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  • Linguistic legislation and ethnic enrollment in Montreal's French public schools in Monitoring Canada's French connection.
  • The A. argues that the integration of allophone immigrant children into the French-language educational system has enhanced French as the language of Québec, but that this will probably result in diluting Québécois cultural identity in the future
  • Biography ; French school ; GOUROU (P.) ; Tropical geography ; Twentieth Century
  • Neo-Canadians and schools in Montreal, 1900-1970 in Monitoring Canada's French connection.
  • Ratzel, the French school and the birth of alternative geopolitics
  • French school ; Geographic school ; Geopolitics ; German school ; Political geography
  • Jean Gottmann: French regional and political geographer extraordinaire
  • Biography ; French school ; Geographic school ; Political geography ; Regional geography ; Spatial analysis ; Territoriality
  • Traditions, crisis, and new paradigms in the rise of the modern French discipline of geography 1760-1850
  • Exploration ; French school ; Geographic school ; Geographical association ; History of geography ; Social sciences
  • Lessons from experience : French geographers and the transcontinental excursion of 1912
  • American school ; Fieldtrip ; French school ; Geographical knowkedge ; History of geography ; Man-environment relations ; Practice of geography ; Scientific expedition ; United States of America ; Years 1910-19
  • Concept ; Flood ; French school ; Geographic school ; National school ; Natural hazards
  • V.V. Agafomov - Champion of Dokuchayev's ideas in French soil science (on the 130th anniversary of his birth)
  • France ; French school ; Geographic school ; Nineteenth Century ; Russia ; Russian school ; Soil science ; Twentieth Century
  • Analyzing city images. Potentials of the “French School of Discourse Analysis”
  • Discourse ; French school ; Germany ; Leipzig ; Linguistics ; Perception ; Perception of the urban environment ; Production of space ; Saxony ; Terminology ; Territorialisation ; Town
  • Between German and French geography. In search of the origins of the Utrecht school
  • Biography ; France ; French school ; Geographic school ; History of geography ; Nineteenth Century ; Twentieth Century
  • France ; French school ; Geographic school ; Geographical thought ; Physical geography ; Twentieth Century
  • Paper first gives definitions of the categories of regional country and country region occurred in a number of region theory schools (German, English, French) of international geographical science. Hungarian geography was mainly influenced
  • by the German school. Author investigates theoretical scientific aspects of region theory in Hungarian geography until 1948. - (JS)
  • France ; French school ; Geographic school ; Landscape ; Landscape science
  • Tropicalism in French geography : reality, illusion or ideal ?
  • French tropical geographies. Special issue
  • Africa ; Civilization ; Development ; French school ; History of geography ; Rural geography ; Terroir ; Tropical geography
  • In the shadow of Vidal de la Blache : letters to Albert Demangeon and the social dynamics of French geography in the early twentieth century
  • French school ; Geographer's role ; Geographic school ; History of geography ; Practice of geography ; Research ; Twentieth Century
  • Bibliography ; Biography ; French school ; Twentieth Century
  • Argentina ; Exploration ; French school ; Geographic school ; Greenland ; Historical mapping ; History of geography ; Italian school ; London
  • Biography ; Colonialism ; French school ; Nineteenth Century ; Twentieth Century
  • from Vidal and his disciples. Dubois had his own cluster of doctoral students, but they too were marginalised in contrast with the rising tide of Vidalians and of Vidalian orthodoxy that dominated French academic geography during the first half