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  • The conquering of climate : discourses of fear and their dissolution
  • Climat ; Culturel ; Discours ; Perception ; Risque ; Réchauffement climatique
  • Climate ; Climatic warming ; Cultural studies ; Discourse ; Perception ; Risk
  • Les différents discours culturels concernant le climat :le climat comme jugement; le climat comme pathologie; le climat comme catastrophe; dissolution du climat catastrophe.
  • Climats et échelles spatiales
  • Amérique du Nord ; Analyse spatiale ; Climat ; Climat local ; Climat régional ; Echelle spatiale ; Région climatique
  • Climate ; Climatic region ; Local climate ; North America ; Regional climate ; Spatial analysis ; Spatial scale
  • Trois types de climats ont été mis en évidence à l'intérieur du domaine tempéré oriental de l'Amérique du Nord : un climat intérieur, un climat maritime (échelle régionale) et un climat strictement côtier (échelle locale). - (JPB)
  • A propos de la notion de climat maritime
  • Classification ; Climat ; Climat maritime ; Climat océanique ; France ; France de l'Ouest
  • Classification ; Climate ; France ; Oceanic climate ; Western France
  • Tentative d'affinement de la définition et de l'emboîtement des climats océanisés, marimites et littoraux, à travers l'exemple de la France de l'Ouest. - (JPB)
  • Meso-climate of the Port Elisabeth Uitenhage metropolitan area
  • Afrique du Sud ; Cape Province ; Climat ; Climat local ; Climat urbain ; Géographie de l'Afrique ; Port Elisabeth-Uitenhage
  • World thermal climates and the concepts of seasonality and continentality in climate classification
  • Bioclimatologie ; Classification des climats ; Climat ; Climat continental ; Climat océanique ; Informatique ; Saison ; Taxonomie ; Température de l'air
  • Bioclimatology ; Climate ; Climatic classification;Classification of climate ; Computing ; Continental climate ; Oceanic climate ; Taxonomy
  • Les climats européens
  • Cartographie ; Changement climatique ; Climat ; Climatologie ; Concept ; Europe ; Région climatique
  • Cartography ; Climate ; Climatic change ; Climatic region ; Climatology ; Concept ; Europe
  • Sous un titre plus restrictif que le contenu, présentation abondamment illustrée en couleurs des notions fondamentales de climatologie générale (pp. 7-33), des climats du monde (pp. 34-55) et, enfin, des climats du continent européen (pp. 56-81). La
  • conclusion aborde brièvement la question de l'évolution du climat. - (JPB)
  • Predicting regional climate change : living with uncertainty
  • Changement global ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Circulation océanique ; Climat régional ; Modèle ; Méthodologie ; Prédiction climatique ; Prévision ; Variation climatique
  • Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic prediction ; Climatic variation ; Forecast ; Global change ; Methodology ; Model ; Ocean circulation ; Regional climate
  • Regional climate prediction is not an insoluble problem, but it is a problem characterized by inherent uncertainty. There are 2 sources of this uncertainty : the unpredictability of the climatic and global systems. So this review considers
  • the implications of climatic and global system unpredictability for regional climate prediction. Consequently the AA. regard regional climate prediction as a cascade of uncertainty. They understand regional climate change in terms of changes in the general
  • Seasonal climate forecasting and the relevance of local knowledge
  • Agriculture traditionnelle ; Agroclimatologie ; Climat ; Concept ; Ethnographie ; Mexique ; Perception ; Prévision ; Risque climatique ; Tlaxcala
  • Agroclimatology ; Climate ; Climatic event ; Concept ; Ethnography ; Forecast ; Mexico ; Perception ; Tlaxcala ; Traditional agriculture
  • Numerous studies of traditional agricultural communities have shown that farmers already often manage climatic risk through traditional methods of climate prediction and ritual. This local knowledge may or may not accurately predict climatic events
  • , but it characterizes the demand for climate information and indicates how new climate forecasts might be received. Based on ethnographic data, this paper describes traditional climate prediction methods of farmers in Tlaxcala, Mexico to illustrate the relevance
  • of local climate knowledge for seasonal forecasting.
  • Meso- und micro-climatic aspects of Berlin's urban climate
  • Allemagne ; Berlin ; Biodiversité ; Chaleur ; Climat ; Climat régional ; Climat urbain ; Faune ; Flore
  • Berlin ; Biodiversity ; Climate ; Fauna ; Flora ; Germany ; Heat ; Regional climate ; Urban climate
  • Comme toutes les grandes villes, Berlin possède un climat urbain spécifique. Il dépend en partie d'une localisation de la ville au centre d'une grande vallée constituée de dépôts morainiques. Pour mesurer l'influence du climat urbain sur la faune et
  • Assessing climate change in the contiguous United States using a modified Thornthwaite climate classification scheme
  • Analyse multivariée ; Années 1895-2005 ; Changement climatique ; Classification des climats ; Climat ; Etats-Unis ; Humidité ; Température
  • Climate ; Climate classification ; Climatic change ; Moisture ; Multivariate analysis ; Temperature ; United States of America
  • This new approach allows both moisture and thermal conditions to be examined simultaneously for a better assessment of multivariate climate change. Changes in area of different climate types over time is determined using the climate year approach
  • and the spatial nature of climate change is examined by computing climate types based on averages from three thirty-year periods over the twentieth century. Over the study period from 1895 to 2005, statistically significant changes in areal coverage of different
  • climate types have occurred : changes to moister climate categories and positive temperature trends.
  • Le climat de la Bretagne.
  • Bretagne ; Climat ; France ; Géographie de l'Europe
  • Présentation des climats de Bretagne et de leur diversité. - (BH)
  • Climate change in Ireland - recent trends in temperature and precipitation
  • Changement climatique ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Climat ; Climatologie synoptique ; Donnée climatique ; Interaction océan-atmosphère ; Irlande ; Modèle ; Oscillation climatique ; Précipitation ; Réchauffement climatique ; Siècle 20 ; Température
  • ; Tendance du climat
  • Atmospheric circulation ; Climate ; Climate oscillation ; Climatic change ; Climatic data ; Climatic trend ; Climatic warming ; Ireland ; Model ; Ocean atmosphere interaction ; Precipitation ; Synoptic climatology ; Temperature ; Twentieth Century
  • This paper presents an assessment of indicators of climate change in Ireland over the past century. Trends are examined in order to determine the magnitude and direction of ongoing climate change. Although detection of a trend is difficult due
  • to the influence of the North Atlantic Ocean, it is concluded that Irish climate is following similar trajectories to those predicted by global climate models. Climatic variables investigated included the key temperature and precipitation data series from the Irish
  • synoptic station network. Secondary climate indicators such as frequency of hot and cold days were found to reveal more variable trends.
  • The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions
  • Circulation atmosphérique ; Climat local ; Climat urbain ; Kraków ; Pologne ; Radiation ; Réchauffement climatique ; Température ; Urbanisation ; Variation climatique
  • Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic variation ; Climatic warming ; Cracow ; Local climate ; Poland ; Radiation ; Temperature ; Urban climate ; Urbanization
  • The multi-annual variability of thermal, solar and cloudiness conditions in Cracow was examined from the point of view of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the climate change. The analysis concerned the annual air temperature range
  • (RAT) and daily ranges of air temperature (DAT) in january and july. Special attention has been paid to the climatic trends and changes of climatic continuity. Long-term changes of RAT reflect the impact of the circulation factors, these of DAT
  • Classics in physical geography revisited. Thornthwaite, C.W. 1948: an approach toward a rational classification of climate. The Geographical Review 38, 55-94
  • Classification des climats ; Climat ; Donnée climatique ; Limite climatique ; Méthodologie ; Précipitation ; Végétation
  • Climate ; Climate classification ; Climatic boundary ; Climatic data ; Methodology ; Precipitation ; Vegetation
  • Thornthwaite's 1948 climatic classification system was fundamentally different from all its predecessors: climates are defined rationally and boundaries are determined objectively by the meteorological data; vegetation, soils, hydrology, etc
  • ., are then to be determined from the prevailing climatic type.
  • Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry
  • Agroclimatologie ; Changement global ; Climat ; Flux thermique ; Foresterie ; Gel ; Irrigation ; Modèle ; Pologne ; Risque climatique ; Récolte
  • Agroclimatology ; Climate ; Climatic event ; Crop ; Forestry ; Freezing ; Global change ; Heat flow ; Irrigation ; Model ; Poland
  • The atmosphere exchanges heat, moisture and momentum with other climate subsystems. This paper describes some applications of climate models in agriculture and puts forward the argument, that recent climate models are very close to numerical weather
  • prediction models. The physical parameterization approach implemented first in climate models, is now applied in a useful way to everyday agricultural management.
  • Le climat de la péninsule armoricaine: conditions générales et sécheresse de 1976
  • (1976) ; Bretagne ; Climat ; Climat océanique ; France ; Géographie de l'Europe ; Régionalisation ; Sécheresse
  • Sur un fond général océanique, le climat armoricain est divisé en quatre sous-climats: le climat océanique typique, le climat océanique dégradé vers la vallée de la Loire, le climat océanique collinéen propre aux reliefs ouest-armoricains, le climat
  • océanique de type aquitanien dégradé ou climat océanique sec sur le littoral sud-armoricain. La sécheresse de1976 est analysée dans le temps et dans l'espace.
  • A century of climate variability and climate gradients from coast to ice sheet in West Greenland
  • Bilan de masse ; Calotte glaciaire ; Climat ; Climat historique ; Continentalité ; Fjord ; Groenland ; Nuuk ; Température ; Tendance du climat ; Variabilité climatique
  • Climate ; Climatic trend ; Climatic variability ; Continentality ; Fjord ; Glacier mass balance ; Greenland ; Historical climate ; Ice sheet ; Temperature
  • Mountain climatology and past and potential future climatic changes in mountain regions : a review
  • Climat ; Echelle ; Fluctuation du glacier ; Montagne ; Neige ; Paléoclimatologie ; Prévision ; Température ; Variation climatique
  • Climate ; Climatic variation ; Forecast;Prediction ; Glacier fluctuation ; Mountain ; Paleoclimatology ; Scale ; Snow ; Temperature
  • Using mountain regions from around the world, the A. discusses controls of mountain climate and scales of climate features, and evaluates evidence of past climatic conditions.―(DWG)
  • The necessity of a multiscalar analysis of climate justice
  • Adaptation ; Echelle ; Ecologie politique ; Financement du climat ; Justice climatique ; Politique ; Vulnérabilité
  • Adaptation ; Climate finance ; Climate justice ; Policy ; Political ecology ; Scale ; Vulnerability
  • The article suggests that a multiscalar and interdisciplinary construct is required to analyse climate justice as an appraisal of the distribution of climate finance for adaptation. Current approaches to climate justice lack in empirical research
  • A revised Thornthwaite-type global climate classification
  • Cartographie ; Classification ; Climat ; Indice d'humidité ; THORNTHWAITE (C.W.) ; Variabilité climatique ; Variation saisonnière
  • Cartography ; Classification ; Climate ; Climatic variability ; Seasonal variation
  • This paper will present global maps of all 4 components of the 1948 Thornwaite climate classification, a long-time wish of J.R. Mather, to whom this paper is dedicated. In addition, a revised Thornwaite-type climate classification is presented
  • with the intent of providing a more rational climate classification for everyday use in a classroom setting. This classification uses an amended version of the Thornthwaite moisture index.