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  • Geographical systems and economic-geographical systems
  • Nice maps, shame about the theory ? Thinking geographically about the economic
  • Consumption ; Economic activity ; Economic geography ; Geographical thought ; Market ; Production ; Social reproduction
  • After a brief section which reviews some recent debates about geography and economics, the second section raises the possibility and implications of geographies in economies. The argument is that economies are doubtly geographical in terms of both
  • space and social relations. The third section tries to demonstrate something of the complex and relational nature of spatialities and the geographical imagination. The fourth part of the paper tries to demonstrate the thesis that conversations
  • Economic geographical assessment of investments: a development factor in regional development
  • The paper presents some geographical characteristics of investment development in the first years of the 21st century, covering at least fragmentarily the gap in Slovenia’s economic geography. In the process we tried to draw attention
  • to the sporadic character and rapid developmental changes in economic geographical events within production systems. In the paper we focus on the geographical distribution of investments and their impacts on regional development. - (L'A.).
  • A geographical political economy of evolution in economic geography
  • Economic geography ; Institution ; Political economy ; Political geography
  • Some theoretical problems concerning the study of economic regions in Geographical essays in Hungary.
  • The concept of the economic region is defined. Its characteristics are the production profile/specialization/, complexity, the regional production complexes and the relationship between sectoral and integrated regions. (DLO).
  • Stylized facts and close dialogue : methodology in economic geography
  • Economic behaviour ; Economic geography ; Finance ; Investment ; Market ; Theory
  • One difference between economists and geographers is the significance attached by the former to stylized facts and the significance attached by the latter to the diversity of economic life. The A. argues that Krugman's theory-enslaved stylized facts
  • may impoverish theoretical innovation in economic geography. An alternative to this theory is suggested. Having reviewed recent developments in economic geography, the claimed virtues of objectivity and the supposed dangers of subjectivity are disputed.
  • Geographical boundaries. (1 partie)
  • . On the problem of studying the boundaries of economic-geographic systems, 5. Typology and mapping of boundaries of the BEA Economic Areas of the United States.
  • geographers are examining them through the prism of new concepts and methods. 5 Articles: 1. Geographical boundaries: contradictions and paradoxes, 2. Basic types of geographical boundaries, 3. Geographical boundaries as a factor in region-formation, 4
  • Le regard des géographes sur l'Est
  • Eastern Europe ; Economic system ; Geographer's role ; Geographical practice ; Ideology ; Russia ; USSR
  • Europe de l'Est ; Idéologie ; Pratique de la géographie ; Russie ; Rôle du géographe ; Système économique ; URSS
  • L'A. s'interroge sur les pratiques des géographes qui ont travaillé sur l'Europe de l'Est ou l'URSS, et sur l'image qu'ils ont contribué à en donner à travers diverses publications.
  • Geographer's journal : Puerto Rico
  • Notes on the economic transformation of a Caribbean island. - (DWG)
  • The economic geographic bases for seaport location and development.
  • Factors that influence port develpment are. extent of the hinterland, level of development and economic structure of the port region, the size of the port city, the port site and geographical position of the port. Overlapping hinterlands served
  • Prinz Gyula gazdasagfoldrajzi kutatasai. (Economic geographical research of Gyula Prinz)
  • As a supporter of the unity of geography, Gyula Prinz engaged in studies concerning the economic geography of Hungary, settlement morphology and administration geography. He was frequently criticized by Marxist geographers, while recently his works
  • Homogénne ekonomickogeografické regiony Gruzinska. (Homogenous economic geographical regions in Georgia USSR)
  • The factors analysis of Georgia is based on 22 coefficients of social-economic development. Main important factors, of urban industrial complexes, agronomical complexes and other incomes of population, define 6 fundamental regional types and 4
  • regional zones of economic activity. (MS).
  • The limits of globalization theory : a geographic perspective on global economic change
  • Asia ; Capitalism ; Discourse ; Economic crisis ; Economic geography ; Globalization ; International economy ; Social theory ; Spatial scale
  • Geographical analysis of the industrial economic return of Chinese cities
  • most telling factors of geographic differentiation of urban industrial economic return in China. Large entreprises have a negative impact. The influence of these factors differ from region to region.
  • A city's industrial economic return is correlated with its size. Many other factors have important impacts on returns from urban economic activity. The results of regression analysis indicate that industrial investment and industrial mix are the two
  • Post-Soviet geography and economics : the first 40 years
  • Geographical periodical ; Post-Soviet geography and economics ; Practice of geography ; Scientific publication
  • Post-Soviet geography and economics ; Pratique de la géographie ; Publication scientifique ; Revue géographique
  • Geographic variation and changing economic status in two Javanese villages
  • A foldrajzi kornyezet értelmezése és a kornyezeti hatasok értékelése a gazdasagfejlesztés szolgalataban. (Interpretation of the geographical environment and environmental impact assessment serving economic development)
  • Social and economic geographical analysis of the Egyptian Copts in The Nile Countries.
  • The social consequences of migration with reference to economic recession in Geographical agenda for a changing world.
  • Mechanisms for geographical transmission of economic fluctuations