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Résultats de la recherche (8 résultats)

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  • Global change : polish perspectives
  • Action anthropique ; Biodiversité ; Changement global ; Ecosystème ; Faune marine ; Géosystème ; Royaume-Uni ; Région polaire ; Shetland Islands ; Température de l'air ; Température de l'eau ; Variabilité interannuelle
  • Air temperature ; Biodiversity ; Ecosystem ; Geosystem ; Global change ; Human impact ; Interannual variability ; Marine fauna ; Polar region ; Shetland Islands ; United Kingdom ; Water temperature
  • Variability is one of the characteristic features of polar geoecosystems. On the meso- and macro-time scales, the variability of geoecosystems can be expressed in relation to : irregular interannual changes, multi-year cyclic changes, year-to-year
  • directional changes and anthropogenic changes. Polish multidisciplinary research concerning the physical, chemical and biological processes in the region of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) demonstrates such variability.
  • Estimation of evapotranspiration in Libya under the impact of plausible global climate change
  • Global change : polish perspectives
  • Besoin en eau ; Changement global ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Déficit en eau ; Evapotranspiration ; Irrigation ; Libye ; Modèle ; Variation climatique
  • Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic variation ; Evapotranspiration ; Global change ; Irrigation ; Libya ; Model ; Water deficit ; Water needs
  • The effects of global warming on reference evapotranspiration are investigated and discussed in this report. The amount of water needed for agriculture with and without climate change is estimated and discussed. A computer program based on Penman's
  • Global change : polish perspectives
  • Asie ; Asie du Sud ; Changement global ; Chine ; Corée du Sud ; Croissance démographique ; Déficit en eau ; Eau ; Inde ; Irrigation ; Modèle ; Pakistan ; Ressource en eau ; Simulation ; Variation climatique
  • Asia ; China ; Climatic variation ; Global change ; India ; Irrigation ; Model ; Pakistan ; Population growth ; Simulation ; South Korea ; Southern Asia ; Water ; Water deficit ; Water resources
  • Results of the impact of climate change on water resources in 4 countries in South Asia. Under present socio-economic and climatic conditions, China, India, Pakistan and South Korea are facing water deficits. The characteristic feature of water
  • management in South Asia is the dominating role of agriculture in water use. The key question addressed in the paper is the impact of climate change on water resources, and the adaptive measures that may be used to cope with water deficits. In all
  • the analyzed countries, the mean reason for worsening water conditions is the expected population growth, the effect of climate change is marginal.
  • Global change : polish perspectives
  • This paper analyses long-term variability in the number of days with precipitation in Kraków in relation to changes in atmospheric circulation. This paper provides a certain contribution to the reconstruction of the climate in the first half