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Résultats de la recherche (40 résultats)

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  • The granulometrical characteristics of a slowly-moving dust cloud
  • The granulometrical border between eolian transport in saltation and eolian transport in suspension lies, according to the results of the experiment, at a diameter of about 63 m.
  • A note on granulometric sand types and the Wentworth classification
  • In all deserts, past and present, there seem to exist only about a dozen granulometric sand types. In many papers, however, various modifications of the Wentworth classification are used. It is attempted to find rules for the transformation
  • of the granulometric sand types into modified Wentworth classifications. The granular overlap between the corresponding sieving fractions was found to be most decisive. As a consequence, the granulometric sand types at the beginning and at the end (residuals
  • ) of the sequences of the granulometric evolution can well be identified. The history of older barchan dunes may also be studied comparably. Some major granulometric sand types, however, cannot be identified with certainty.
  • Granulometric and mineral composition of the loess-paleosol formation in Moldova in Distribution and chronological problems of loess.
  • The granulometric composition and sorting of loesses and interbedded soils are studied for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the loess-paleosol sequence in Moldova. Distinctive features of loess and paleosol horizons of different age
  • Granulometric investigations of loess profiles in Hungary
  • The A. investigates the applicability of granulometric indices for the reconstruction of past environments. This paper concentrates primarily on the study of variation in the vertical profile of deposits. Along with other indices, fineness grade
  • Comparison of loess types in Hungary using granulometric analysis
  • The study of loess varieties in Hungary is supplemented with the granulometric analyses of key loess profiles. A new system of sedimentological indices has been introduced by a team in the Geographical Research Institute. The index of fitness grade
  • Granulometric study of the Hanaupah Fan, Death Valley, California
  • Ice-pushed Lower and Middle Pleistocene deposits near Rhenen (Kwintelooijen): sedimentary-structural and lithological/granulometrical investigations
  • A test of granulometric control of desert dune geometry
  • In this study granulometric analyses are used to identify and describe loess varieties in the Carpatian Basin. For an exact identification of sediments, fineness grade, degree of weathering and sorting were combined into categories by the author
  • and they were established for samples from key sections of the loess regions in the Carpatian Basin. The results of granulometric analyses lead to information to be shown on paleographic maps.
  • ; lastly, the results of granulometric and mineral analyses on sediments are presented. - (MR)
  • The profile described at Tongres contains three buried soils, dating from the end of the marine part of the Tongeren Formation. On granulometrical, mineralogical, chemical and micromorphological grounds, the author classifies them, decreasing in age
  • The primary purpose of this paper is to provide, through preliminary results on field descriptions, granulometric and mineralogical data, an up-to-date review of the last cycle of loess deposition.
  • This technical communication discusses the manner in which spatial granulometric differences for barchan dunes can be confidently and accurately identified using non-parametric statistical methods.
  • Reconstruction of Late Neogene paleoenvironmental changes in the area of Pannonhalma (Western Hungary) using granulometric methods
  • markedly from other clay horizons, and can be considered and applied as marker horizons in correlative studies. This black clay is the product of first appearance of rivers in the region. A detailed granulometric analysis has been performed to refine
  • morphological, granulometric and chemical properties and plant covers.
  • in separate terrace fills. The second-order fluctuations may be represented by separate cuts and fills, by the change of the facies or in the granulometric composition. The analysis of the changes in the longitudinal profile helped to discover different valley
  • of fresh rock (core-stones, core boulders, boulders) and consisting of different granulometric and mineral composition.
  • and structural, dating) and of surface changes (tachymetric and granulometric survey, surface dyling, measurements of sand movement, photographic records and air photo interpretation). - (EG)
  • , and granulometric properties of soils. Together with additional data on the surface configuration and on seasonal variations of rainfall and plant cover, the CEP can provide a basis for estimating hillslope erosion by overland flow.
  • textural features of the deposits that would best differentiate them into fluvial and aeolian ones. The analyses of granulometric composition, of the quartz grain abrasion, and of heavy mineral composition were performed as well as the analysis of quartz