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  • Jakarta: urban development and employment
  • Office employment in new towns
  • Changes in employee commuting : a comparative analysis of employee commuting to major Slovenian employment centers from 2000 to 2009
  • Commuting ; Employment area ; Motorway ; Route ; Slovenia ; Socio-economic system ; Town ; Transport network
  • This paper discusses changes in employee commuting in ten largest Slovenian employment centers from 2000 to 2009. Based on the analysis of SRDAP database, changes are presented in employee commuter routes between source and target municipalities
  • . The results show a significant increase in both the scope of employee commuting and the number of routes. Reasons for these changes are explained by the construction of freeway infrastructure. The scope and direction of commuting also depend on changes
  • Arbeid eller trygd? Employment or insurance?
  • The author tries to explain the increasing proportion of unemployed population, which has gradually led to an employment crisis. The explanation is mainly sought for in the general economic development. The author draws special attention to the part
  • of the population which is the most severely affected by the employment crisis an the following socio-political consequences. (E. Jahn).
  • Employment, feminisation, and gentrification in London, 1981-93
  • Employment ; England ; Family structure ; Gentrification ; Investment ; London ; Social class ; Social geography ; United Kingdom ; Woman
  • The A. that gentrification is rooted in employment restructuring. The impact of two important aspects of restructuring in London are explored, casualisation and feminisation of employment, and it is concluded that feminisation of professional
  • employment has as yet had only a marginal impact on gentrification, whereas casualisation of professional employment has been an important influence. Survey data from two London boroughs are presented in support of the argument.
  • Employment effects of environmental policy in Greece
  • Employment ; Employment structure ; Environment ; Environment conservation ; Greece ; Induced effect ; Pollution control
  • on deficit financing and has affected employment positively.
  • The effect of job access on Black and White youth employment : a cross-sectional analysis
  • The paper examines the effect of access to employment opportunities on the employment probabilities of black and white youth aged 16-19 years. The empirical results, based on data from the central cities of 43 SMSAs, suggest that the nearness
  • of jobs in an important determinant of teenager employment probability.
  • Measuring the local employment impact of a tourist attraction : an empirical study
  • Direct employment occurs inside and outside the attraction as a result of final expenditure. There is a problem of identifying only that expenditure which is attributable to the attraction. Indirect employment, in the chain of suppliers
  • to the direct activities, and induced employment from spending incomes generated in direct and indirect activity, are discussed and measured.
  • The accessibility to employment offices in the Spanish labour market
  • Accessibility ; Distance ; Econometry ; Employment ; Employment area ; Labour market ; Local government unit ; Spain ; Spatial differentiation ; Unemployment
  • The paper focuses on the differences in the levels of accessibility to public employment offices in the Spanish municipalities. The main purpose is to evaluate the role of the public employment services in local labour markets by considering
  • the physical distance to employment offices and the spatial structure of their catchment areas. Policy-makers should strive to improve the accessibility to employment offices so that adequate assistance to find suitable employment may be ensured to every
  • The 1987 stock market crash and New York City employment : an intervention-multiplier analysis
  • Autoregressive process ; Economic base ; Employment ; Finance ; Induced effect ; Multiplicator ; New York City ; Time series ; United States ; Urban economy
  • Intervention analysis is used to assess the impact of the October 1987 stock market crash upon employment in the securities industry in New York City. Using a dynamic location quotient methodology to measure basic employment, an estimate
  • of a partial-adjustment economic base multiplier suggests that the employment is likely to decline, as a result of the crash and adjustments in the securities industry.
  • New trends in sectoral employment in Spanish regions
  • Classification ; Competition ; Economic sector ; Employment ; Employment structure ; Industrial structure ; Regional disparities ; Regional economy ; Shift-share analysis ; Spain
  • The AA. describe and analyze the distribution of sectoral employment over regions in Spain from 1985 to 1989, using a combination of shift-share analysis and location elasticities. New tendencies have appeared, which have been maintened
  • for the whole period. The growth in employment is located in the Mediterranean area, and is closely related to the services sector and to a modern and productive agriculture.
  • Employment in agriculture in the enlarged European Union
  • Agricultural employment ; Agricultural policy ; Agriculture ; Economic development ; Europe ; European Union
  • agricultural employment ? Or are other determinants of agricultural employment trends- which are generally downward in the course of economic development- more decisive for future employment in this sector ? - (IFL)
  • A stake in place ? The geography of employee ownership and its implications for a stakeholder society
  • Through a detailed case study of a management and employee buyout in the railway industry, the A. suggests that the ability of employee ownership to fix investment in place may be enhanced by relations of stakeholding, increasing committment
  • to the firm and its future. Lack of employee power and finance excluded most workers from the processes and philosophy of the buyout. It is argued that government and trade unions can do more to promote wider employee ownership and participation at work
  • Overall economic indices. Employment 1981-1988
  • Rural-urban migration and urban employment opportunities in Nigeria
  • Employment structure and the stability of urban growth during the urbanisation process
  • Chinese cities : controlled growth and employment problems
  • Overall economic indices. Employment, 1977-1984
  • The employment effects of a regional capital subsidy
  • Analysis of public employment impact multipliers in depressed areas