Polarities of structure and change in urban systems : a Canadian example
Canada ; Changement urbain ; Croissance urbaine ; Fonction urbaine ; Hiérarchie urbaine ; Métropole ; Système urbain
Canada ; Large city ; Urban change ; Urban function ; Urban growth ; Urban hierarchy ; Urban system
The paper examines some of the contradictory assertions in the research literature regarding the on-going reorganization of urban systems through a detailed empirical analysis of the changing properties of the Canadian urban system. The analysis
begins with a conceptual framework that recognizes alternative logics and trajectories of change in urban systems. The paper demonstrates the diversity and rapidity of change, and the indeterminant and contradictory nature of many of the relationships
Changement global ; Changement social ; Environnement ; Protection de l'environnement ; Relation société-environnement
Environment ; Environmental conservation ; Global change ; Social change ; Society-environment relationship
This review reflects on both the intellectual and policy implications of global environmental change. It explores opposing perspectives on the relationship between environmental and social change. These perspectives possess an ideological component
sometimes differentiated as environmentalism and ecologism. They also relate to a theoretical discourse about the nature of modern society and the sources of change.
Changement social ; Hongrie ; Investissement étranger ; Marché du logement ; Marché du travail ; Modernisation ; Politique économique ; Privatisation ; Restructuration économique
In this paper authors highlight some of the most important features of the economic and social change in Hungary which have taken place since 1989. Among others political, economic and social factors that have influenced the post-socialist
A postmodern geography for a postmodern planet : perspectives on global change research in South African geography
Afrique du Sud ; Changement global ; Géographie ; Postmodernisme ; Pratique de la géographie
Geography ; Global change ; Post-modernism ; Practice of geography ; South Africa
Global environmental change provides the discipline of geography with what could be its greatest contemporary challenge. The AA. feel that a postmodern geography would be better placed to work with issues relating to global environmental change
Decadal changes of inflow to the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta, California
Aménagement hydraulique ; California ; Changement global ; Delta ; Etats-Unis ; Hydrologie appliquée ; Ressource en eau ; Variabilité interannuelle ; Variabilité saisonnière ; Variation climatique
Applied hydrology ; California ; Climatic variation ; Delta ; Global change ; Hydraulic works ; Interannual variability ; Seasonal variability ; United States of America ; Water resources
changes. The emerging decadal changes in monthly inflows have practical ramifications for water managers in the Delta.
Modelling and monitoring land-cover change processes in tropical regions
Analyse spatiale ; Biogéographie ; Changement global ; Couverture végétale ; Domaine aride ; Dynamique du paysage ; Déboisement ; Désertification ; Ecosystème ; Environnement ; Gestion de l'environnement ; Modèle ; Utilisation du sol ; Zone
Arid area ; Biogeography ; Deforestation ; Desertification ; Ecosystem ; Environment ; Environmental management ; Global change ; Land use ; Landscape dynamics ; Model ; Plant cover ; Spatial analysis ; Tropical zone
Transformations in terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly regarded as an important element of global change. This article reviews recent approaches to the monitoring and modelling of deforestation and dryland degradation in tropical regions
. The review highlights the requirement to tailor the investigation method to the specific research question of interest. Different techniques to monitor land-cover changes at regional scales are analysed. The article stresses the needs for a better integration
of social science knowledge in land-cover change models and for a comprehensive theory of land-use changes.
We are facing changes that will result into a new-type society. There are also conditions for a new regional geography. It should be to a greater extend oriented towards external relations in the globalized world and regional transformations
. The ongoing social changes bring both challenges and responsabilities. Regional geographical studies are supposed to bring actual understanding rather than to construct laws and regularities. - (MS)
Changes in the retail central place system in Yamanashi Prefecture
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the changes in the retail central place system as the result of competition of trade areas in the case of Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. - (KA)
Human impact on rivers in Hungary as reflected in changes of channel planform
Geomorphology and changing environments in Central Europe
In the second half of the 19th century, flood control measures radically changed the Hungarian river network. Channel length, slope and planform were all directly affected by regulation and also by subsequent river adjustment. In this paper selected
sections of 2 rivers are studied. Sinuosity and shifts and dimension changes of meanders are used to detect river mechanism countering or complying with the impact of human intervention.
Arid area ; Carbon dioxide ; China ; Climatic variation ; Concept ; Desert ; Desertification ; Global change ; Greenhouse effect ; Precipitation ; Semi-arid area ; Statistics ; Temperature
will be a feedback to the global change. It is concluded that desertification is the most serious environmental problem in the world and its resulting impact is socially and economically surprising.
Action anthropique ; Agriculture ; Changement global ; Impact ; Monde ; Production agricole ; Prévision ; Réchauffement climatique ; Sécurité alimentaire ; Variation climatique
Agricultural production ; Agriculture ; Climatic variation ; Climatic warming ; Food security ; Forecast ; Global change ; Human impact ; Impact ; World
Treize chapitres s'efforcent de faire le partage entre les effets positifs et les effets négatifs potentiels du changement de climat prévu pour les prochaines décennies, lequel s'annonce plus important que n'importe quelle variation climatique
Institutional change in local water management: cases from Balochistan
The aim of this study was to explore mechanism of institutional change and stagnation in local water resource management in Balochistan. It particularly wants to contribute to questions of how institutional change relates to sustainable
and efficient resource utilization: how indigenous change takes place and whether and how external interventions in the field of the definition of resource rights or support to user organizations, can strengthen local resource management. -(AGD)
Action anthropique ; Biodiversité ; Changement global ; Ecosystème ; Faune marine ; Géosystème ; Royaume-Uni ; Région polaire ; Shetland Islands ; Température de l'air ; Température de l'eau ; Variabilité interannuelle
Air temperature ; Biodiversity ; Ecosystem ; Geosystem ; Global change ; Human impact ; Interannual variability ; Marine fauna ; Polar region ; Shetland Islands ; United Kingdom ; Water temperature
Variability is one of the characteristic features of polar geoecosystems. On the meso- and macro-time scales, the variability of geoecosystems can be expressed in relation to : irregular interannual changes, multi-year cyclic changes, year-to-year
directional changes and anthropogenic changes. Polish multidisciplinary research concerning the physical, chemical and biological processes in the region of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) demonstrates such variability.
Scenarios of future climate change : effects on frost occurence and severity in the uplands of northern England
Analyse de régression ; Changement global ; Circulation atmosphérique ; England ; Gel ; Modèle ; Northern England ; Prévision ; Royaume-Uni ; Simulation ; Température ; Variation climatique
Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic variation ; England ; Forecast ; Freezing ; Global change ; Model ; Northern England ; Regression analysis ; Simulation ; Temperature ; United Kingdom
This paper has applied the results of different temperature change scenarios to analysis of changing frost parameters in northern England. The thermal climate of the region has been represented by comparing annual frost frequency and annual frost
accumulation (below 0°C) with the baseline situation. The baseline climate is based on backward stepwise regression using up to ten terrains variables. Changes in both frost parameters are considerable, especially in the 2 general circulation model (GCM