China ; Economic growth ; Economic system ; Living standard ; Regionaldevelopment ; Regional disparities ; Regional policy ; Years 1980-89
Années 1980 ; Chine ; Croissance économique ; Disparités régionales ; Développement régional ; Niveau de vie ; Politique régionale ; Système économique
This paper includes regional dynamic change and the State regionaldevelopment policy. Behind the practice of regionaldevelopment is disputation on the developmental theories. It also outlines theories which guides the practice of China's regional
development in the 1980s and briefly discusses prospect of regionaldevelopment in China.
Regions and regional uneven development forever ? Some reflective comments upon theory and practice
Disparités régionales ; Développement régional ; Développement économique ; Economie politique ; Gouvernance ; Pouvoir ; Région ; Théorie
Economic development ; Governance ; Political economy ; Power ; Region ; Regionaldevelopment ; Regional disparities ; Theory
Sujet ou objet de politique : comment et par qui définir la région ? Régions et gouvernance. Comment définir le développement économique régional ? Reconnaître les limites de la région et du régional.
Development incentives for the Koroška Region as part of the balanced regionaldevelopment policy of Slovenia
Development strategy ; Regionaldevelopment ; Regional policy ; Slovenia
Développement régional ; Koroška ; Politique régionale ; Slovénie ; Stratégie de développement
By implementing the policy for the balanced regionaldevelopment in Slovenia, special consideration is given to areas lagging behind the average by comparing selected indicators. These areas are eligible for special development incentives from
the state. The article presents the results of research that was conducted in the Koroška region to show the way of implementing the state policy of promoting balanced regionaldevelopment through municipal bodies in the period 1995-2001. It shows
that invested development incentives are clearly evident, but they do not contribute to the substantial realisation of the development vision. - (IfL)
Disparités régionales ; Découpage administratif ; Développement régional ; Jordanie ; Organisation de l'espace ; Réseau urbain ; Stratégie de développement ; Structure spatiale
This article analyzes Jordan as an example of a regional readjustment procedure with high objectives. The efforts to create more efficient administrative regions has diverted attention from the need for decentralization and the development
Scale economies, regional externalities, and the possibility of uneven regionaldevelopment
Economies of scale ; Externalities ; Model ; Regionaldevelopment ; Regional economy ; Uneven development
Développement inégal ; Développement régional ; Economie régionale ; Economies d'échelle ; Externalités ; Modèle
Modèle de développement régional qui essaie d'expliquer des modalités de croissance diverses dans deux régions. Extension du modèle de Krugman de développement inégal (économies d'échelle et externalités régionales). Possibilité d'expliquer
plusieurs types de développement à travers la même démarche analytique.
Depressed regions - or depressed regional policy ? 10 years of slovak experience.
Development strategy ; Regionaldevelopment ; Regional policy ; Slovak Republic ; Urban development
Développement régional ; Développement urbain ; Politique régionale ; Slovaquie ; Stratégie de développement
The contribution deals with the following subjects : 1. Starting conditions of regional transformation 2. Positive Development Momentum 3. Ups and downs of the slovak regional policy. - (MT)
Regional integration and the boundary effect in the Katowice region
Economie régionale ; Effet orographique ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Histoire économique ; Industrialisation ; Intégration économique ; Katowice région ; Peuplement ; Pologne ; Région frontière
The A. outlines the historical development of the Katowice region. The scope of the paper is to evidence how the regionaldevelopment involved the transition from a border region through a bare-joint region towards an integrated region.
Regional and urbanisation policy in Thailand : the tertiary sector as a leading sector in regionaldevelopment
Decentralization ; Development strategy ; Growth pole ; Planning ; Regional disparities ; Regional policy ; Thailand ; Urbanization
Disparités régionales ; Décentralisation ; Planification ; Politique régionale ; Pôle de croissance ; Stratégie de développement ; Thaïlande ; Urbanisation
This article focuses on the issue of urban development projects and their implementation within the context of regional planning in Thailand. The use of the public service sector as a leading economic tool for the development of a selected regional
Aménagement régional ; Développement régional ; Indicateur ; Structure spatiale
The article brings theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of adopting regional, spatial and environmental data, indicators and criteria for the assessment of regional structure, potentials and development within the context of regional
Développement régional ; Développement économique ; Economie locale ; Europe ; Europe de l'Ouest ; Evolution démographique ; Indicateurs économiques ; Région ; Structure économique ; Théorie ; Typologie ; Ville
Demographic change ; Economic development ; Economic indicators ; Economic structure ; Europe ; Local economy ; Region ; Regionaldevelopment ; Theory ; Town ; Typology ; Western Europe
Regionaldevelopment tendencies in Western Europe in recent decades are analyzed. They show a mosaic-like pattern of dynamic and declining regions in all parts of Europe, while there is no uniform core/periphery polarization. On this basis
, an inductive theory of regionaldevelopment in economically advanced societies is constructed. It states that the structural composition of the economy of each region plays a role in its development and its fits well into the picture of the emerging service
Décentralisation ; Développement régional ; Géographie des loisirs ; Tchèque république ; Tourisme
Deconcentration and decentralization of the tourist activity development in Czechia is very important. Main resources helping with regional tourist development are given. Discussion is devoted to a critical approach to the present system
of marketing tourist regions from geographic point of view. Further opportunities for tourism development on regional and central levels are outlined. - (MS)
Chômage ; Disparités régionales ; Développement régional ; Politique régionale ; Stratégie de développement ; Tchèque république
The contribution deals with the following subjects : 1. Development of inter-regional disparities in the Czech Republic under the transition 2. Czech regional policy in th pre-accession period 3. A proposal for the future design of Czech regional
Some reflections on the significance of regional identity and regional images for economic development with special reference to the province of Friesland. - (AGD)
At present, one of the major problems facing the Chinese government is how to reduce the regional disparities and promote development in less developedregions. These disparities are usually defined in terms of unemployment rate, income per capita
, and are aggravated by structural changes, which have social and economic consequences (Armstrong and Taylor 1993). It is widely realized that tourism can serve as an effective policy tool for regional and rural-urban disparities in China has not been systemically
examined. This paper attempts to fill this gap. Its main argument is that, in the case of China, the effectiveness of tourism development policies by a threefold dual structure of this development. - (IfL)