Utilization and management of resources in mountain regions of the (former) Federal Republic of Germany
Environment ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Germany ; Mountain ; Natural resources ; Regional planning ; Resource management
Delineation of mountain regions of Western Germany and how people have evaluated the use of their mountain space. Discussion of the assistance programs of five states to develop tourism and preserve nature. In former East Germany, the mountain zones
part in the successful development of tourism in East Germany. In the first years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the population of the eastern Länder seized the new opportunity to travel into the capitalistic countries ; on the other side in East
Germany the accomodation capacity and tourist frequency decreased. Since the mid-nineties people from the western parts of Germany discovered the unknown East. Today the tourism infrastructure in the new Länder has developed to a high standard
, and the A. sense a trend that eastern Germany overtake the western in some fields. - (HPB)
Does Germany have an East–West problem? Regional growth patterns in Germany since reunification
Core-periphery ; Economic growth ; Economy ; Germany ; Gross domestic product ; Industry ; Professional qualification ; Regional disparities
This paper challenges the proposition that Germany suffers from an economic East–West gap. It shows that poor peripheries grow faster than richer ones throughout Germany, while income gaps among cores seem to be increasing. Since poorer cores
are relatively prevalent in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), this resembles an East–West issue. In fact, the distribution of growth in Germany occurs along core–periphery lines rather than an East–West division.
Reunification of partitioned nation-states : theory versus reality in Vietnam and Germany
Core-periphery ; Germany ; Political geography ; Political reform ; Regional disparities ; Reunification ; Teaching of geography ; Vietnam
Comparative analysis of reunification process in formerly partitioned states : Vietnam (1975-76) and Germany (1990) and how certain elements can be applied to the possible future case of Korea. - (DWG)
The importance of loess in the interpretation of geomorphological processes and for dating in the Federal Republic of Germany in Landforms and landform evolution in West Germany.
Landform development and soil structure of the northern Federal Republic of Germany. Their role in groundwater resources management in Landforms and landform evolution in West Germany.
The article deals with terms of peat decomposition, bog restoration, UV-Vis spectroscopy, restoration success, humic acid and fulvic acid fraction. The study was carried out in the Pietzmoor in Northwest Germany. - (IfL)