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  • Analysis of public employment impact multipliers in depressed areas
  • Changes in employee commuting : a comparative analysis of employee commuting to major Slovenian employment centers from 2000 to 2009
  • Commuting ; Employment area ; Motorway ; Route ; Slovenia ; Socio-economic system ; Town ; Transport network
  • Autopista ; Ciudad ; Eslovenia ; Estructura socioeconómica ; Itinerario ; Migración pendular ; Red de transportes ; Área de empleo
  • This paper discusses changes in employee commuting in ten largest Slovenian employment centers from 2000 to 2009. Based on the analysis of SRDAP database, changes are presented in employee commuter routes between source and target municipalities
  • . The results show a significant increase in both the scope of employee commuting and the number of routes. Reasons for these changes are explained by the construction of freeway infrastructure. The scope and direction of commuting also depend on changes
  • The accessibility to employment offices in the Spanish labour market
  • Accessibility ; Distance ; Econometry ; Employment ; Employment area ; Labour market ; Local government unit ; Spain ; Spatial differentiation ; Unemployment
  • Accesibilidad ; Colectividad local ; Diferenciación espacial ; Distancia ; Econometría ; Empleo ; España ; Mercado laboral ; Paro ; Área de empleo
  • the physical distance to employment offices and the spatial structure of their catchment areas. Policy-makers should strive to improve the accessibility to employment offices so that adequate assistance to find suitable employment may be ensured to every
  • The paper focuses on the differences in the levels of accessibility to public employment offices in the Spanish municipalities. The main purpose is to evaluate the role of the public employment services in local labour markets by considering
  • Manufacturing location in a polycentric urban area: a study in the composition and attractiveness of employment subcenters
  • Centrality ; Dallas ; Employment ; Industrial location ; Industry ; Second order urban centre ; Texas ; United States ; Urban area ; Urban development ; Urban structure
  • The paper explores the nature and role of the principal employment centers within the Dallas-Fort Worth region from the perspective of locational choices by firms in three-digit SIC Manufacturing. The centers are identified via a that maps
  • employment polygons onto a zip code-level geography. The industrial attributes of firms choosing such centers are then investigated using multinomial logit.
  • Whither the jobs. Identifying concentrations of employment in metropolitan aeas
  • Business district ; Core-periphery ; Employment ; Large city ; Location ; Metropolitan area ; United States of America
  • Centro de negocios ; Centro-periferia ; Empleo ; Estados Unidos ; Localización ; Metrópoli ; Área metropolitana
  • This research analyses the changing distribution of employment across US metropolitan areas and identifies high-employment nodes within large metropolitan areas. It then compares outlying employment clusters with traditional central business
  • districts and contrast employment clusters of varying job densities. It concludes that this method can use publicly available data, relies on a standardized geographic unit applicable across the whole country, and offers the ability to examine data from
  • New trends in sectoral employment in Spanish regions
  • Classification ; Competition ; Economic sector ; Employment ; Employment structure ; Industrial structure ; Regional disparities ; Regional economy ; Shift-share analysis ; Spain
  • for the whole period. The growth in employment is located in the Mediterranean area, and is closely related to the services sector and to a modern and productive agriculture.
  • The AA. describe and analyze the distribution of sectoral employment over regions in Spain from 1985 to 1989, using a combination of shift-share analysis and location elasticities. New tendencies have appeared, which have been maintened
  • Changes in air service connectivity and employment
  • Air transport ; Airline company ; Competition ; Deregulation ; Economic restructuring ; Employment ; Service ; Spatial division of labour ; Transport ; United States of America
  • The relationship between this connectivity and a subset of professional employment (workers for 59 metropolitan areas in the USA) for the period 1978-88 is examined. Its importance as an industrial location factor for company facilities
  • The determining significance of the raw material sources for the industrialization of an area, for the employment and the development of the habitation
  • Mobility and access to employment opportunities: a comparison of inner and outer areas of Greater Manchester
  • Changes in accessibility to employment in an urban area: Milwaukee, 1927-1963
  • Suburban employment centres: the case of Chicago
  • Centrality ; Chicago ; Distance from city centre ; Employment ; Illinois ; Regression analysis ; Second order urban centre ; Suburbs ; United States ; Urban area ; Urban density ; Workplace
  • The paper uses data from the journey to work portion of the 1980 Census to estimate a polycentric model of employment density for the Chicago urbanised area. Distance to the Chicago central business district exerted a strong effect on employment
  • density, but density was also influenced by proximity to three suburban employment centres. Some 27 per cent of total employment growth in metropolitan Chicago over the next decade was concentrated in these three subcentres.
  • Job access and employment among low-skilled autoless workers in US metropolitan areas
  • Accessibility ; Employment ; Logit model ; Precarious employment ; Probability ; Spatial mismatch ; United States of America ; Urban transport
  • Measuring the employment effects on the rural renewal tax scheme
  • Cost-benefit analysis ; Economic growth ; Economic impact ; Employment ; Ireland ; Project ; Rural area ; Taxation system
  • Employment ; Employment area ; France ; Picardie ; Thematic map
  • A tale of twelve cities: metropolitan employment change in dynamic industries in the 1980s
  • Agglomeration ; Division of labour ; Economic base ; Employment ; Industrial complex ; Industry ; Innovation ; Post-Fordism ; Service ; Specialization ; United States of America ; Urban economy
  • The paper reports on research measuring and describing the growth of three major industry ensembles in 12 metropolitan areas across the United States between 1977 and 1987. The results reveal major interregional differences in patterns of growth
  • , decline and specialization and suggest that the sources of employment growth characterizing the 1980s may no longer be those of the 1990s.
  • Forecasting state and local population growth with limited data : the use of employment-migration relationships and trends in vital rates
  • In this paper, growth of state and local population is related to the area's net natural increase and to its net migration. In turn, net migration is related to the growth of national employment and to the growth of regional civilian and military
  • employment. The model is estimated for two regions, the El Paso SMSA (Texas) and the state of New Mexico.
  • Employability and labour market policy. Special issue
  • Concept ; Employment ; Employment policy ; Human capital ; Labour ; Labour market ; Professional qualification ; Professional training ; Social exclusion ; Spatial mismatch ; United Kingdom ; Urban area
  • Aux échelles régionale et locale, la qualification professionnelle (employability) a été le fondement d'un certain nombre de politiques d'action sur le marché du travail. La dimension géographique est privilégiée, notamment la dimension urbaine. Les
  • neuf articles de ce numéro spécial sont issus d'un groupe de travail conjoint de l'Association d'Etudes Régionales et de l'Association de Science Régionale (sections britannique et irlandaise). Il s'agit de mieux comprendre le concept d'employability.
  • Longevity of individual low income employment in growing and declining metropolitan areas
  • Employment growth and population changes in rural areas: an example from the West of Ireland
  • Cluster analysis ; Economic structure ; Employment ; Germany ; Industrial branch ; Labour market ; North Rhine Westfalia ; Ruhr
  • Caused by heavy structural change the Ruhr area is no more a pure industrial region. The employment structure of the region as a whole seems to develop in a very similar way like the entire North Rhine-Westphalia. However, local communities show
  • a clear heterogeneity. The paper presents an empirical analysis of employment trends in the Ruhr area and in North Rhine-Westphalia from 1999 to 2005 with regard to spatial deconcentration and functional specialization. Cluster analysis is used to classify
  • local communities by equal employment structure and trends. The result shows clear evidence for deconcentration only in the secondary sector and a polycentric employment structure. - (IfL)