Portail d'information géographique

Résultats de la recherche (3570 résultats)

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  • Geography and the school curriculum: the recent role of the Geographical Association
  • Association de géographie ; Curriculum ; Enseignement de la géographie ; Geographical Association ; Généralités sur la géographie ; Royaume-Uni
  • Brazil ; Geographer's role ; Geographic research ; Geographic school ; Geographical association ; Geographical knowkedge ; Geographical thought ; National school ; Research ; Teaching of geography
  • Association de géographie ; Brésil ; Ecole géographique ; Ecole nationale ; Enseignement de la géographie ; Pensée géographique ; Recherche ; Recherche géographique ; Rôle du géographe ; Savoir géographique
  • A foldrajzi ovezetesség oktatasa a gimnaziumok elso osztalyaban. (How to teach the geographical zonation in the secondary schools (i. e. gymnasiums in Hungary))
  • The paper aims at helping geography teachers of secondary schools in teaching the new physicogeographical curriculum introduced in September, 1979 in the first school-year of secondary schools. Basic knowledge on soil and the concept of geographical
  • Improving geography learning in the schools : efforts by the National Geographic Society
  • Education ; Educational programme ; Geographical association ; Teaching of geography ; United States of America
  • Short description of this Washington-based organization to help restore geography to America's schools. - (DWG)
  • Geography in high school in China
  • China ; Educational programme ; Higher education ; School curriculum ; Teaching of geography
  • Brief discussion of the aims of geographic education in China's secondary schools as well as problems. China lacks qualified geography teachers. - (DWG)
  • Geography instruction in Dutck secondary schools: a personal experience
  • Didactics ; Netherlands (The) ; School system ; Secondary education ; Teaching of geography
  • The A. observed that geography has a high status in Dutch secondary schools, that Dutch textbooks tend to apply major geographic themes to a specific regional setting, and that classes use active learning techniques. - (DWG)
  • Japanese geographers in the 19th Century in Languages, paradigms and schools in geography.
  • The A. tries to divide the 19th century into four periods and provides for each a few selected geographers. - (SGA)
  • The geographer as radical humanist : an appreciation of Keith Buchanan
  • Biography ; Geographer ; Geographic school ; Research
  • Biographie ; Buchanan (K.) ; Ecole géographique ; Géographe ; Recherche
  • The nature and potential of a geographic alliance
  • Association de géographie ; Didactique ; Enseignement de la géographie ; Etats-Unis ; Généralités sur la géographie ; National Geographic Society ; Pratique de la géographie ; Pédagogie
  • Updating of the geographic alliance movement to restore geography in American schools| thirteen states now have these alliances in which the National Geographic Society has played a crucial role. - (DWG)
  • Zur Bedeutung Peter Schollers für die geographische Japan und Ostasien Forschung L'importance de Peter Scholler pour la recherche géographique du Japon et de l'Asie orientale
  • Asie ; Asie de l'Est ; Ecole allemande ; Géographie urbaine ; Géographie économique ; Histoire de la géographie ; Japon ; SCHOLLER (P.)
  • Peter Scholler, mort le 16.03.1988, était un éminent géographe allemand. Il a effectué plusieurs séjours en Asie orientale et au Japon, et s'est intéressé particulièrement à la géographie urbaine et économique.
  • Géographes soviétiques : l'après-marxisme
  • Ex-USSR ; Geographic school ; History of geography ; Soviet school
  • Une géographie jusque-là peu connue à l'Ouest, discrète en URSS, et qui ne survivait qu'au prix d'une certaine marginalité, arrive maintenant au grand jour. Si ces géographes ont eu peu de contacts directs avec l'Occident, leurs travaux révèlent
  • Ce que les géographes français pensent du développement de leur science
  • France ; French school ; Geographic school ; Geographical thought ; Physical geography ; Twentieth Century
  • Geography in the school curriculum : a battle won but not yet over
  • Education ; Enseignement de la géographie ; Enseignement primaire ; Enseignement secondaire ; Geographical Association ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Royaume-Uni
  • Le grand débat sur la géographie à l'école en Grande-Bretagne depuis 1976. Rôle important de la Geographical Association et de sa conférence de 1984.
  • Active learning in geography and its practical management in schools in Geographical education.
  • . The A. examines some managerial consequences of adopting these methods in a school, for pupils and teachers.
  • Primary school geographers need to consult psychologists
  • Geography teaching at primary school level is becoming increasingly child-centred and concept based. In order for teaching methodologies and syllabus to reflect this trend planners and teachers have to understand the way in which children develop
  • American school ; Epistemology ; Geographic school ; Geography ; Ideology ; Practice of geography ; Soviet school ; Teaching of geography
  • Questions and responses from 13 American geographers and 40 cohorts from the ex-Soviet Union on the following themes : the essence of geography as a discipline ; geographic education ; the relevance of geography ; and geographical approaches
  • Homo geographicus: Radioscopie des géographes français de l'entre-deux-guerres (1918-1939)
  • France ; French school ; Geographer ; Geographic school ; History of geography ; Profession ; Sociology ; Twentieth Century ; University
  • Ecole française ; Ecole géographique ; France ; Géographe ; Histoire de la géographie ; Profession ; Siècle 20 ; Sociologie ; Université
  • La géographie entre 1918 et 1939 conquiert les universités françaises, étrangères ou encore les grandes écoles. Les géographes universitaires suivent le plus souvent le même cursus: agrégation et doctorat. Les sujets de thèse sont le reflet de la
  • L'Association Générale des Géographes Allemands fondée il y a cinquante ans.
  • Geographic school ; Geographical association ; German school ; Germany ; History of geography ; Ideology ; Twentieth Century
  • Le 16 Mai 1951, au cours de la 28e journée des géographes allemands, fut fondée à Francfort-sur-le-Main l'Association Générale des Géographes Allemands. C'est ici l'occasion d'une rétrospective sur l'organisation d'après guerre des géographes
  • Education ; Geographical knowkedge ; School curriculum ; School geography ; United Kingdom
  • The idea of education is an idea of progress, an investment in the future of young people and community. In geography a different concept of progress is often used to help justify the place in the curriculum. School geography also has something
  • to say about progress in its focus on change in the natural and human environment. The article focuses on geographical knowledge, linking it with a defence of geography the subject, before arguing for raising standards through fresh thinking about
  • the knowledge component of school geography.
  • Concept ; Geographer ; Geographic school ; German school ; Germany ; Scientific publication
  • Allemagne ; Concept ; Ecole allemande ; Ecole géographique ; Géographe ; Publication scientifique