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  • L'analyse du paysage rural de la voïvodie de Lublin fondée sur les statistiques de construction d'exploitations agricoles
  • Planification du développement territorial dans les espaces ruraux
  • Analyse régionale ; Exploitation agricole ; Lublin ; Paysage rural ; Pologne ; Spécialisation ; Statistique
  • Farm ; Lublin ; Poland ; Regional analysis ; Rural landscape ; Specialization ; Statistics
  • Análisis regional ; Especialización ; Estadística ; Explotación agrícola ; Lublin ; Paisaje rural ; Polonia
  • The Lublin voivodeship is an example of a typical rural region. In comparison with the remaining Polish regions, it has the highest percentage of population employed in agriculture (35.8%) and one of the highest fractions of farmland in its land use
  • structure (71.1%). In consequence, farm buildings make up a vast portion of the region’s rural landscape. Their type and appearance vary subject to farm size and specialization. This paper discusses the diversification of the rural landscape in Lublin
  • 2012