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Résultats de la recherche (22 résultats)

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  • Analysis of linears, landforms and geology relationships and anthropic effects in the period 1976-1994, northern Asso river basin (Siena, Italy)
  • and effects. Among the effects of the different state factors influence on environmental changes and effects. Among the activity, and landforms, also as consequence of anthropic actions, are to be considered. Aim to this paper is the analysis of linears
  • The knowledge of how and how much a landscape changed in a specific time period is of paramount importance to predict scenarios and trends for the future. Landscape analysis can help in understanding state factors influence on environmental changes
  • and landforms present in the landscape, their relationship and relational typologies, and the variations of the persistence of the landforms in time as a consequences of anthropic action. - (NF)
  • The Marmolada Glacier : an investigation of natural weathering and anthropic pressure through chemical analyses of melting water and ice
  • laboratory, suggested the occurence of strong chemical interactions between melting waters and the limestone bedrock. Evidence for a strong anthropic pressure on the glacier, related to winter and summer sport activities, is also reported. - (NF)
  • Man, a geomorphological agent. An introduction to Anthropic geomorphology.
  • background and 9 classes of landforms: denudational, fluvial, lacustrine, sea and coastal, glacial and periglacial, karst, eolian, volcanic, structural and anthropic. This paper contains a sample of this map Alba-Iulia sheet, printed in black
  • , with an explanatory text and the legend of 3 classes of landforms: denudational, fluvial and anthropic, and the geological background. - (M. Vârlan).
  • of man as a geological agent is not clearly evidenced by modern rates when compared to long term ones, since the manifold indirect and direct anthropic influences largely balance each other. - (NF)
  • Anthropic pedogenesis of purple rock fragments in Sichuan Basin, China
  • The volume focuses on the immediate interface between the coastal belt and the adjacent sea waters : four broad themes have been singled out among the aspects distinctive of the italian coastal interface : the physical environment, the anthropic
  • The equilibria of soil bodies are disturbed by tremors and other periodic phenomena, both rapid and slow motion, natural and anthropic, and local to regional in scope. Observations may be of present soil vibrations and of traces left by past soil
  • . The map can be a document of several territorial modifications, both of geomorphological and anthropical origins. - (NF)
  • , but to anthropic factors. Proposals are made to ensure a better protection of these relict populations.
  • Romania is characterised by great floristic diversity and there are many distinctive aspects to the distribution of vegetation units. However, even the sparsely-populated mountainous country has been affected by anthropic activity, increasing
  • General volume of soil moved in the process of human activity at the territory of Byelorussia is estimated to be about 25.109 m3. The data were used to calculate coefficients of the anthropic transformation of the surface. Mean thickness of the soil
  • Although small in size, the maltese Islands have a considerable diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. These result from interaction of natural and anthropic factors. The Maltese landscape consists of 3 key components : built-up areas, agricultural
  • to introduce an innovative restoration method intended to reduce their progressive degradation. Gravitational instability (e.g. Oudayas) and erosion (e.g. Chellah) from fluvial-littoral geomorphological processes, regional seismicity, and certain anthropic
  • The general geomorphological map on the scale of 1:25,000, the Zlatna sheet, marks out 3 large relief groups, namely, denudational, fluviatile and anthropic. It contains an explanatory text, 2 auxiliary profiles (scale 1:50,000), namely a map
  • Critique de l'article de R. Blakely, Amer. J. phys. Anthrop., 1971, p.43. Les résultats de cet auteur sont douteux sur le plan démographique. L'A. reprend les données concernant trois périodes: archaïque (908B.C.), Hopewell (187A.D.), Middle
  • . There were two cold periods, beginning in the 7th and 14th centuries respectively, separated by a clearly identifiable climatic optimum between the 8th and 13th centuries. This optimum can apparently be divided into two parts. The anthropic deterioration
  • up. In particular a continual accumulation of rubble determined the raising of the original level that Bologna was built on. Comparison between the old and actual ground levels permitted identification of the areas in which anthropic intervention most
  • Africa ; Agriculture ; Anthropic factor ; Anthropology ; Central America ; Congress ; Cultural practice ; Ecology ; Ecosystem ; Environment ; Europe ; Forest range management ; France ; Natural environment ; Rural economy ; South America
  • halophytes. The 5 halophytes are ranked both by the salinity and the sodicity of their habitats. This work is a baseline to detect to natural or anthropic salinity changes.