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Résultats de la recherche (2246 résultats)

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  • Conflicting objectives in environmental management, an introduction in Environmental conflict analysis.
  • A decision support system for conflict analysis on environmental effects of energy conversion in Environmental conflict analysis.
  • Locational conflicts in a small town : a case study of a cooperative sugar mill in Punjab
  • This article studies various components of locational conflicts, selecting one such conflict with regard to a location of cooperative sugar mills at Nawashahr in Punjab. This study traces the history of locational decision for a sugar mill and its
  • related conflicts in the selection of site. - (PLK)
  • Conflict avoidance and conflict suppression: the case of urban politics in the United States in Urbanization and conflict in market societies.
  • Conflict ; Geopolitics ; Gulf War ; Political geography
  • Reflections on the Kurdish problem, Arab-Israeli conflict, and environmental destruction as a weapon of war. - (DWG)
  • Planning in the face of conflict : negociation and mediation strategies in local land use regulation
  • The Irish triangle. Conflict in northern Ireland
  • Conflict and cooperation in the Persian Gulf.
  • Social structure and suburban spatio-political conflicts in the United States
  • Great Basin National Park : rationales, concepts, and conflicts
  • Conflict ; Environment ; Great Basin ; Land use ; Landscape ; Leisure ; Natural park ; Nature conservation ; Nevada ; Tourism ; United States
  • Management plan and landuse conflicts surrounding the establishment of a new national park in the Snake Mountain Range of western Nevada, USA.―(DWG)
  • Food policy conflicts in food-deficit developing countries
  • Bangladesh ; Conflict ; Food ; Food policy ; Food production ; Government intervention ; Malnutrition ; Third World
  • The paper concentrates on answering these food policy questions for food-deficit developing countries, taking detailed examples from Bangladesh but pointing out similarities and differences elsewhere in the third world. Conflicts are generally seen
  • Environmental conflicts : the case of acid rain in Europe in Environmental conflict analysis.
  • Multiobjective modelling of economic-ecological interactions and conflicts in Environmental conflict analysis.
  • Water resources in the history of the Palestine-Israel conflict in Some geographical aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Water resource conflicts in the Middle East
  • Asia ; Conflict ; Euphrates ; Jordan ; Middle East ; Nile ; Political geography ; Water ; Water economics ; Water management ; Water resources
  • Analysis of the water resource conflicts in the three major international river basins of the Middle East: the Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, and Jordan-Yarmuk. - (DWG)
  • Community strategies in locational conflict in Urbanization and conflict in market societies.
  • Culture, conflict and cemeteries : Lebensraum for the dead
  • Analysis of the land use conflicts in Tel Aviv posed by Jewish law which governs the location of cemeteries and their internal spatial structure. - (DWG)
  • Malicious siting or unrecognised processes ? A spatio-temporal analysis of environmental conflicts in Tel-Aviv
  • Conflict ; Environment ; Israel ; Land use ; Nuisance ; Space time ; Urban area ; Urban development
  • By analyzing the pattern of environmental conflicts in the Tel-Aviv metropolitan region and following the evolution of five of them, it is shown that many conflicts arise fom encroachment of residential development upon facilities originally sited
  • New irrigation schemes in Southeast Anatolia and in Northern Syria : more competition and conflict over the Euphrates ?
  • Agricultural cooperation ; Agricultural policy ; Agriculture ; Anatolia ; Irrigation ; Social conflict ; Syria ; Turkey ; Water quality
  • The paper deals with the following subjects : 1. Do the agricultural plans lead to an unavoidable conflict ? 2. Realistic plans for 2005 and implempentation constraints ease the conflict. 3. The water quality problem. 4. From challenge
  • How ethnicity conditions the effect of oil and gas on civil conflict : a spatial analysis of Africa from 1990 to 2010
  • Africa ; Conflict ; Ethnicity ; Geological deposit ; Location ; Natural gas ; Natural resources ; Oil ; Political geography ; Spatial analysis ; Violence
  • This article investigates whether natural resource endowments, specifically oil and gas, and thepolitical status of ethnic groups interact to increase or decrease armed conflict risk. Based on data from Africa (1990-2010), it founds
  • that there is very clear and strong evidence for a conditioning effect for groups with a monopoly over national-level political institutions. Oil and gas in grid cells with powerful, nationally represented groups reduce conflict risk, while otherwise increasing
  • the probability of violent conflict onset.