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Résultats de la recherche (18 résultats)

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  • Quantitative estimates of the effect of climate change on dust storm activity in Australia during the Last Glacial Maximum
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Australie ; Changement global ; Eolien ; Quaternaire ; Tardiglaciaire ; Tempête de poussière ; Transport éolien ; Variation climatique ; Variation spatiale
  • Aeolian features ; Aeolian transport ; Australia ; Climatic variation ; Dust storm ; Global change ; Lateglacial ; Quaternary ; Spatial variation
  • Quantitative estimates are made of the effect of climate change upon dust activity during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which peaked 18,000 years ago, using present-day measurements of the occurence of dust storms recalculated in the light
  • of information on LGM climatic change. Dust storm seasons were lengthened and dust paths were modified. Estimates based upon climate alone, without considering the increased supplies of sediment to dust source areas during the LGM, however, probably underestimate
  • Evolution of a dune from crescentic to parabolic form in response to short-term climatic changes: Råbjerg Mile, Skagen Odde, Denmark
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • This study describes the geomorphological changes of the Råbjerg Mile since 1887 A.D., examines changes in characteristics of the wind and vegetation cover with time and discusses controls on dune morphodynamics and dune evolution.
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Changement global ; Climat régional ; Domaine semi-aride ; Dune ; Eolien ; Erosion éolienne ; Etats-Unis ; Fluctuation climatique ; Modèle ; Sable ; Transport éolien ; Variation climatique ; Vitesse du vent ; Washington
  • Aeolian features ; Aeolian transport ; Climate fluctuation ; Climatic variation ; Dune ; Global change ; Model ; Regional climate ; Sand ; Semi-arid area ; United States of America ; Washington ; Wind erosion ; Wind speed
  • A regional climate model (RCM) developed for the Hanford Site, Washington illustrates a potentially useful method for assessing eolian responses to regional climate change. The RCM is based on long-term relations between fundamental climatic
  • demonstrate the sensitivity of eolian-climatic interactions to small changes in precipitation.
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • to regional and local sand transport corridors. Periods of geomorphic stability are represented by paleosols and talus accumulations. The sand ramps provide a record of the response of aeolian processes to climatic change in the Mojave Desert. Most are now
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change
  • Special Issue. Response of aeolian processes to global change