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  • Quantitative estimates of the effect of climate change on dust storm activity in Australia during the Last Glacial Maximum
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Australie ; Changement global ; Eolien ; Quaternaire ; Tardiglaciaire ; Tempête de poussière ; Transport éolien ; Variation climatique ; Variation spatiale
  • Aeolian features ; Aeolian transport ; Australia ; Climatic variation ; Dust storm ; Global change ; Lateglacial ; Quaternary ; Spatial variation
  • Quantitative estimates are made of the effect of climate change upon dust activity during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which peaked 18,000 years ago, using present-day measurements of the occurence of dust storms recalculated in the light
  • of information on LGM climatic change. Dust storm seasons were lengthened and dust paths were modified. Estimates based upon climate alone, without considering the increased supplies of sediment to dust source areas during the LGM, however, probably underestimate