Cartografía temática ; Empresa ; Ingenería ; Internacionalización ; Localización ; Mercado mundial ; Prestaciones a las empresas ; Sector de actividad
This paper describes and analyses spatial patterns of internationalisation within the engineering consulting sector. By mapping expansion biographies of European engineering consulting firms and conducting dynamic Cox regression models, external
factors influencing international market selection are examined. It is shown that current spatial patterns are only partly shaped by the declining importance of cross-national distance. Instead, market seeking motivations and the exploitation of time
-critical opportunities appear to be of more significance. Further, changing patterns of market selection are observed.
Concentration spatiale ; Economie urbaine ; Emploi ; France ; Ile-de-France ; Localisation ; Secteur d'activité ; Service ; Services aux entreprises ; Tertiaire supérieur
The AA. study the Paris region in order to explore the location patterns of 17 distinct high-order business servicesectors. The location patterns of these services are found to be complex, each sector behaving differently and each sector displaying
combinations of concentration and dispersal. Hypotheses are put forward relating the various interlocking patterns to the markets, to the internal structure, and to the nature of each sector.
than exclusion from, the world economy, to increasing service-sector rather than extractive-sector investment, and to foreign companies producing for local and regional markets as well as for international markets.
To redress the deficiency of globalization studies in the periphery of the world economy, The A. examines globalization empirically from the ground upwards through an analysis of foreign companies. The evidence points to growing inclusion in, rather
Consultancy services and the urban hierarchy in Western Europe
Engineeringdepartment ; Enterprise;Firm ; Europe ; Expertise ; Internationalization ; Location ; Market ; Offices ; Service ; Tertiary sector;Services ; Urban hierarchy ; Western Europe
Bureaux ; Entreprise ; Europe ; Europe de l'Ouest ; Expertise ; Hiérarchie urbaine ; Ingénierie ; Internationalisation ; Localisation ; Marché ; Secteur tertiaire ; Service
relatifs à ces services et la hiérarchie urbaine ne se superposent pas toujours, il est possible de proposer une typologie des entreprises sur les caractéristiques et la localisation de leurs clients.
L'esthétique industrielle comme service à la production: une approche de science régionale. Les services en liaison avec le transport intermodal. Liens entre entreprises, réseaux ethniques et agglomération: les entreprises informatiques chinoises à
Los Angeles. La localisation intraurbaine des services de niveau supérieur à Montréal et leur mobilité. Etude de l'utilisation de services d'ingénieurs-conseils par les grandes entreprises britanniques. Facteurs de la demande de tels services
Adaptation ; Comportement économique ; Entreprise ; Localisation ; Organisation industrielle ; Royaume-Uni ; Segmentation du marché ; Services aux entreprises ; Stratégie d'entreprise ; Taille de l'entreprise ; Taxonomie
addressed in the anbalysis are drawn from the industrial sociology and business strategy literature and include organizational structure, age, dynamic of client and geographic markets, and changes in services supplied.
The AA. address this topic by illustrating types of strategic behaviors, developing a taxonomy of firm segments, and relating types of strategic behavior to this taxonomy. The paper is based on results from 444 in-depth interviews. Key variables
Business servicefirms in two peripheral economies: Scotland and Ireland
Competition ; Competitiveness ; Engineeringdepartment ; Enquiry ; Enterprise ; Expertise ; Ireland ; Market ; Peripheral region ; Producerservices ; Publicity ; Scotland ; Service ; United Kingdom
Compétitivité ; Concurrence ; Enquête ; Entreprise ; Expertise ; Ingénierie ; Irlande ; Marché ; Publicité ; Royaume-Uni ; Région périphérique ; Scotland ; Service ; Services aux entreprises
Analyse comparée de la compétitivité et de la performance de ces entreprises de services en Ecosse et Irlande. Plusieurs dimensions de la performance sont étudiées dans cinq catégories de services. Pas de différences en matière de valeur ajoutée
The optimum size of a producerservicefirm facing uncertain demand
Enterprise ; Location ; Location-allocation model ; Market ; Model ; Optimization ; Producerservices ; Service
Entreprise ; Localisation ; Marché ; Modèle ; Modèle de localisation-allocation ; Optimisation ; Service ; Services aux entreprises
Théorie de la dimension optimale et du nombre de clients optimal : application à une entreprise de services à la production qui accomplit des services d'entretien et de réparation pour des clients de l'industrie. Modèle de localisation-allocation
Business service use by manufacturing firms in Mid Wales
Competitiveness ; Enquiry ; Enterprise ; Expertise ; Firm strategy ; Marketing ; Producerservices ; Publicity ; Service ; Small and medium sized enterprises ; United Kingdom ; Wales
Commercialisation ; Compétitivité ; Enquête ; Entreprise ; Expertise ; Petites et moyennes entreprises ; Publicité ; Royaume-Uni ; Service ; Services aux entreprises ; Stratégie d'entreprise ; Wales
The paper focuses upon a cross section of services which provide clients with strategic information and expertise: training, market research, and product design. The AA. examine the constraints upon the use of services arising from the location
, and the internal and external provision of services. The source of supply of external services and the use of grant-aided services and services supplied by the Development Board for Rural Wales are considered.
Regional patterns of small firm development in the business services : evidence from the United Kingdom
Customers ; Economic environment ; Employment ; Enquiry ; Enterprise;Firm ; Expertise ; Market ; Producerservices ; Service ; Small firm ; United Kingdom
Clientèle ; Emploi ; Enquête ; Entreprise ; Environnement économique ; Expertise ; Marché ; Petite entreprise ; Royaume-Uni ; Service ; Services aux entreprises
characteristics of these firms, emphasis is placed on their interactions with the internal labour market strategies of predominantly large client organisations.
Reports the results of an intensive questionnaire survey of a sample of small management consultancy and market research companies in three areas; inner London, the outer south east, and north west England. In interpreting the demand and supply
Business services and regional-economic development: the economics of proximity
Economic environment ; Location ; Netherlands (The) ; Network ; Producerservices ; Proximity ; Regional development ; Service
Développement régional ; Environnement économique ; Localisation ; Pays-Bas ; Proximité ; Réseau ; Service ; Services aux entreprises
environment creates conditions for economic activity, these are especially important for firms operating in uncertain markets. -(AGD)
The A. focuses on the spatial development of business services and on how entrepreneurs can use the advantages of proximity in their networks of relationships. This Ph.D. thesis deals with two theoretical approaches in economic geography
: the assumption of the importance of the foot loose character of firms and the hypothesis that face-to-face cntracts are decisive. It is concluded that proximity is advantageous where unplanned and uncertain transactions are concerned. Insofar as the urban
Producerservices trade in city systems: evidence from Chicago
Chicago ; Demand ; Market ; Marketing ; Producerservices ; Tertiary sector ; United States ; Urban economy ; Urban system
Chicago ; Commercialisation ; Demande ; Economie urbaine ; Etats-Unis ; Marché ; Secteur tertiaire ; Services aux entreprises ; Système urbain
The paper demonstrates conceptually that trade flows through a two-tiered organisation of cities. The first involves world-class cities,and the second a hierarchical organisation of cities within the US urban system. These patterns of interaction
are analysed empirically using a recent survey which enables identification of the spatial extent of both supply and demand for five business services. The distances vary markedly from industry to industry.
In a policy survey of 39 business servicefirms for the Scottish City of Edinburgh it is found, despite the prominence of its financial institutions and a few outstanding examples of international sales, that 80% of activity is undertaken
for the Scottish market, 24% for private households and only about 10% for the manufacturing sector. It should be policy to maximise export activity of the sector, with the help of continued development of education and training in the City of Edinburgh.
Les AA. évaluent l'apport des géographes, économistes et spécialistes en gestion à l'étude de l'expansion interrégionale et internationale des entreprises de services. Problèmes méthodologiques: choix du mode d'entrée sur le marché étranger, niveau
Canada ; Classification ; Développement régional ; Economie ; Production ; Restructuration économique ; Secteur d'activité ; Secteur industriel ; Secteur tertiaire ; Services aux entreprises
L'A. constate qu'au Canada le secteur des services dépasse le secteur manufacturier si l'on compare le part du PIB occupée par les différents secteurs et que cela entraîne un développement de la richesse nationale. Le découpage des activités
économiques selon le code SIC ne permet pas selon l'A. de mesurer l'étendue des activités de services car on ne peut s'accorder sur une classification standard des services. - (M. Perrin).
Customers ; Economic strategy ; Enterprise ; Europe ; European Union ; Expertise ; Germany ; Information ; Innovation ; Location ; Market ; Netherlands (The) ; Network ; Producerservices ; Service ; Spatial system
Allemagne ; Clientèle ; Entreprise ; Europe ; Expertise ; Information ; Innovation ; Localisation ; Marché ; Pays-Bas ; Réseau ; Service ; Services aux entreprises ; Stratégie économique ; Système spatial ; Union Européenne
This collection of articles illustrates both the strengths and the weaknesses of a network perspective on information-based service developments. This emphasizes the flows, especially of critical orientation information between servicefirms
and their clients, taking place on an increasing geographical scale, including the international level. Metropolitan cores benefit. In more peripheral areas, a locally competitive environment encourages a quality of services which may form the basis of export income.
New insights into the internationalization of producerservices : organizational strategies and spatial economies for global headhunting firms
Decision making process ; Enterprise ; Expertise ; Internationalization ; Organization ; Producerservices ; Service ; Spatial economy ; Worldmarket
Economie spatiale ; Entreprise ; Expertise ; Internationalisation ; Marché mondial ; Organisation ; Service ; Services aux entreprises ; Stratégie d'acteurs
L'exemple des entreprises de chasseurs de têtes doit permettre une meilleure compréhension de la nature complexe de l'internationalisation et des économies spatiales des services à la production dans l'économie mondiale. De nouveaux marchés
géographiques sont créés, et les AA. étudient comment les firmes organisent leur croissance stratégique différentielle. Ces acteurs aident à reproduire certaines formes de capital. Evolution enregistrée de 1992 à 2005.
Power or market? Location determinants of multinational headquarters in China
Beijing ; China ; Economic development ; Economic geography ; Firm strategy ; Head office ; Local development ; Multinational firm ; Northern China ; Path dependence ; Role of the State ; Shanghai ; Spatial concentration
[b1] Department of Marketing, School of Business, Baptist Univ., Hong Kong, Chine
[b3] Department of Management and Marketing, Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, Chine
[b4] Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, Chine
[b2] Department of Geography, Univ., Hong Kong, Chine
Russian agri-food sector between well-performing macroeconomic environment and institutional obstacles.
Agriculture ; Agroindustrial system ; Macro-economics ; Market ; Russia
In the aftermah of the breakdown of the Russian foreign exchange market and financial system in August 1998 the macroeconomic environment recovered considerably, generating an output push in the agri-food sector. This improved the financial health
of most producer, thus opening a window of opportunity enhancing the long run growth prospects. But it is not apparent whether the agri-food sector makes use of the augmented circumstances. Insufficient incentive systems due to non-enforcement of legal
rules within as well as between firms and farms and lack of credibility of Russian government promote a rent-seeking behaviour of employer and employees. (L'A.).
A dynamic model of migration with public sector attributes
Dynamic model ; Economic equilibrium ; Internal migration ; Local labour market ; Location ; Public service ; Spatial choice ; Statistics ; Taxation system
Choix spatial ; Equilibre économique ; Fiscalité ; Localisation ; Marché local du travail ; Migration intérieure ; Modèle dynamique ; Service public ; Statistique
The AA. analyse the impact of a tax rate change on a location's population and the accompanying dynamic that occurs in the local labor market and public sector. Local labor market characteristics, tax price effects, and scale economies