Australie ; Désert ; Désert Sturt ; Désert de pierre ; Erosion ; Géomorphologie ; Hamada ; Miocène ; Oligocène ; South Australia
Australia ; Desert ; Erosion ; Geomorphology ; Miocene ; Oligocene ; South Australia
Le désert de pierre Sturt fait partie du désert de Simpson au centre de l'Australie. Les AA. livrent une étude géomorphologique de ce désert de pierre en insistant sur la lithologie et les processus d'érosion depuis l'oligocène.
The AA. focus their attention on the provenance of the inland desert and coastal dunes of the Altar Desert, based on the sedimentology, modal analysis and geochemistry of major and trace elements of the sands. The study uses grain size parameters
and petrographic and geochemical data as a contribution to the origines of dunes in desert and coastal dunes and it provides a new database for the Altar Desert in northwestern Mexico.
Cultural capacity ; Desert ; Environmental perception ; Exploration ; Historical geography ; Landscape ; Myth ; Settlement ; United States
The A. shows that the tradition of the desert of the Plains was invented and promoted by both Plains settlers and boomers in an attempt at self-justification and self-promotion. The promotion of the desert myth was so effective that, even today
The coastal Namib Desert is characterized by low habitat diversity, low primary productivity and adverse climatic conditions and therefore few primary consumers (Herbivores). - (AJC)
Adaptation ; Arizona ; Cultural landscape ; Desert ; Human ecology ; Irrigation ; Man-environment relations ; Perception ; United States of America ; Water resources ; Water use
The cultural landscape of the Sonoran Desert, one of the largest North American deserts, has changed greatly over the last five centuries. Five selected vignettes illustrate the changing human perceptions and uses of the desert's limited water