Portail d'information géographique

Résultats de la recherche (7 résultats)

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Par Collection Par Auteur Par Date Par Sujet Par Titre
  • Gender, class, and space
  • 1988
  • Teaching gender north-south
  • 1988
  • Gender in the Third World. A geographical bibliography of recent work.
  • 1988
  • Gender and processes of change in the Third World.
  • 1988
  • Perspectives on trade, mobility and gender in a rural market system : Borno, North-East Nigeria
  • 1988
  • Spatial dimensions of the gender division of labor in a local labor market in Women and employment.
  • 1988
  • Gender and the separation of employment from home in metropolitan Montreal, 1971-1981 in Women and employment.
  • 1988