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Résultats de la recherche (4 résultats)

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  • Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin area
  • to considerable changes in water circulation.
  • 1997
  • Changes in the chemism of the waters of the Łabuńka river catchment under the influence of municipal and industrial wastewater
  • differentiation in hydrochemical features controlled by the lithology of the bedrock. Particular consideration was given to changes caused by municipal wastewater from Zamość Basin, Eastern Poland.
  • 1997
  • . As an effect of this hydro-economic activity of man the natural cycle and balance of hydrological processes have often been interrupted. This is particularly visible in the modification of the hydrographic network : changes in river routes, the elimination
  • 1997
  • An attempt was made to define the character and dynamics of hydrographical changes in the Łęczna-WłodawaLake Region. They have been influenced not only by agricultural land use, but also by the building of the Wieprza-Krzna canal and the drainage
  • 1997