Geograficka regionalizace na uzemi Ceskoslovenska Geographicalregionalization in Czechoslovakia
The main principles of the geographicalregionalization of the Czechoslovak territory. The history of delimitation of the physico-geographical and complex-geographicalregions and the present level and needs of regionalization. The applicability
of geographicalregionalization in the problem of the complex development of regions. - (MS)
This article establishes whether Slovenia’s landscape diversity and its position at the intersection of four major European geographical units (the Alps, the Mediterranean, the Pannonian Basin, and the Dinaric Alps) is also reflected in non
-Slovenian geographical divisions of Europe. - (IKR)
The geographical significance of development of Minshuku Region
The purpose of this paper is to review the development processes of minshuku regions based on case studies, and to discuss their geographical relevances. It concludes that regional change is a process where the use of time and space is intensified
The problem region as an instrument of regional policy : geographical perspectives
South eastern European countries on their way to Europe : geographical aspects
Développement durable ; Mondialisation ; Politique régionale ; Région
Globalization ; Region ; Regional policy ; Sustainable development
Problems regions are regions with severe economic problems, a low standard of living and often a polluted environment. If a problem region has a special position in the frame of the national regional policy, then it used as an instrument of regional
policy. Recently the importance of problem regions as such an instrument has become more important. This is under conditions of globalisation, with the paradigm of sustainable development, and basic theoretical characteristics of regions. The use
of the problem region as an instrument of regional policy poses a number of questions and problems that need to be considered. - (IfL)
geographers are examining them through the prism of new concepts and methods. 5 Articles: 1. Geographical boundaries: contradictions and paradoxes, 2. Basic types of geographical boundaries, 3. Geographical boundaries as a factor in region-formation, 4
The problem of boundaries in geography is inseparable from regionalization, and it has been assumed that the problem of drawing boundaries is automatically part of the work of regionalization and mapping by means of background shading. Some
. On the problem of studying the boundaries of economic-geographic systems, 5. Typology and mapping of boundaries of the BEA Economic Areas of the United States.
Some theoretical problems concerning the study of economic regions in Geographical essays in Hungary.
Economie régionale ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Hongrie ; Région économique ; Théorie
The concept of the economic region is defined. Its characteristics are the production profile/specialization/, complexity, the regional production complexes and the relationship between sectoral and integrated regions. (DLO).
Die geograaf in die praktyk van stedelike beplanning The geographer in urban planning practice
Afrique du Sud ; Emploi des géographes ; Géographie appliquée ; Géographie de l'Afrique ; Planification régionale ; Pratique de la géographie ; Urbanisme
Geographers in planning practice in South Africa are restricted in the areas of employment by a lack of training in urban and regional planning. - (AJC)
Concepts of equity, fairness and justice in geographical studies
These notions frequently appear in geographical writing. Eight distinct concepts underlie this usage, all of which are relevant to the study of geographical distributions. Such applications introduce complications in terms of measurement
. Differences in the use of the concepts may be an element in regional description and comparison.
Geographical transport districts of a rural area based on transport connections in Geographical essays in Hungary.
Based on analogies between transport and mathematical networks, regional differences in network development are investigated through graph theory. The dissimiliarities or limits to application are also tackled. (DLO).
Nantes et la région: Actes du Colloque de l'Association de Géographes français, 5 décembre 1981
Association des géographes Français ; Bretagne ; Colloque Nantes, 5 déc. 1981 ; Concept ; Congrès ; France ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Géographie régionale ; Pays de Loire ; Région ; Saint-Nazaire
Regroupe l'intégralité des six contributions des géographes nantais lors de ce colloque.
Economic geographical assessment of investments: a development factor in regional development
Impact ; Investment ; Regional development ; Slovenia ; Spatial distribution
Desarrollo regional ; Distribución espacial ; Impacto ; Inversión
to the sporadic character and rapid developmental changes in economic geographical events within production systems. In the paper we focus on the geographical distribution of investments and their impacts on regional development. - (L'A.).
The paper presents some geographical characteristics of investment development in the first years of the 21st century, covering at least fragmentarily the gap in Slovenia’s economic geography. In the process we tried to draw attention
Centre-périphérie ; Concept ; Généralités sur la géographie ; Géographie régionale ; Interaction spatiale ; Méthodologie ; Région ; Région historique ; Région naturelle ; Région urbaine ; Région économique ; Ville-campagne
Analyse de la contribution des géographes français à l'étude de la région: passage progressif de la région naturelle à une première approche, assez formelle, de la région économique, puis renouvellement des idées sur la région qui rejoint, sur bien
Szantofoldi novényeink természetfoldrajzi tajakra torténo ajanlasanak gyors gyakorlati modszere. (An express pratice to recommend our ploughland crops to physical geographicalregions)
Agriculture ; Agroclimatologie ; Géographie humaine ; Région naturelle
Along with a general recommendation of new ploughland crop hybrids, a specified one to physical geographicalregions is also needed. Climatic parameters for regions are collected to characterize climatic types/continental, mediterranean, oceanic
A geographical perspective on urban and regional policies in Australia
Importance du développement urbain et régional. L'action des Gouvernements et le rôle possible des géographes. Les difficultés d'une planification. (AHL).