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  • Making reference: some epistemological questions about social inquiry incited by hypertext
  • Epistemology ; Ethnography ; Information ; Semiology ; Social sciences ; Technology
  • Through a consideration of the practice of making reference in the social sciences, this paper concerns some epistemological questions incited by the use and effects of hypertext.
  • A review of political ecology. Issues, epistemology and analytical narratives
  • Environment ; Environmental conservation ; Epistemology ; Human ecology ; Man-environment relations ; Radical geography
  • The paper includes the following chapters : 1. Political ecology : all things to all people ? 2. Issues, narratives and epistemologies. 3. Disjunctures. 4. Cartography of political ecology. 5. Analytical narratives for political ecology. 6. Post
  • Masculinism, the use of dualistic epistemologies and third spaces
  • Epistemology ; Gender difference ; Power ; Radical geography ; Society ; Space
  • Cartographic visualization : an assessment and epistemological review
  • Cartography ; Epistemology ; Geographical information system ; Model
  • Biography ; Epistemology ; History of sciences ; Philosophy of sciences ; Practice of geography
  • Perspective on the geographer C. Sauer (1889-1975) whose life and epistemology were suffused with the time dimension. In Sauer's view more important to the practice of geography than space. - (DWG)
  • Development of Alfred Rühl's thinking on economic geography in Cosmology, epistemology and the history of geography.
  • Epistemology and the history of geographical thought
  • Meaning through metaphor: analogy as epistemology
  • Ecology ; Environment ; Epistemology ; Post-modernism
  • and nature. The A. argues that there are difficulties in using poststructuralist epistemologies for the analysis of environmental problems. He shows how ideas drawn from critical realism can help to recognize where ontological and epistemological issues have
  • Postmodernism and the localities debate : ontological questions and epistemological implications
  • Epistemology ; Locality ; Post-modernism ; Regionalism ; Social life ; Social sciences ; Social theory ; Theory
  • Coming out of geography : towards a queer epistemology ?
  • Epistemology ; Geographical thought ; Homosexuality ; Marginality ; Sexual behaviour ; Social exclusion ; Social geography
  • Investigating hybrids and coproductions : epistemologies, (disciplinary) politics and landscapes
  • Epistemology ; Geography ; Landscape
  • Governmentality as epistemology
  • Epistemology ; Governance ; Governmentality ; Power ; Space ; Theory
  • Buried epistemologies: the politics of nature in (Post)colonial British Columbia
  • Représentations de la forêt humide et de la nature en Colombie Britannique, et évocation d'une série d'épistémologies inhumées à travers lesquelles les relations néocoloniales s'affirment dans la région. L'A. montre comment la nature s'est
  • Dying epistemologies : an analysis of home death and its critique
  • Cause of death ; Epistemology ; Health ; Medical geography ; Mortality ; United States of America ; Washington State
  • Epistemology ; Geography ; Model ; Modelling ; Structural stability ; System
  • Le rôle du terrain en géographie. Des épistémologies de la curiosité à celles du désir
  • Eighteenth Century ; Epistemology ; Geographic research ; Research ; Twentieth Century
  • -La terrain dans la géographie contemporaine et pour terminer, 6-Le terrain et les nouvelles épistémologies.
  • Concept ; Epistemology ; Governance ; Space ; Territory
  • Civilization ; Cultural landscape ; Cultural studies ; Epistemology ; Ideology ; Imperialism ; Social theory
  • E. Said aimed at refashioning spatial sensibilities in a broader epistemological sense. He invites us to imagine new topographies in which units become hybrid and interpenetrating. The A. invokes A. Ahmad's (diasporan intellectual, Palestinian
  • By our epistemology you shall know us (a novice's first fumbling steps on the road to human geography)