Résultats de la recherche (18 résultats)
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Par Collection Par Auteur- SÄLLSKAPET, S., (Editeur scientifique) (18)
- ROSQVIST, G. (3)
- HOLMGREN, K. (2)
- BJÖRCK, S. (1)
- BRIFFA, K.R. (1)
- BROWN, I.A. (1)
- COLE-DAI, J. (1)
- DENTON, G.H. (1)
- DIVINE, D. (1)
- HANSSON, M. (1)
- HERMELIN, O. (1)
- HOLMLUND, P. (1)
- JACOBSON, G.L. (1)
- KARLEN, W. (1)
- KOHLER, J. (1)
- KRUSIC, A.G. (1)
- LOWELL, T.V. (1)
- MAASCH, K.A. (1)
- Actuel ; Changement climatique ; Changement global ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Convergence intertropicale ; Effet de serre ; Hydrologie ; Paléoclimatologie ; Radiation ; Variabilité climatique (1)
- Aerial photography ; Antarctica ; Cartography ; Glaciation ; Glacier fluctuation ; Modelling ; Palaeoclimate ; Palaeogeography ; Pliocene (1)
- Analyse isotopique ; Antarctique ; Cénozoïque ; Erosion glaciaire ; Fluctuation du glacier ; Microfossile ; Oxygène 18 ; Paléoclimatologie ; Paléogéographie ; Roche volcanique (1)
- Analyse isotopique ; Carbone ; Datation Th/U ; Littoral ; Oxygène 18 ; Paléoclimatologie ; Spéléothème ; Tanzanie (1)
- Analyse isotopique ; Carotte de glace ; Europe ; Europe du Nord ; Glace ; Géochimie ; Oxygène 18 ; Paléoclimatologie ; Petit âge glaciaire ; Scandinavie ; Siècle 20 ; Variabilité climatique ; Zone froide (1)
- Angola ; Atlantic Ocean ; Climatic cycle ; Congo ; Deglaciation ; Estuary ; Foraminifera ; Holocene ; Lateglacial ; Oceanology ; Oxygen 18 ; Salinity ; South Atlantic Ocean ; Surface temperature (1)
- Angola ; Atlantique ; Atlantique Sud ; Congo ; Cycle climatique ; Déglaciation ; Estuaire ; Foraminifère ; Holocène ; Océanologie ; Oxygène 18 ; Salinité ; Tardiglaciaire ; Température de surface (1)
- Antarctica ; Cenozoic ; Glacial erosion ; Glacier fluctuation ; Isotope analysis ; Oxygen 18 ; Palaeoclimatology ; Palaeogeography ; Volcanic rock (1)
- Antarctica ; Glacial surge ; Glacier ; Ice sheet ; Meltwater ; Miocene ; Palaeogeography (1)
- Antarctique ; Calotte glaciaire ; Crue glaciaire ; Eau de fonte ; Glacier ; Miocène ; Paléogéographie ; Victoria Land (1)
- Antarctique ; Cartographie ; Fluctuation du glacier ; Glaciation ; Modélisation ; Paléoclimat ; Paléogéographie ; Photographie aérienne ; Pliocène (1)
- Arctic Region ; C 14 dating ; Canada ; Carbonate ; Climatic variation ; Cold area ; Duricrust ; Ellesmere ; Glacier fluctuation ; Holocene ; Northwest Territories ; Palaeoclimatology ; Weathering (1)
- Arctique ; Canada ; Carbonate ; Datation C 14 ; Ellesmere ; Encroûtement ; Fluctuation du glacier ; Holocène ; Météorisation ; Northwest Territories ; Paléoclimatologie ; Variation climatique ; Zone froide (1)
- Atmospheric circulation ; C 14 dating ; Climatic variability ; Denmark ; Holocene ; Lacustrine sediment ; Ocean atmosphere interaction ; Palaeoclimatology ; Sedimentology ; Strait (1)
- Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic change ; Climatic variability ; Global change ; Greenhouse effect ; Hydrology ; Intertropical convergence ; Palaeoclimatology ; Present time ; Radiation (1)
- Atmospheric circulation ; El Niño ; Glacier ; Glacier advance ; Glacier mass balance ; Holocene ; New Zealand ; Norway ; Ocean atmosphere interaction (1)
- Avancée du glacier ; Bilan de masse ; Circulation atmosphérique ; El Niño ; Glacier ; Holocène ; Interaction océan-atmosphère ; Norvège ; Nouvelle-Zélande (1)
- Climate change and variability. Special issue (17)
- A 2000- year context for modern climate change (1)
- Abrupt vegetation and climate changes during the last glacial maximum and last termination in the Chilean Lake District : a case study from Canal de la Puntilla (41°S) (1)
- Assessing the palaeoclimate potential of cave glaciers : the example of the Scărişoara ice cave (Romania) (1)
- Early Pliocene alpine glaciation in Antarctica : terrestrial versus tidewater glaciers in Wright Valley (1)
- Glacial and vegetational history of the Southern Lake District of Chile (1)
- Glacier fluctuations, suspended sediment flux and glacio-lacustrine sediments (1)
- Holocene carbonate precipitates on Precambrian bedrock in the High Arctic : age and potential for palaeoclimatic information (1)
- Holocene climate variability in the Denmark Strait region - A land-sea correlation of new and existing climate proxy records (1)
- Meltwater features that suggest Miocene ice-sheet overriding of the Transantarctic Mountains in Victoria Land, Antarctica (1)
- New high-resolution alkenone record of Last Glacial to Holocene sea-surface temperature change in the east-equatorial South Atlantic Ocean (1)
- Palaeoclimatological survey of stalagmites from coastal areas in Tanzania (1)
- Potential to recover climatic information from Scandinavian ice cores : an example from the small ice cap Riukojietna (1)
- Recent glacier advances in Norway and New Zealand : a comparison of their glaciological and meteorological causes (1)
- Sediment transport, delta growth and sedimentation in Lake Nigardsvatn, Norway (1)
- Summer temperature variability in central Scandinavia during the last 3600 years (1)
- Terrestrial record of Post-Eocene climate history in Marie Byrd Land (MBL), West Antarctica (1)
- The Little Ice Age : re-evaluation of an evolving concept (1)
- A 2000- year context for modern climate change
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Actuel ; Changement climatique ; Changement global ; Circulation atmosphérique ; Convergence intertropicale ; Effet de serre ; Hydrologie ; Paléoclimatologie ; Radiation ; Variabilité climatique
- Atmospheric circulation ; Climatic change ; Climatic variability ; Global change ; Greenhouse effect ; Hydrology ; Intertropical convergence ; Palaeoclimatology ; Present time ; Radiation
- The AA. concentrate on hydrologic and atmospheric circulation changes occurring over the last 2000 years. Here, 8 latitudinally well distributed (pole-equator-pole), highly resolved (annual to decadal) climate poxy records are presented
- that demonstrate major changes in these variables over the last 2000 years. A comparison between atmospheric C 14 and these changes in climate demonstrates a first-order relationship between a variable Sun and climate. The relationship is seen on a global scale.
- New high-resolution alkenone record of Last Glacial to Holocene sea-surface temperature change in the east-equatorial South Atlantic Ocean
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Abrupt vegetation and climate changes during the last glacial maximum and last termination in the Chilean Lake District : a case study from Canal de la Puntilla (41°S)
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue
- Climate change and variability. Special issue