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Résultats de la recherche (7 résultats)

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  • Response of eolian geomorphic systems to minor climate change : examples from the southern Californian deserts
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • The response of eolian geomorphic systems to minor climate change can be examined through process-response models based on a combination of relations between short-term changes in climatic variables and eolian activity and the geologic
  • and soil moisture in periods of drier climates. The major control on these processes is decadal to annual changes in rainfal that determine vegetation cover and soil moisture content.
  • 1997
  • Lithologically influenced geomorphic responses to Holocene climatic changes in the Southern Colorado Plateau, Arizona : a soil-geomorphic and ecologic perspective
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • The semiarid landscape occupied by the Navajo and Hopi peoples on the Colorado Plateau is characterized by an extensive network of deeply incised arroyos. The AA. propose that climatic change, and more specifically, increases in precipitation
  • , caused an acceleration in the erosion of the steep, typically minimally vegetated slopes of the Bidahochi Formation. Their interpretation differ from previous interpretations that emphasize the linkage of climatic changes, groundwater levels and arroyo
  • 1997
  • Geomorphic response to minor cyclic climate changes, San Diego County, California
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • This paper summarizes a reconnaissance study of geomorphic response to the recent wet interval of 1978-1983 in interior regions of San Diego County. Understanding the effects of short-term, episodic changes in climate on landforms will permit
  • the assessment of the relative role of wet and dry intervals upon the evolution of the modern landscape and responses preserved within the stratigraphic record. Additionally, significant changes in the response of hillslopes and fluvial systems between wet
  • 1997
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • changes, and to human impacts, because hillslopes supply abundant sediment to infrequent large streamflow events. Discontinuous ephemeral streams appear to be constantly changing as they alternate between 2 primary modes; either aggradation or degradation
  • 1997
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • and reveal the anomalous synoptic climatology which causes regional extreme storms. Through the analysis and understanding of basin and regional hydroclimatology the AA. determine the nature of the hydroclimatic change that must have occurred in the region
  • 1997
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • 1997
  • Special Issue. Geomorphic responses to short-term climatic change
  • 1997