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Résultats de la recherche (450 résultats)

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  • Late Cenozoic palaeogeography of Japan
  • Cenozoic sedimentation in the central North Pacific
  • Photogeological study of Cenozoic landform evolution in the Cooktown area, north Queensland, Australia
  • Australia ; Cenozoic ; Drainage network ; Fault ; Model ; Photogeology ; Photointerpretation ; Queensland ; Tectonics ; Volcanism
  • The present study describes a number of significant photogeological observations in the Cooktown area, and attempts to link these into a morphotectonic model of Cenozoic landform evolution in the region. This model supports an earlier hypothesis
  • late Cenozoic landform development in East Africa: the role of near base level planation within the dynamic etchplanation concept
  • Africa ; Base level ; Cenozoic ; Concept ; Eastern Africa ; Fluvial dynamics ; Geomorphogenesis ; Planation ; Rift ; Tectonics ; Vertical movement
  • The Late Cenozoic landform development history of east Africa is explained insufficiently by the available landform genesis concepts. Late Cenozoic plain formation in East Africa was an episodic event caused by contemporaneous erosion and deposition
  • near base level. It is therefore proposed to elaborate the etchplanation concept with fluvial dynamics. Late Cenozoic planation events in East Africa were triggered by a major base level rise due to the combined effects of eustatic sea level rise
  • Stratigraphic revision of the Cenozoic deposits of the Lungro-Verbicaro Unit (Northern Calabria): new data for the reconstruction of tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines
  • Biostratigraphy ; Calabria ; Cenozoic ; Italy ; Regional geology ; Stratigraphy ; Tectonics
  • On the correlation of Eurasian terrestrial stratigraphy in Late Cenozoic times in Loess and the Quaternary: Chinese and Hungarian case studies.
  • The vast areas of Late Cenozoic terrestrial sediments have given rise to stratigraphical systems primarily based on mammal successions. Recent progress allows a broad scale international correlation between Europe, South and East Asia and North
  • Cenozoic climatic change in southern Africa : the evidence from geomorphology, 1967-1996, a personal view
  • Cenozoic ; Climatic variation ; Geomorphology ; Karst ; Palaeogeography ; South Africa
  • The contribution of geomorphic evidence to the reconstruction of the Cenozoic chronology of southern Africa is traced for the period 1967-1996. Selected examples are provided based almost entirely on the author's own contribution. The significance
  • Cenozoic evolution of the Philippine Archipelago
  • Causes of Antarctic glaciation in the Cenozoic
  • California ; Canyon ; Cenozoic ; Cretaceous ; Erosion rate ; Longitudinal section ; Mesozoic ; Palaeogeography ; Sierra Nevada ; Tectonics ; United States of America ; Vertical movement
  • Author challenges the common wisdom that the world's great ranges, including the Sierra Nevada, experienced major uplift in late-Cenozoic time. Three independent methods (longitudinal profiles of canyon-bottom flows and deposits, weathering rates
  • and stream gradients) show that little or no uplift occured in the second half of the Cenozoic. Tectonics capable of raising the range occured in the Mesozoic era, most recently in the late Cretaceous. Uplift histories of other ranges need re-evaluation
  • Late Cenozoic surficial deposits and valley evolution of unglaciated northern New Jersey
  • Cenozoic ; Climatic cycle ; Earth surface processes ; Eolian features ; Erosion cycle ; Glacial features ; Interglacial ; New Jersey ; Palaeogeography ; Sea level ; United States ; Valley
  • Cenozoic sedimentary processes on the Antarctic continental margin and the record from deep drilling
  • Antarctica ; Cenozoic ; Continental margin ; Drilling ; Glacial features ; Seismic method
  • A synthesis on the Cenozoic stratigraphic, tectonic and volcanic evolution in Sardinia (Italy)
  • Cenozoic ; Italy ; Palaeogeography ; Regional geology ; Sardegna ; Sedimentary ; Stratigraphy ; Tectonics ; Volcanism
  • Characterization, identity, distribution, and source of late Cenozoic tephra beds in the Klondike district of the Yukon, Canada
  • Canada ; Cenozoic ; Cluster analysis ; Geochemistry ; Palaeo-environment ; Pyroclastic ; Regional geology ; Stratigraphy ; Tephrochronology ; Trace-element ; Yukon Territory
  • Cenozoic landscape development within the Central Iberian Chain, Spain
  • Cenozoic ; Drainage network ; Erosion surface ; Geomorphogenesis ; Iberian Mountains ; Model ; Palaeogeography ; Spain ; Stratigraphy ; Tectonics ; Watershed
  • Ecobiostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic, depositional and synthemic setting of Cenozoic units in Southern Sardinia (Italy)
  • Biostratigraphy ; Cenozoic ; Italy ; Lithostratigraphy ; Miocene ; Palaeontology ; Regional geology ; Sardegna ; Sedimentary ; Stratigraphy
  • New constraints on the late Cenozoic incision history of the New River, Virginia
  • Appalachian Mountains ; Cenozoic ; Dating ; Downcutting ; Fluvial terrace ; Geology ; Geomorphology ; Landscape dynamics ; Palaeogeography ; Terrace ; United States of America ; Virginia
  • Asia ; Cenozoic ; Geomorphogenesis ; High mountain ; Himalaya ; Karokoram ; Mountain ; Orogeny
  • Report on synthetic results of geomorphological research is presented. Relief building of the mountain ranges during the course of collision orogeny in the Late Cenozoic in this region of High Asia is described. - (MS)
  • Cenozoic trans-and regressions at the Belgian end of the North Sea in International Colloquy on the Quaternary and Tertiary geology of the Southern Bight, North Sea. Collected abstracts. Oral presentations.