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  • The Middle Eastern economy. Studies in economics and economic history.
  • Economic development, 1971-1982
  • Economic movements (gross material product and production investment, productivity and efficiency, employment, foreign economic relations, prices and living standards, basic characteristics of economic movements by republic and autonomous province
  • )| some causes of unfavourable economic movements.
  • Putin and Russia's economic transformation
  • Economic growth ; Economic policy ; Economic reform ; Economy ; Foreign investment ; Liberalisation ; Russia ; Socio-economic indicators ; Years 1990-99
  • Stylized facts and close dialogue : methodology in economic geography
  • Economic behaviour ; Economic geography ; Finance ; Investment ; Market ; Theory
  • One difference between economists and geographers is the significance attached by the former to stylized facts and the significance attached by the latter to the diversity of economic life. The A. argues that Krugman's theory-enslaved stylized facts
  • may impoverish theoretical innovation in economic geography. An alternative to this theory is suggested. Having reviewed recent developments in economic geography, the claimed virtues of objectivity and the supposed dangers of subjectivity are disputed.
  • Economic conditions of nationalities in the Baltics
  • Baltic Republics ; Economic activity ; Economic situation ; Economy ; Employment ; Estonia ; Europe ; Latvia ; Lithuania ; Living standard ; Nationality ; Unemployment
  • A cross-cutting dimension of economic analysis is relevant, comparing similarities and differences in the micro-economic conditions of the multiple nationalities living there. Different levels and types of economic activity relevant in economies
  • in transformation are outlined. The paper draws upon the economic survey of april 1995 to analyze individual and household economic conditions. Baltic and Russian nationals are separated. Macro-level data are not forgotten.
  • Relocating gender and rural economic strategies
  • Appalachian Mountains ; Economic restructuring ; Economic strategy ; Entrepreneurship ; Gender ; Homework ; Household ; Identity ; Labour ; Social geography ; United States of America ; West Virginia
  • The A. examines home-based work in an economic network to highlight the intersection of gender and economic practices in rural Appalachia. The case study for this project is an economic network comprised of sixty home-based workers who produce
  • knitwear for regional and national markets. The complexity of shifting economic livelihoods in the rural Appalachian context is examined. The analysis focuses on the (re)negotiation of gender identities by home-based workers in the context of economic
  • Urban popular attitudes towards the economic recovery programme and the PNDC Government in Ghana
  • Attitude ; Economic growth ; Economic policy ; Ghana ; Urban population
  • A slight majority of the urban population believes that a hand-over of power by the PNDC would reverse the current economic progress and waste the sacrifices of the years since 1983.―(EMS)
  • Mauritius economic review, 1971-1975. Mauritius 1975-1980
  • Ministry of economic planning and development
  • Let's keep economics and geography in economic geography : a commentary on Homo economicus, physical metaphors, and universal models in economic geography
  • Economic and social changes in Hungary
  • Economic policy ; Economic restructuring ; Foreign investment ; Housing market ; Hungary ; Labour market ; Modernization ; Privatisation ; Social change
  • In this paper authors highlight some of the most important features of the economic and social change in Hungary which have taken place since 1989. Among others political, economic and social factors that have influenced the post-socialist
  • Economic and non-economic estimation of closses incurred due to the degradation of natural environment
  • The economist is unable to determine all variables of the system nature-economy-space in terms of value and other specialists must co-operate. A progress can be made in a closer relationship between the ecologization of economics
  • and the economization and humanization of natural sciences.
  • Socio-economic variables as alternatives to income in measuring regional economic welfare - the Israeli case
  • The A. presents a methodological discussion of the quality of variables utilized for measuring regional economic welfare over a span of time, in a situation where an ideal data base is lacking. He studies the problem of the increasing or decreasing
  • regional inequality of economic welfare in Israel. - (DN)
  • Izucenie social'no-ekonomiceskih territorial'nyh sistem. (Research of social-economic spatial systems)
  • This article deals with the theoretical and methodological problems of economic geography, mainly with the theory of social-economic spatial systems, and study of settlement system, as well as with the problems concerning the relationship of social
  • , economic and social-economic geography.
  • The persistence of ecological-economic systems : alternate measures and their properties
  • Economic system ; Impact ; Regional science
  • The economics and the regional science literatures have paid scant attention to the problem of computing an ecological-economic system's persistence. Three measures of the persistence of a jointly determined ecological-economic system are derived
  • ASEAN economic integration and a place for New Zealand
  • Asia ; Development strategy ; Division of labour ; Economic cooperation ; Economic integration ; Investment ; New Zealand ; South-Eastern Asia ; Transnational corporation
  • Several forms of emerging regional economic cooperation are discussed, including AFTA, subregional economic zones and the promotion of wider regional economic forums. The role of large companies from within ASEAN is then examined and the distinctive
  • attibutes of these transnational corporations outlined. New Zealand's participation in ASEAN's economic growth is considered and the use of joint ventures and networking as ways of expanding participation within the region.
  • Economic regionalization of post and telecommunications in China
  • Russia's environment and natural resources in light of economic regionalization
  • Economic activity ; Economic region ; Economic restructuring ; Economic situation ; Environment ; Industry ; Logging ; Natural resources ; Regional economy ; Resource management ; Russia
  • The A. assesses the current state of the environment, emerging environmental problems, and possible future developments in Russia's regions as a result of increasing regional differentiation brought about by the varied impacts of economic reform
  • and restructuring in Russia. Particular attention is devoted to the environmental ramifications of regional economic specialization, privatization, reduction in state subsidies and character of future urban/suburban development.
  • Economic development in communist China
  • Coefficient of stability of economic movements
  • A comparison of economic impacts with the use of economic base and input-output methodologies
  • Economic base ; Economic impact ; Economic structure ; Employment ; Input-output model ; Methodology ; Multiplicator ; Regional economy
  • [b1] Dep. of Economics, the Univ. of Waikato, Hamilton, Nouvelle-Zelande