourragères et maintien de la fertilité du sol. Intégration des cultures fourragères dans les systèmes de production.
  • Fertilité et relations agriculture-élevage en zone de savane (Montpellier, 5-6 mai 1998)
  • massique ; France ; Gestion fertilité ; Innovation ; Interdisciplinaire ; Modélisation ; Méthodologie ; Participation ; Plante fourragère ; Polyculture élevage ; Production animale ; Production végétale ; Prévention pollution ; Recherche agronomique
  • Africa ; Agricultural development ; Agricultural system ; Agronomic research ; Agronomy ; Animal production ; Biomass ; Bretagne ; Cameroon ; Cropping system ; Cultivated soil ; Europe ; Farming system ; Fodder crop ; France ; Innovation
  • ; Integrated system ; Interdisciplinary field ; International conference ; Mass flow ; Methodology ; Mixed farming ; Modeling ; Organic fertilizer ; Participation ; Plant production ; Pollution prevention ; Popularization ; Production system ; Rearing
  • polución ; Producción animal ; Produccíon vegetal ; REGION SUDANO SAHELIANA ; Sabana ; Sahel ; Sistema agrario ; Sistema cultural ; Sistema de explotación agrícola ; Sistema integrado ; Sistema producción ; Suelo cultivado ; Suelo tropical ; Terruño ; Zona
  • gestion de la biomasse, des transferts de fertilité au sein du terroir ou de l'exploitation et des relations agriculture-élevage.
  • Africa ; Arthropoda ; Beneficial animal ; Biological control ; Borer ; Cereal crop ; Chemical control ; Cultural control ; Damage ; Diagnosis (taxonomy) ; Economic importance ; Entomophagous ; Geographic distribution ; Host plant ; Illustrated
  • Afrique ; Afrique subsaharienne ; Animal auxiliaire ; Arthropoda ; Clé détermination ; Comportement déprédateur ; Crambidae ; Description illustrée ; Diagnose ; Dégât ; Déprédateur ; ENNEMI NATUREL ; Entomophage ; Foreur ; INSECTE DEPREDATEUR DES
  • TIGES ; Identification spécifique ; Importance économique ; Insecta ; Invertebrata ; Lepidoptera ; Lutte antidéprédateur ; Lutte biologique ; Lutte chimique ; Lutte intégrée ; Lutte par technique culturale ; Noctuidae ; Plante céréalière ; Plante hôte
  • Africa ; Africa subsahariana ; Animal benéfico ; Arthropoda ; Clave determinación ; Conducta depredadora ; Descripción ilustrada ; Diagnosis ; Distribución geográfica ; ENEMIGOS NATURALES ; Entomófago ; Estrago ; INSECTOS DANINOS DEL TALLO
  • ; Pyralidae ; Sistemática ; Taladrador(animal) ; Tallo ; Zona tropical
  • The diet of the lizard Psammodromus algirus was studied on the small Isola dei Conigli, near lampedusa, Sicily. A comparison is made with diet of the population studied by Mellado (1975) in the south of Spain. Both plant and animal remains were
  • found in the fecal pellets of the Isoli dei Conigli lizards, contrary to what has been found in Spain. Ants, beetles and spiders were the principal animal prey.
  • The Influence of corporate organization and ownership on the linkages of industrial plants: a Canadian enquiry
  • Analyse factorielle ; Canada ; Echanges inter-industriels ; Echantillon ; Entreprise ; Entreprise étrangère ; Flux industriel ; Géographie humaine ; Industrie ; Ontario ; Southern Ontario
  • Etude des flux industriels d'origine étrangère dans l'Ontario du Sud. Structures différentes des réseaux d'échanges inter-industriels selon qu'il s'agit d'entreprises canadiennes ou américaines. Echantillon d'établissements industriels, analyse
  • Aspects de la médecine traditionnelle et des plantes médicinales des Shipibo-Conibo de l'Ucayali
  • Culturel ; Ethnobotanique ; Géographie culturelle ; Géographie de l'Amérique ; Médecine traditionnelle ; Pharmacologie ; Plante médicinale ; Pérou ; Santé ; Ucayali, région
  • Les auteurs introduisent le concept Shipibo-Conibo de rao qui comprend les plantes médicinales et plus généralement toutes les plantes qui ont un pouvoir: hallucinogènes, plantes pour la chasse, pour séduire. Les rao de 3 communautés indigènes sont
  • étudiées, leur distribution intra-et inter-communale analysée ainsi que certains aspects de leur nomenclature. (l'ed.).
  • Circulating elephants : unpacking the geographies of a cosmopolitan animal
  • Cosmopolitanisme ; Ecologie humaine ; Eléphant ; Inde ; Mobilité ; Relation homme-animal ; Royaume-Uni
  • Elephant ; Human ecology ; India ; Mobility ; Relations between human and animal bodies ; United Kingdom
  • This paper seeks to develop a ‘more-than-human’ cosmopolitanism that accounts for the presence of nonhuman animals and entities in stories of circulation and contact. Through a multi-sited ethnography of elephant conservation in India and the UK
  • , the paper illustrates how animals become participants in forging connections across difference. Through their circulation, elephants become cosmopolitan, present in diverse cultures and serving banal global consumption. The paper then illustrates how
  • Putting animals back together, taking commodities apart
  • Animal de companie ; Bioéconomie ; Commerce ; Démarchandisation ; Economie ; Ethique ; Marchandisation ; Marchandise ; Nicaragua ; Relation homme-animal ; Réhabilitation
  • Commodification ; Commodity ; Economy ; Ethics ; Nicaragua ; Rehabilitation ; Relations between human and animal bodies ; Trade
  • , as well as their ecological and ethical stakes, concluding by suggesting that the collapse of the culture–nature dualism should not preclude acknowledgment of nonhuman animals’ wildness and the violence that can attend its attrition.
  • L'animal et les enjeux historiques et contemporains de l'aménagement de l'espace montagnard dans les Pyrénées occidentales
  • Aménagement régional ; Aquitaine ; Comportement ; Comportement territorial ; Ecologie ; France ; Montagne ; Perception ; Perception de l'environnement ; Pyrénées ; Pyrénées-Atlantiques ; Relation homme-environnement ; Relation société-animal
  • Aquitaine ; Behaviour ; Ecology ; Environmental perception ; France ; Man-environment relations ; Mountain ; Perception ; Pyrénées ; Pyrénées-Atlantiques ; Regional planning ; Rural society ; Territorial behaviour
  • omniprésence les représentations symboliques et sociales de la nature, l'animal est un élément essentiel de compréhension des relations des hommes avec leur environnement. - (MCC)
  • Dans les Pyrénées, la survivance de l'activité pastorale, l'importance de la chasse et les enjeux actuels de la protection de l'ours font de certaines vallées des zones d'observation privilégiées des rapports société/animal. Marquant de son
  • Volatile ecologies : towards a material politics of human–animal relations
  • Alcoolisme ; Assam ; Conflit ; Ecologie appliquée ; Ecologie politique ; Economie rurale ; Eléphant ; Ethologie ; Inde ; Moyens d'existence ; Population rurale ; Protection d'espace agricole ; Relation homme-animal
  • Alcoholism ; Applied ecology ; Assam ; Conflict ; Elephant ; Ethology ; India ; Livelihood ; Political ecology ; Relations between human and animal bodies ; Rural economy ; Rural population
  • and political life through concerted interactions between humans, animals, and materials ecologizes politics, making it more attuned to the more-than-human collectivities within which material lives are lived. The paper strives towards a political ecology
  • (with characteristic fluvial processes) and biotopes with many specific species of plants and animals, so the optimal form of protection for this section should be regarded as essential. Detailed studies were carried out to indicate the optimal ways in which to manage
  • nature : to conserve biological diversity, to preserve the specific landscape, to protect species of plants and animals. - (BJ)